
.'gO HomE'.
.'AbouT mI'.

Inuyasha InFo

.'InuYasha GanG'.
.'SesshoMaru GanG'.
.'NaRaKu GanG'.
.'OtherS ChaRacTer'.
.'MisC ChaRacTer'.

Inuyasha Gallery

.'Inu & Kag'.
.'San & Miro'.
.'Sess & Inu'.

Inu EPs StorY

.'Eps 1 - 26'.
.'Eps 27 - 52'.
.'Eps 53 - 78'.
.'Eps 79 - 104'.
.'Eps 105 - 130'.
.'Eps 131 - 156'.
.'Eps 157 - 167'.

Inu MoivEs StorY

.'MoviE 1'.
.'MoviE 2'.
.'MoviE 3'.
.'MoviE 4'.

...InuYasha Movie 1...

Affections That Transcends Time

The first Inuyasha movie, “Affection that Transcends Time” is a classic by all standards. The movie started off with two youkai searching for Sesshomaru, trying to take away his sword, which they mistook for the Tessaiga. Although Sesshomaru kills them without much trouble, they were revived later.
Then we go to the Higurashi family shrine, where Kagome is busying herself with making actual food for her companions. Then she dashes off to the well, only to find her friends missing. She rides her bike, runs over Myoga, and finds herself in the middle of a fight. Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, and Kirara are fighting an enormous scorpion youkai. Inuyasha isn’t fighting like usual without Kagome there. And Kirara gets hurt by the scorpion’s sting. But all goes well when Kagome shows up and gives Inuyasha a boost. They retrieved a shard and goes off to have lunch. Inuyasha angered Kagome by wanting to eat the ramen instead of the food she made, so Kagome sits him about a gazillion times and runs off into the forest.
Kagome sees Kikyo in the forest, touching the place on the Goshinboku where Inuyasha was sealed for 50 years. Kagome tries to hide, but she was clumsy and Kikyo noticed her and ran away. Inuyasha saw Kikyo’s soul-gatherers from afar and went into the forest by himself in search of Kikyo, only to find Kagome there, with her finger bleeding because she cut herself. This is the sweet scene when Inuyasha uses a hankie to bandage her finger. (Aww) And they started talking until a million moths showed up. Their dust had sleeping affect. When a lot of the moths combined, they formed this youkai called Menomaru. Kagome fainted from the sleep dusts, and Menomaru defeated Inuyasha. Menomaru wanted to take Tessaiga, but the shield on the Tessaiga prevented him from taking it. So he kidnapped Kagome.
Meanwhile Kirara has a fever because of the poison from the scorpion’s sting and ran off. When Sango and Miroku went to chase her, they met these two Chinese girls sitting on a log, and they took care of Kirara. But they were evil and put Kirara under their control. They used magic to bind Sango and Miroku with vines, and sent scorpions to sting them (hint). When Miroku tried to suck up the scorpions using his kazaana, one of the girl youkai cloned it. Finally they were rescued by Kaede’s arrow, and the girls escaped. But Sango and Miroku decided to chase them down and get Kirara back.
Kagome is now being controlled by the bad guys, and Inuyasha came to rescue her. They met up with Sango and Miroku. But Menomaru wanted Inuyasha to come. When Inuyasha used Kaze no Kizu and split open this orb, he let out Menomaru’s family’s ancient energy. Menomaru absorbed this energy and the whole place exploded. Everyone scattered. Kaede found the injured Kagome holding Shippo, Inuyasha and Myoga landed by the forest, and Sango and Miroku were tossed somewhere else. Kagome was still under Menomaru’s control so she hurt Kaede and went to kill Inuyasha, wearing a miko robe cause her uniform was covered with blood. So Kagome chased Inuyasha down, and no matter how much she fought to get out of Menomaru’s control, she couldn’t and she shot an arrow that pinned Inuyasha to the Goshinboku. Kikyo came and pushed her down the well, and the well closed up because Menomaru has gained control over another time tree. Meanwhile Menomaru is absorbing his family’s ancient powers and taking souls of people all over the land. Sango and Miroku decided to fight him and had to face those two Chinese female youkai and Kirara.
Kagome went back to her time. The Goshinboku was blooming flowers before stopped now because the time tree was screwed up. It was snowing too although it was only early spring. Kagome’s grandfather is chanting a spell to stop the snow, and Kagome is all sad ‘cause she hurt Inuyasha but can’t go back to help him. Then the romance scene comes in. Somehow Kagome was able to communicate with Inuyasha through the Goshinboku. The background is white, and Kagome was blaming herself. Then Inuyasha hugged her to tell her to stop blaming herself, and that he needs her. That snapped Kagome back to action and she decided to burn the leaves that were covering the well with a miko arrow. She goes back, and Inuyasha took her to fight Menomaru. Menomaru now is about as big as a building with two enormous wings. He sent out youkai from China to attack everyone, but they were easily taken care of.
Sango eventually got Kirara back, and together they defeated one of the girl youkai. Miroku was having a kazaana vs. kazaana battle with the other. But the other girl’s kazaana was bigger, so it swallowed her up. Then the whole group got back together to fight the only one left: Menomaru. Under Myoga’s instructions, Kagome aimed an arrow at Menomaru’s forehead and at the same time, Inuyasha released his ultimate attack, Bakkuryuha. That shred Menomaru to pieces and they saved the world. Woohoo!!! The movie ended with Kagome and Inuyasha sitting next to the Goshinboku in Kagome’s time, they were talking about how Kagome was able to communicate with Inuyasha although they were in different dimensions. Then Inuyasha asked Kagome to cook for him, but accidentally said her fried eggs were the only good thing. So she sat him one last time.

Inuyasha Graphic


Inuyasha Media


MoRe StuFF

.'InuYasha GameS'.
.'QuiZ QuiZ'.

TaGgiE BoarD


.'LinKs mI'.

ForeveR ShrinE © XiaO FanG. Layout © Jessica--InuYasha Kagome Mania
Layout provided by InuYasha Kagome Mania
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