
.'gO HomE'.
.'AbouT mI'.

Inuyasha InFo

.'InuYasha GanG'.
.'SesshoMaru GanG'.
.'NaRaKu GanG'.
.'OtherS ChaRacTer'.
.'MisC ChaRacTer'.

Inuyasha Gallery

.'Inu & Kag'.
.'San & Miro'.
.'Sess & Inu'.

Inu EPs StorY

.'Eps 1 - 26'.
.'Eps 27 - 52'.
.'Eps 53 - 78'.
.'Eps 79 - 104'.
.'Eps 105 - 130'.
.'Eps 131 - 156'.
.'Eps 157 - 167'.

Inu MoivEs StorY

.'MoviE 1'.
.'MoviE 2'.
.'MoviE 3'.
.'MoviE 4'.

...InuYasha Episode Summaries...

Episode 1- The Girl Who Over Came Time and The Boy Who Was Just Overcome
This episode started out with Inuyasha breaking in a temple trying to steal the Shikon Jewel. He got the jewel and jumped out, breaking the roof. He was in the air and someone called out his name "Inuyasha". He turned around and saw Kikyou drawing her bow and about to shoot. The arrow hit him in the heart and pinned him to a tree. He then lost consciousness because of the spell. An up close view of Kikyou, she was seriously injured at shoulder. Blood was dripping around her. Her little sister, Kaede, and some villagers came running toward her. Kikyou told Kaede to burn her body along with the jewel.
Now, in modern Japan, it was Kagome's 15th birthday. She was pretty sick of all the history her grandpa told her. While she was talking to her little brother, Sota, inside the temple of the old well, she was pulled into the well by a female centipede demon. The demon wanted the Shikon Jewel from Kagome. Kagome held out her arm and some kind of power came out and destroyed one the centipede's arm. She then landed to the bottom of the well. After she out of the well, she found herself to be in the middle of a forest. She then saw a familiar tree and ran toward it. She saw a boy with dog ears pinned to the tree. After she touched the ears, the villagers came and thought that she was a demon so they captured her and brought her back to the village. The village priestess was doing some kind of anti-demon spell on her so she would reveal her true form. She told them that she is not a demon. Priestess Kaede saw how much Kagome resembled her dead sister, Kikyou.
Later that night, the centipede demon attacked the village looking for the jewel again. Kagome ran toward the forest to get demon away from the village. Back in the forest, Inuyasha woke up saying that he smelled the blood of the woman who killed him. He then saw Kagome and thought that she's Kikyou. Kagome told him that she is not Kikyou, but he insisted that she is Kikyou because they have the same smell. But after Kagome came closer, Inuyasha can now tell that she's not Kikyou and said that Kikyou looks better. The demon attacked Kagome and got her in the stomach. The Shikon Jewel fell out of the inside of her body. The centipede swallowed the jewel and changed. Then it attacked again, in order to stay alive, Kagome pulled the arrow out of Inuyasha, freeing him. Kaede was surprised that Kagome can break her sister's spell. Inuyasha then killed the demon and demanded the jewel from Kagome or he is going to kill her.

Episode 2 - Seekers of the Sacred Jewel
Inuyasha demanded the Shikon Jewel from Kagome. He said that he hates the smell of Kagome and attacked her, missing her just by the hair. The villagers became to attack him with arrows and he stopped them pretty fast. Kaede knew it would come to this, so she began to chant some spell and a necklace formed around Inuyasha's neck. She then told Kagome to say a magic word that would let her control Inuyasha. Kagome was trying to think of a word. She looked at Inuyasha's ears and said "sit boy". Inuyasha fell flat on his face. Inuyasha wondered what that thing is and tried to remove it from his neck. Kaede told him that he lack the power to remove it. Inuyasha got angry and told her that he would come up and finish her off if she didn't look half dead already. Kaede then told Kagome to say the word. Kagome said "sit boy" and Inuyasha fell through the bridge.
Back at the village, people were repairing the houses that were destroyed by the centipede demon. Inside Kaede's place, Kaede was tending to Kagome's wound. Kaede told Kagome that demons and evil humans will be coming after the jewel. Kagome wondered why Inuyasha is there with them. Kaede told her that Inuyasha is now harmless with that necklace around him. Kagome wanted to know why Inuyasha wanted the jewel because he's strong enough already. Kaede told her that Inuyasha is only a half demon. Inuyasha got angry that Kaede talked like she knows him. Kaede told him that she's Kikyou little sister and that 50 years had passed. Inuyasha thought that if Kaede is this old, then Kikyou must be close to a hundred. Inuyasha was glad that he didn't have to worry about getting old at least not for a while. Kaede told him that Kikyou didn't worry either and that she died on the same day she shot him with the arrow. Inuyasha said that he didn't care and that's just one less thing he has to worry about. Kaede warned him that now she knows that Kagome is the reincarnation of her sister and now it's her job to protect the jewel.
Inuyasha was sitting on a tree and thinking about Kikyou's death. Kagome came and asked him to eat the food with her. She said that it's fair to say that he didn't like her, but it's not even her that he dislike, it's this Kikyou person. Inuyasha jumped back into the tree and said that she's only trying to trick him into a false sense of security. The next day, Kagome was wandering in the forest and was kidnapped by a group of thieves. They brought her back to their boss. The boss demanded the jewel from Kagome and started to attack everybody. Kagome threw the jewel outside to distract the boss so they can get away. Inuyasha came just in time to save Kagome from the boss' sword. He asked Kagome where the jewel is. The crow came out the boss' body and took the jewel. Inuyasha and Kagome chased after it. Inuyasha told Kagome that Kikyou was a master archer and she should hit the jewel with one hit. Kagome was angry and said that her name is Kagome, but still asked Kikyou to lend her her strength. After a few misses, Inuyasha dropped Kagome and said that she's not Kikyou. The crow swallowed the jewel and become bigger. It took a boy from the village. Inuyasha attacked the crow and cut it into pieces. The pieces and the boy fell into the river. Kagome jumped in and rescued the boy. The crow came back to life and flew away. Kagome took it leg that was still hooked on the boy and attached it to an arrow and shot at the crow. She hit it along with the jewel and shattered the jewel into pieces. The jewel fragments scattered everywhere. Boy, was Inuyasha pissed when he found out.

Episode 3 - Down the Rabbit Hole and Back Again
Kagome was taking a bath in a pond. The water was pretty cold. Kaede was sitting near the fire and asked her to come out or she'll get sick. Kagome refused because she felt like her hair hasn't been wash in a week and she's covered with blood and dirt. Kaede sighed and Inuyasha can be seen sitting in a tree, looking down at them. Kagome was swimming under water and was thinking about all that had happened. A flash back of her conversation with Kaede and Inuyasha after the jewel was broken. Kaede said that it only take one shard of the jewel, in the wrong hand, to bring disaster. Kagome was sorry for breaking the jewel. Kaede told Kagome and Inuyasha that only by working together that they can recover the jewel shards.
Inuyasha had no problem with this because he's one of the wrong hands Kaede was talking about. Kagome just wanted to go back home. After she got out of the pond, she looked up and saw Inuyasha staring down at her. She screamed "sit boy". Inuyasha felt face down in the dirt. Kagome thought that he's a pig for watching her. Inuyasha explained that the real reason he was there was not to watch her, but to steal the jewel shard. Kaede reminded him that only Kagome can see the shards and only he has the strength to bring the shards back. Inuyasha said that he can put up with anything for the jewel. Kagome then appeared, dressed in priestess clothing and said to Inuyasha, "You really do hate me, don't you." Inuyasha looked at her and was reminded of Kikyou. He stared at Kagome with a really weird, funny face. Kaede turned to him and asked what's wrong now, but he just slide a few steps back away from Kagome.
The next scene was in a place full of skulls. A girl can be seen and she was pretty happy that the jewel had resurface after 50 yrs. She was almost given up hope. Back to the pond scene, Kaede left with a woman, something about her daughter being sick. Inuyasha and Kagome were now alone. Inuyasha asked her to get undress. Kagome hit him on the head with a pretty big rock. Inuyasha yelled "I didn't say get naked, stupid. I just can't stand seeing you in those clothes." Kagome said "Why? It is because I look like Kikyou." Inuyasha denied and said that it got nothing to do with it. Kagome thought that even her little brother is more mature. Kagome said that she didn't want to do this either, but they have to work together. Inuyasha said that he doesn't have to do anything. It was her who needed him. Kagome was mad and started to leave to go home. Inuyasha wanted her to give the jewel shard to him before leaving. She refused and said "sit boy". She was pretty pissed off that Inuyasha never once use her name. Scene changed to Kaede and a village woman going to see her daughter. Her daughter collapsed that morning without warning. Kaede sensed something was wrong. The girl was lifted up in the air. Kaede saw hairs holding her up. Suddenly a knife flew to the girl's hand and there was slaughter movement.
Kagome arrived at the well and looked inside it. She saw demon bones and was too scare to go in. After she stand up, her cheek got a small cut from a hair string. Yura then appeared and was amaze that Kagome can see the hair, but seeing is not enough. Back to Inuyasha, he was running toward Kaede's village and saw the girls floating in the air holding sickles and they were advancing toward him. Scene changed to Kagome, the demon girl introduced herself as Jura of the Hair and attacked Kagome with hairs. She toke the jewel pouch from Kagome, but can only find one jewel fragment inside. She asked Kagome where the rest of the jewel. Jura then attacked Kagome with her sword. Kagome felt backward into the wall. She disappeared and Jura thought it was strange.
The girls were surrounding Inuyasha and he was ready to fight. An injured Kaede appeared and told him not to fight the girls because they were being controlled. The girls attacked Inuyasha. Kaede told him to watch out for the hairs, but Inuyasha couldn't see them. Jura can be seen somewhere else controlling the hair. After Inuyasha won the fight, he carried Kaede to safety. Jura can be seen swinging using hair and she wanted Inuyasha's pretty silver hair. Kaede told Inuyasha that Kagome can also see the hair so he must find her. Kagome now back in her own time. She saw her grandpa and brother. They were looking her. Kagome hugged her grandpa and cried.
Inuyasha was digging a hole and placed Kaede in it. He then covered it up. Kaede said that she was resting, not dead. Inuyasha told her to think it as a hiding place. Kaede made him promise not to forget where he had left her. Inuyasha ran off to find Kagome and was pissed that she left just when he needed her. The episode ended with Kagome taking a nice, relaxing bath with shampoo.

Episode 4 - Yura of the Demon Hair
Kagome's first dinner back home is interrupted by Inuyasha, who comes to bring her back to the past. Before they return, Inuyasha gives Kagome his kimono for protection. Meanwhile, Yura anticipates Kagome and Inuyasha's arrival. As Inuyasha and Kagome leave the well, Kagome notices that the well is surrounded by strands of hair. Kagome concludes that if they follow the hairs it'll lead them to Yura. On their way to Yura, Inuyasha and Kagome discover a group of samurais who fell into Yura's trap. Seeing a bow and arrow, Kagome takes them. The two continue on their way. When they reach Yura's hideout they are attacked by masses of hair. Inuyasha fights the hair and eventually gets captured by it. Then Yura appears and tells Inuyasha that she heard he was some half-demon that served a priestess years ago, which he denies. Inuyasha attempts to hit her but she sends more hair at him which causes him to become more tangled in it. Yura admires Inuyasha's hair, but notices how little Inuyasha takes care of it. Inuyasha swings at Yura, she dodges and then slices him with her sword. Yura licks his blood off her sword and jumps at him again. However, Kagome fires an arrow at Yura, Yura barely dodges the arrow. Kagome threatens to shoot again. Inuyasha tells her to stay out of it. Yura then decides to take Kagome's hair, even though it's nothing special. Angered by this statement, Kagome fires another arrow which hits Yura's big hair-ball home causing her "precious" skulls to fall out and narrowly misses Inuyasha. Yura, angered by this, decides to kill Kagome. Yura uses her comb to send streams of fire at Kagome. Kagome is engulfed in flames.
Yura asks Inuyasha how he feels about what she did to Kagome. Inuyasha then uses the blood from his previous wound to perform his Blades of Blood (Hijinketsou) technique. The attack cuts off Yura's sword-bearing hand (which remains suspended due to hair), which causes the hair restraining him is loosening. Inuyasha performs "Blades of Blood" again, but Yura uses the skulls that fell from her house to block it. The disembodied sword hand appears behind Inuyasha and stabs him through the chest. The hand then reattaches itself to Yura's arm. Yura mocks Inuyasha for being a weak half demon. As Yura swings her sword to go in for the kill, Inuyasha sticks his arm through her chest. The shard then falls to the ground, and Yura then steps on Inuyasha's hand as he reaches for it. Yura then feels a tug one of her hairs and sees that Kagome is climbing up the hair mound. Yura shakes her off it. Inuyasha wonders if Kagome is getting close to something she doesn't want them find. Kagome then sees a red skull. Yura then attacks Kagome, but Kagome is saved by Inuyasha's "Blades of Blood". Yura then moves into kill Inuyasha proclaiming her immortality. However, Yura soon stops dead in her tracks as Kagome uses an arrow to try and puncture the red skull. When Kagome pierces the skull, Yura dies. Kagome reclaims the Shikon shard. Inuyasha then addresses Kagome by her first name for the first time and the two walk off. Meanwhile, Kaede hopes that Inuyasha remembered where he buried her.

Episode 5 - Aristocratic Assassin, Sesshomaru
Under the light of the full moon a demon, named Sesshomaru, who is in search of "the fang" attacks a tomb guarded by wolves. After slaying the wolves, he discovers that "the fang" isn't there when his assistant's, Jaken, Staff of Heads screams. The two then depart to find "the fang". Meanwhile the guardian of the tomb, Myoga the flea, departs on the back of a wolf to warn Inuyasha. Later on, Sesshomaru and Jaken attack a group of samurais and takes one of their boats. On the boat, Jaken suggests that Inuyasha might know the location of the fang. Sesshomaru is angered by that suggestion. Jaken explains that there are rumors of him being freed from the seal that was cast upon him by a priestess 50 years ago (see episode 1). The next day, as Kagome returns to the village on her bike she recounts her adventures in the past (see episodes 1,2,3 and 4). Kagome finds Inuyasha on a tree and tells him that she's arrived to treat his wounds (see episode 4), but Inuyasha shows her that he's already healed!
Inuyasha then notices that Myouga (the flea from the grave Sesshomaru attacked) is sucking his blood. Inuyasha slaps him and he falls off his chest. Later, Myoga informs Inuyasha, Kagome and Kaede of what that someone is trying to dig up the grave of Inuyasha's father. But the one he was guarding was just a fake one and the real one is in an unknown location. Inuyasha explains he remembers little of his father. Kagome asks about Inuyasha's mother but before Myoga can divulge much about her, Inuyasha steps on him explaining that his mother's died a long time ago and walks out of Kaede's hut. Kagome leaves to find Inuyasha. Kagome finds him on a tree. She realizes that Inuyasha's mother must've been human to make him a half-demon and he must hate her for it. Inuyasha jumps down to protect Kagome from a strong wind that began to blow. Inuyasha and Kagome then notice a carriage in the sky and in it is Inuyasha's mother!
Suddenly, a giant ogre grabs the carriage and crushes it. Inuyasha runs up to attack but greeted by the flames from Jaken's staff. Sesshomaru then appears and reveals himself to be Inuyasha's brother! Sesshomaru asks Inuyasha if he knows the location of their father's grave. Inuyasha informs him that he doesn't know where it is. Sesshomaru has the ogre inflict more pain on Inuyasha's mother, who Sesshomaru brought back from the dead. An angered Inuyasha frees his mother by cutting of the ogre's arm. The ogre tries to retrieve Inuyasha's mother. The mother then releases a ball that teleports Inuyasha, Kagome and herself to a beautiful garden by a lake. Inuyasha's mother tells him that she'll be returning to the realm of dead. As she hugs him goodbye, a paralyzed Kagome notices that the reflection of Inuyasha's mother in the lake has no face!

Episode 6 - Tetsusaiga, The Phantom Sword
Under the light of the moon, people from the village search for Kagome. Meanwhile in the present, Kagome's mother prepares her bike for use by Kagome in case she needs it. Back in the Sengoku Jidai, A paralyzed Kagome is shocked to see that Inuyasha's mother reflection! As Inuyasha and his mother prepare to depart, Inuyasha flashes back to a time in his childhood in which he was being hugged my his mother. Inuyasha's mother then hugs him and digs her hand into his back. The scene soon changes to night and in the "World of the Living" and Kagome sees that she's in chains. Myouga appears and sees that Kagome is under some type of spell, as he tries to break it he's tempted by her cheek and starts to suck her blood. Apparently this act breaks the spell and Kagome is able to slap Myouga off her. Suddenly, Jaken approaches and warns Inuyasha's mother, A Muonna, that absorbing him too fast will kill him.
In the depths of Inuyasha's soul, the Muonna asks Inuyasha the location of his father's grave, which he doesn't know. Eventually, the Muonna sees a black pearl and informs Jaken that the grave is in the "Right Black Pearl". Bewildered by that, Jaken orders that Inuyasha's soul be probed further (which would cause his soul to break). The Muonna proceeds which hurts Inuyasha. Kagome the assaults Jaken with his own staff. The Muonna begins back away (with Inuyasha still being absorbed by her). Myouga tells Kagome to break the spell, Kagome sees the reflection of Inuyasha and the Muonna hugging in the water. Kagome stirs the water and breaks the spell. Sesshomaru appears and informs Inuyasha that he now knows the location of their father's grave! Sesshomaru then extracts Inuyasha's right pupil. Inuyasha charges at Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru attacks Inuyasha with his energy rope. As Sesshomaru goes in for the finishing blow, the Muonna shields Inuyasha from the blow, which ends her life.
Using Jaken's Staff on the pupil, Sesshomaru opens a portal in the grave of their father. The two groups enter portal and a whisked away into grave. They enter the large remains of Inuyasha's father, where Tetsusaiga (the sword Sesshomaru wants) is located. In the pit of the father's stomach, Tetsusaiga sticks out of a golden platform. Sesshomaru attempts to pull the sword out but fails; Sesshomaru deduces that the father put a barrier up around the sword. Inuyasha then appears and orders Sesshomaru to leave. Myouga shows Inuyasha the sword. Inuyasha mocks it since it is old and rusty and refuses to use it. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru begin to fight. Kagome tells Inuyasha to pull sword just to anger Sesshomaru. Inuyasha agrees to, just to anger Sesshomaru. Inuyasha attempts to pull the sword out but fails. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru resume their battle. As Jaken moves to help Sesshomaru, Kagome attacks him. Jaken thrusts his staff at her, she blocks it a reaches back to the sword. Just as Sesshomaru is about to kill Inuyasha, Kagome pulls out the sword.

Episode 7 - Showdown! Inuyasha vs. Sesshomaru
Everyone stands in shock as Kagome looks over Tetsusaiga. Sesshomaru demands that Kagome give him the sword. She refuses, Inuyasha tells Sesshomaru to leave Kagome alone. Sesshomaru tells Inuyasha that he's inherited their father's love for humans. Sesshomaru then sprays Kagome with poison. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru begin fighting, once again. During the battle, Sesshomaru calls Inuyasha a worthless half-demon. This causes Inuyasha to flashback to a time when he asked mother what a half-demon was, which caused her to cry. Inuyasha now realizes that she was crying because she was worried about his future. Inuyasha then vows to win for the sake of Kagome and his mother. Inuyasha resumes his attack on Sesshomaru with renewed vigor. Kagome then emerges from a pile of melted bone, unscathed. Kagome gives Inuyasha Tetsusaiga. Sesshomaru then transforms into his true form, a gigantic dog demon. Inuyasha attacks with Tetsusaiga, which is ineffective. Sesshomaru emits poisonous gas from his mouth which fills the corpse. Inuyasha asks Myoga, who is packing his things, if Tetsusaiga has any power. Myoga tells Inuyasha that he should hold on to his inheritance and then leaves.
Sesshomaru resumes his attack on Inuyasha. Kagome (with Myoga in tow) and Jaken climb the ribs to escape. Inuyasha's attempt at escaping is thwarted by being paralyzed from Sesshomaru's gas. Sesshomaru bites Inuyasha and shakes him about like a rag-doll. Inuyasha then jabs Tetsusaiga into Sesshomaru's eye, Sesshomaru then lets go of Inuyasha (but Inuyasha still hangs on) and jumps out of the corpse. Myoga tells Inuyasha to finish Sesshomaru off. Which Inuyasha doesn't believe is possible with such a rusty sword. Inuyasha uses Tetsusaiga to try and cut off Sesshomaru's paw, which has little effect. Inuyasha tells Kagome that he's positive that he'll survive this encounter, but isn't so sure Kagome will. Kagome begins to cry and Inuyasha tells her to shut up so he can protect her. Suddenly, Tetsusaiga starts beating and transforms into a huge blade. With the newly transformed Tetsusaiga, Inuyasha proceeds to cut off Sesshomaru's left arm. Inuyasha then tells Sesshomaru that has no plans to give Tetsusaiga up to anyone, not even his own brother. Inuyasha then strikes Sesshomaru across the chest, causing him fall from the remains. Sesshomaru then becomes a ball of light and Jaken chases after.
Inuyasha, Kagome and Myoga return from the grave and Inuyasha returns his pupil to its rightful place. Later, Kagome fills Kaede in on their encounter with Sesshomaru. Kaede deduces that Kagome's special abilities enabled her to pull the sword out. Myoga disagrees, he thinks it's because Kagome is human. Myoga thinks in order to use Tetsusaiga you need to have a heart that cares for humans. Which explains why Sesshomaru was unable to wield Tetsusaiga. Meanwhile, Inuyasha tries to get Tetsusaiga to transform again. Kagome asks Inuyasha if he wants to know what he needs to do to get Tetsusaiga to transform again. He does, Kagome then asks Inuyasha if he promises to always protect her. He scoffs at the idea. She then pushes him on to a nearby bridge and tells him to ‘sit'.

Episode 8 - Toad Who Would Be Prince
As Kagome enjoys a refreshing swim, her clothes are stolen by a monkey. Inuyasha chases after the monkey upon Kagome's request. The monkey takes the clothes to a boy sitting by a tree. The boy thanks the monkey, Hiyoshimaru, but quickly notices that Hiyoshimaru didn't bring him any food. Inuyasha and Kagome appear and demand that the boy give Kagome her clothes back. Later, the boy introduces himself has Nobunaga; which excites Kagome, thinking he's Oda Nobunaga. But she soon discovers that he's Amari Nobunaga. Nobunaga excuses himself because he's on an important mission. Off in a village, a group of girls are being taken to a nearby castle. As this is going on, the villagers talk about the rumors they heard regarding the summoning of women. Nobunaga, Hiyoshimaru, Kagome and Inuyasha watch in some nearby bushes.
Meanwhile in the castle, a man's frog-shaped body is wrapped in cloth asks Princess Tsuyu if she's comfortable, she says she is. But when she asks about the women he's been gathering, he's angered and tells that it's none of her concern. That night, Inuyasha, Kagome and Nobunaga sneak into the castle. Myouga notices that the people in the castle must be under some kind spell, since they're all asleep. In the castle, Nobunaga searches for Princess Tsuyu. He eventually finds her and she is woken up due to Myoga sucking her blood. Tsuyu is glad to see Nobunaga, her childhood friend. Kagome notices that Nobunaga has a crush on the princess. Tsuyu explains that ever since the lord fell into a lake he's been different. Nobunaga explains that when her father heard the rumors he sent him to rescue her. Inuyasha hears the lord approaching and gets ready for battle. The Lord attacks Inuyasha. Inuyasha cuts the cloth on his face to reveal that the lord is actually a toad. Kagome detects a Shikon shard his right shoulder. Myoga identifies the toad as Tsukomo a lord demon. Despite Inuyasha and Nobunaga's efforts, Tsukomo runs off with Tsuyu.
Inuyasha, Kagome and Nobunaga follow Tsukomo and see that he put Tsuyu (and the other girls) into frog eggs. Inuyasha attacks Tsukomo with Tetsusaiga, but Tsukomo uses the souls to heal his wounds. Nobunaga frees Tsuyu from her egg. Inuyasha uses Tetsusaiga's dull side to knock out Tsukomo. The real lord takes control and is in disbelieve about his actions and asks Inuyasha to kill him. Nobunaga tells him not to, Inuyasha eventually agrees and tells Nobunaga that the rest is up to him. Tsukomo takes control again and attacks Nobunaga, who tells Kagome and Tsuyu to run. Myoga tells Kagome that Tsukomo's weakness is heat. Tsukomo appears in front of Kagome an Tsuyu. Using a candle and hair spray, Kagome sends a wave of fire towards Tsukomo, which chases out of the lords body. As Tsukomo is flying away, Inuyasha takes the Shikon shard from it. Tsuyu is happily reunited with her lord, much to Nobunaga's dismay. The next day, Kagome and Inuyasha say farewell to Nobunaga.

Episode 9 - Enter Shippo Plus, The Amazing Thunder Brothers!
The episode starts out with InuYasha, Kagome and Myoga sitting in a field (which Kagome learns is an old battlefield, as there are bones everywhere), and Kagome has just made a meal. InuYasha seems to be enjoying the food, and Kagome is telling him and Myoga about the future, and what kinds of things they have in the future. InuYasha and Myoga have a hard time understanding such futuristic things, but hey, they’re just living in the past!
The sky darkens and Shippo appears as a big pink balloon-looking thing. He then transforms into his little half-human, half-fox form. He says that he wants the Shikon shards, and creates a small statue using a spell, which he then drops to the ground near InuYasha and Kagome (to distract them). When they turn around, Shippo is rummaging through Kagome’s packsack to find the shards. He takes them, but is stopped by InuYasha, who hits him on the head. Kagome looks after his head “wound”, and she learns that Shippo needs the shards because he wants to avenge his father. Two demon spirits known as the Thunder Brothers, Hiten and Manten, killed his father. Shippo creates another statue spell, which drops down and pins InuYasha’s hands to the ground so that he can’t move. The statue will only disappear when the spell scroll is peeled off of it.
Shippo runs with the shard and is chased by Kagome, with her bow and arrows in tow. Enter Manten, who is an ugly looking monster, and he tries to attack Shippo. Kagome shoots an arrow through Manten’s nose (which stays there), and Manten then captures Kagome. Shippo escapes and, feeling bad that Kagome was kidnapped, goes back to enlist InuYasha’s help. He tells InuYasha that he’ll release the statue if InuYasha agrees not to hit him anymore. InuYasha agrees, and Shippo releases him (InuYasha goes back on his word and pummels poor Shippo). InuYasha then learns that Kagome has been captured, so he and Shippo go off to save her.
Kagome awakes to find Manten making a “brew”. He is going to use Kagome to make a hair potion that will bring back his hair (he only has a few strands left). Hiten (the older Thunder Brother) enters with a woman on his arm. He asks Manten what he’s doing with the girl (Kagome) and Manten tells him. Hiten gets mad and ends up killing the woman he brought with a blast of energy. He predicts the same fate for Kagome. Trying to think fast to save herself, Kagome asks if the brothers have heard of InuYasha, and proceeds to tell them that they won’t get any shards if they kill her. Why? Because InuYasha is in love with her and will tear them apart if they hurt her. They believe her and go to find InuYasha to retrieve the shards.
When the brothers find InuYasha, InuYasha is flabbergasted that Kagome told them she was his lover. In a really funny part, Kagome and InuYasha argue back and forth for a few minutes (Kagome is yelling down at him from her captive position on a cloud with Manten, while InuYasha is yelling up at her from the ground). InuYasha gets really mad, it’s great! Hiten says that whatever the case, he is going to attack InuYasha. InuYasha draws Tetsusaiga and prepares for battle.

Episode 10 - Phantom Showdown: The Thunder Brothers vs. Tetsusaiga
This is the episode where the gang has just met Shippo and Shippo wants revenge because the "Thunder Brothers" killed his father. Kagome has been captured and she is floating on a cloud with the bald thunder brother. He has Kagome up on a cloud and Kagome knocks him off but she falls too. Meanwhile Inuyasha is fighting the other thunder brother and gets a huge cut on his shoulder from the guys thunder staff thingy and the thunder brother and thinks he's all high and mighty. Kagome knocks off the bald demon's last hair and he gets really ticked. He starts launching lightning blasts out of his mouth. Kagome and Shippo run but get knocked down and the thunder brother starts to choke Kagome. Inuyasha screams,"KAGOME!”s as a last effort he throws tetsuiga. the brother he's fighting dodges it but inuyasha was not aiming for him.
It lands right in the other brothers’ back. kagome gets away and the other brother rushes to his hurt sibling. They have a long sorrow speech and the other brother gets real mad and swears to get his revenge. Meanwhile, kagome dropped tetsuiga and know Inu doesn't have it. The thunder brother takes his brothers jewel shards and fires a HUGE blast a Inu. Myoga tell Inu to use the sheath to defend himself. Inu does and is able to block the blast. They fight for a bit and the sheath is about to break when Kagome (using Shippo as a bow and taking the arrow out of the dead brothers nose) shoots at the fire wheels that allow the brother to fly. She hits and as he is locked in a final standing duel with Inu he fires his brother's brothers mouth blast at Kagome and Shippo and hits them full on. Inuyasha thinks them dead gets really really mad and finally kill the thunder brother.
He runs to Kagome and Shippo but they are not there. Then they apear with a blue light around the Myoga says that they are the spirits saying there last goodbye before they move on. Inuyasha gets really upset and grabs Kagome' hand is almost Crying don't leave me DON'T LEAVE ME. Then the blue light disapears and he sees Kagome and Shippo are fine and Kagome goes whats with all the Don't leave me stuff Inu gets real mad turns around and says "Just die I don't care if Your gonna die just do it." Later they are walking along a path and Kagome says to Myoga Why is Inuyasha so upset and myoga says Thinking that you were dead Inuyasha showed more feeling then He might have wanted to. Inuyasha turns around looking really angry and Myoga ducks for Cover and thats it.

Episode 11 - The Terror of The Ancient Noh Mask
In the feudal Japan our old girl pal Kagome is pedaling back to the Bone Eater Well when InuYasha rises up and orders her to remain and find the Shikon shards. She says she must go back to study for school tests, but he disagrees. He grabs a big gray stone in an attempt to block the well. Kagome, enraging, says "Sit" some times causing him to fall down several times and the stone crashes over his back. She goes into the well and carrying the Shikon shards inside a small glass bottle with InuYasha unable to follow her. Back to our days she takes a "shower" of some exorcising alcohol thrown by Grandpa, who was greatly worried about her not coming back, so that he made this crazy ritual to take her back, and he had successful in it!
Next day, she is at school when Houju, a handsome and polite boy approaches and gifts her with a pair of beautiful sandals. Kagome is immediately "sieged" by her classmates, who are in curiousity about if she'd take a while with him. Kagome says she has no time or purpose for this, but later she decides Houju is completely a guy she would want: someone who's the exact InuYasha's oppose. Among all this, Grandpa sees their shrine on fire and rushes into it. A very horrible mask appears from the nothing. It wants a flesh body. After the fire, Kagome comes back home and knows about the incident. Her mom says that will remain in hospital with Grandpa (who was levianly injured, with no vital risk) while Kagome and Souta stay at home. Meanwhile, inside the devasted shrine, that mask starts to victim the firemen who are in there.
Some later, Souta returns home. Both him and Kagome are watching the TV news: a firetruck is out of control driving thru the city and causing several disasters. Those human bodies the damned mask engulfs are ruining quickly, so it needs the Shikon shards in order to "survive" and live in our world. Kagome and Souta visit their Grandpa at the hospital, he starts muttering something about that Flesh Mask. Later at night, Kagome is studying and Souta asks to get free to sleep with her, but she negates it, ordering him to go back his room. Suddenly, that crazy firetruck arrives ignoring all police barricades and smashing Kagome's room wall (with Souta inside her room yet! Oh Heavens...). A brief cut to Grandpa: at the hospital he is able to yell "Oh, the mask, beware the Flesh Mask!". Back to Kagome and Souta, the Flesh Mask tries to get the Shikon shards, but she takes them first lacerating her hand with glass blades and rushes with Souta house-outside. Kagome tells him to call InuYasha while she distracts the evil mask. Souta jumps into the well, but he's unable to call the dog demon. Souta is crying nervously when suddenly InuYasha appears and Souta explains him the current situation. InuYasha and Souta decide to go thru the town rooves in order to reach her ASAP.
Only in pyjamas and bare feet (yeah, I've had the chance of admiring Kagome's bare feet again, hehehehahahahaaa!), Kagome is chased by the devious Flesh Mask into a construction site- I wonder she'd never find Robot Axel from Streets of Rage 3 in here !)- when InuYasha and Souta pop in. Before it, InuYasha charges Kagome from apologizing to him because of that "offense" she drove at him (see it at the very beginning of the summary). Kagome timidly apologizes to him and InuYasha delivers a punch, but he is engulfed by the Mask. Kagome throws away the Shikon pieces. Souta grabs them and rushes away, while the Mask turns her attention to Souta. Close to death, InuYasha breaks free and slashes the Mask with the Tetsaiga, terminating it. A Shikon shard falls from the defeated Mask and Kagome takes it. InuYasha asks Kagome if she's okay and Kagome changes her opinion about his rough lifestyle. On the sunrise, Kagome panics she'll soon have a test at school and could not study. With her foot soles black with dirt, Kagome runs back home and tells Souta to take the Shikon shards back home and InuYasha go back to past without the shards. Souta claims InuYasha cooler than Kagome tends to say about him. The episode is ending with Kagome back to her infamous schoolgirl vest while studying mathematics in a hurry to save time and do the test. Good luck Kagome, you'll have to need it!

Episode 12 - Soul Piper and The Mischievous Little Spirit
When we start, out InuYasha is in his time, impatiently waiting for the Steel Bees to fix Tetsusaiga, with Myoga spilling his wise guts about the terrors of trying to remove the sheath earlier than the bees care for it to be removed. Shippo arrives and is knocked to the ground, which precedes the arrival of 'Tatarimokke', whom scares the kitsune. InuYasha reminds the kitsune that Shippo is a youkai himself, and has nothing to fear on the basis of there being another youkai. Myoga relates the purpose of 'Tata' and gives us a little food for though before we're zapped back to Kagome's time.
Initially she's in school, but the important things happen when she's walking to some unremembered place with her friends and they stop at a park. Children and their mothers are playing with fireworks, and Kagome spots a little girl about to light another one in a somewhat dangerous way. The girl, Mayu, lights the twirling firework which is then sped on it's way toward the mothers and children. Mayu runs off, laughing, and Kagome runs after her saying that was not such a nice thing to do. Mayu is shocked that Kagome can see her, and there is a brief reenactment of the flames that consumed Mayu's body in life. Mayu disappears, and Kagome is left on her knees where her friends find her and ask what's wrong. She brushes it off, goes home, and then we see the next main event.Kagome is told to accompany Sota to visit his comatose friend in the hospital, and on the way Sota chats with her a bit about what happened to his friend and those that visited the friend.
At the hospital, Kagome meets the mother of the comatose boy and sees Mayu under the hospital bed. Mayu pulls at the IV's and sends things flying and shattering. Mayu's mother says this has happened many times before. Kagome leaves with Sota, who goes into detail concerning the terrible happenings around the comatose boy, and Kagome asks to see the apartment in which his older sibling, Mayu, perished. Once there, a helpful Mayu drops a pot on the siblings, jumps off the high balcony, proclaims her wish for vengeance, sends vegetation flying, and annoys 'Tata'.
Kagome returns to the past to ask for Myoga's helpful information, is told by InuYasha that ghosts are completely different than youkai, and is greeted by the sight of Kagome having left half-way through his speech. Kagome plans on returning to the hospital, and catches the mother on her way out. Something goes wrong in the comatose boy's room, and they rush back up through the hospital. They enter the room to find Mayu in the room, and everything gets worse. She slams her mother to the hallway wall without touching her, proclaims once more her incredible hatred of both parent and sibling, and then rocks Kagome's world and forces the hospital bed to spill out the window she had earlier broken.
Kagome at first believes the comatose boy to be a goner, but InuYasha had appeared to save the boy and was hanging from the newly reformed Tetsusaiga's sheath that was dug into the outer walls of the hospital building. He and Kagome set off to chase down Mayu as she is dragged back to the site of her death by 'Tata', and he warns her that he knows nothing of handling ghosts. They arrive at the burned out apartment, and Kagome is still on InuYasha's back as they enter.
Kagome disappears from InuYasha's back because the hell Mayu is being dragged into is one meant only for humans. As InuYasha was not currently in a human state, or perhaps merely because he is hanyou and thusly half youkai, Kagome was the only one of the pair allowed access. She then finds the little girl, who proclaims her hatred for her mother and the desire for her brother's death or something of the like for the umpteenth time, and is promptly wrapped in chains and dragged into a crevice to hell. Kagome prevents her from being dragged into the depths by grabbing onto the young child's arms and telling her that this wasn't what she really wanted except in much different context.
Mayu eventually starts crying after asking Kagome if her mother was mad at her. So sad, but the little girl is able to let go of her fear/hatred and the chains dragging her to hell break. Kagome pulls her up, and then we cut to the next day when the little girl's mother visits the apartment and sees the child. They more or less make up, and then the little girl goes off playing with 'Tata'. She pays Kagome a visit in the kimono her mother had made for her before, well, going away. InuYasha more or less commends her on how she handled the situation.

Episode 13 - The Mystery of the New Moon and Black Haired Inuyasha
It all started when inuyasha kagome and shippou were floating down the river. Inuyashas acting very weird he then sees a spiderhead trying to kill a young women inuyasha sees this and when the spiderhead pushes the young girl off the cliff inuyasha jumps just in the nick of time. The young girl does not like demons because her parents were killed by them. So when inuyasha catches her she makes both of them fall in the river inuyasha not likein this sits out of the group will kagome fixes the young girls wounds. The girl takes the three to her village their they meet her master whos taught her not to trust demons. he invites the three to stay . Kagome asked inuyasha why he wants to leave so badly he just says he's going out side to sleep tonight then he notices that their surrounded bye spiderhead all of a sudden his tetsiagas not transforming so they run into the woods thats when Kagome sees that inuyashas white hair fell out and was replaced with black hair.
Thats when myouga the flea pops up to tell kagome about inuyashas human form. (Once a every new moon he turns human and loses all his demon powers and is in grave danger to greater enemys. After that kagome relizes that she forgot her backpack that had the secret jewel shards inuyasha did NOT take this to well he tells kagome to stay here will him and shippou goes in and gets the secret jewel shards(shippou almost doesnt go but inuyasha makes him)when they get to the priest hes in his demon form then he discovers the jewel shards shippou quikly tries to grabe the secret jewels shards but he only gets a few of them and the master spiderhead hets three or four of them. inuyasha tries to attack but hes no match and hets piosond and stuck in the web and drops the sheff of the tetsiaga kagome quikly gets the sheff and frees inuyasha with it then quikly hets the young girl and shippou to get inuyasha into the room then myouga the fles tells kagome to throw the sheff at the door. which put a barrier around the room to protect them but only for a while.
when their safe inuyasha wakes up and asked kagome why she was cryin she said she thought she was goin to lose him.he then askes kagome if he can lay on her knees she said yes then he says she smells nice. she gets way freaked out and says i thought u couldent stand her smell and before he passed out he says it was a lie . then the master spiderhead gets into the room they run just in the nick of time then just before the sun rises inuyasha goes up to the master spiderhead and thets his self het tooken away but just before he gets eaten the sun comes up its to late yelled the demon .Then inuyasha pulses and transformes into a hanyou then he gets his tetsiaga and slashes the demon to bits.when their back sailing on the river inuyasha makes fun of shippou getting sea sick shippou barfed on inuyasha.

Episode 14 - Kikyo's Stolen Ashes
It starts off with InuYasha having a nightmare about 50 years ago when Kikyo bound to a tree with a sacred arrow. He wakes to find himself sitting in a tree. He looks down to see Kagome sleeping in her sleeping bag peacefully. He jumps down next to her, care not to disturb her. In his mind, he says," Why do you so much like a dead woman, Kagome?"
Slowly, Kagome opens her eyes. She is by InuYasha's staring eyes and slaps him out of fright. She yawns and see InuYasha sitting there. She asks if he wanted to talk about something and he points to the red hand mark on his face. She asks if she slapped him and he yells," You're nothing like her." "Nothing like who," Kagome asks calmly. "You're not even remotely similar to her," he continues. "Remotely similar to whom," Kagome asks very fustrated now.
At that moment, both InuYasha and Kagome stare at the sky just in time to see someone flying through the air. InuYasha smells the scent of fresh and recognizes who it belongs to. He and Kagome zoom towards the village. There they find Kaede with her arm wrapped. InuYasha remarks that he's surprised that she is still alive. Kaede ignores it and takes them to an area which, they assumed, was the spot they were attacked at. Kaede tells them it was the shrine of her sister, Kikyo, and that rhe ashes of her bones were stolen by the witch Urasue.
Next, you see InuYasha sitting under a tree thinking to himself. He was remembering that besides blood, he also smelled earth and bones. Kagome appears and sits next to him. When he looks away, Kagome becomes fustrated a pulls on his hair so as to make him look at her. She angrily questions him about why hasn't he looked at her since yesterday. Suddenly, InuYasha grabs her hand and tells her in a calm voice that it wasn't what she thought. He moves her hand to the side and tries to kiss her. She gets scared and says very hurriedly,"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold the phone!" She accidently pushes him and her goes flying. He comes yelling at her about violence. She yells back about him acting wierd and both of argue untill they see Kaede walking toward them with a horse.
Then, Kaede, InuYasha, and Kagome set off for where Urasue laired. Kagome thinks back to when InuYasha almost kissed her and comes to a conclusion that he must have loved Kikyo instead of hatred. InuYasha sees Kagome looking at him and tells her that the look she's giving him looks like pity. Kagome only says she was thinking about something stupid. He tries to get her to tell him but she just tells him to shut up.
Later, they make camp for the night. Again, Kagome was trying to clerify that InuYasha was once in love with Kikyo but she could see how it could had been broken and goes to sleep to be ready for battle in the morning.
At the mouth of a cave, you can see Urasue chanting spells and put some sort os leaf on a clay shell-like casket. Using her scyth, she cracks open the clay shell revealing Kikyo's body. She chants yet another spell to recall Kikyo's soul and gain ccontrol over it. She tries to make Kikyo move but her body just hits the ground. Urasue then realizes that the soul must have already been reincarnated.
Kaede, InuYasha, and Kagome arrive at a bridge and sees smoke halfway up the mountain and assumes it was Urasue. They are crossing the when Kagome stops in the middle. The bridge was swinging to much and it caused her to become worrysome about falling. InuYasha grunts and tells her to go back if she's that scared. Shippo is running ahead when he sees lots of clay caskets. They all crack and revaeal dead village soldiers. InuYasha punches through them saying he wished all his enemies were are dull as the clay soldiers. Shippo uses fox fire to stop the ones coming up behind them. Urasue hears them fighting outside and sees Kagome. She then flies out there and kidnaps her then cuts the bridge in half to make sure they couldn't stop her and everyone falls down into the mist.
Finally, InuYasha and Kaede find Urasue. Kagome is inside a tub full of potions to force her soul out, but thanks to the jewel, it resisted . Urasue brings Kikyo out in her white and red clothing. InuYasha calls Kikyo's name. The jewel's barrier broke and souls came out of Kagome and went into Kikyo and that is the end of it.

Episode 15 - Return of the Tragic Priestess, Kikyo
In the return of the tragic priestess Kikyo, Kagome is lifted into the air by the demon Urasue. Urasue has plans for Kagome. Urasue plans to steel Kagome's soul and revive the dead priestess Kikyo. Inuyasha, Keade, and Shippo were fighting Urasue's clay soldiers when she attacked them and stole Kagome. Inuyasha adn the others had then fallen down the cliff and destroyed the las bit of Urasue's soldiers. They then go out to search for her. After that, Kagome is in a tub full of this potion which can suck the very soul out of her. well long story short, Kikyo comes out dressed and waits for her soul to return. during that time inuyasha and the others arrive and see Kagome in the tub and see's the rage of Kikyo's soul. Kagome says," Inuyasha".
They all see kikyo and then you can hear Kikyo's voice saying," do not call out to me, do not call out my name." Then Inuyasha says Kikyo and Kagome's eyes widen. Then the soul returns to Kikyo. Urasue says that she is Kikyo's birth mother. Kikyo walks to Urasue but uses some of her spiratul powers and kills Urasue. Kikyo then says," What are you doing here. I thought I had you pinned at that tree." Inuyasha says," well you did but I am back in the flesh and ready to take you on again." Kikyo stares at Inuyasha with hatred in her eyes. Then she goes over to him and says," we were never to meet again." then she does this zap thing to him which weakend him a little. Then she takes Keade's bow and arrow and tries to seal Inuyasha off again with her sacred arrow. But then Kagome's eyes open up and tries to call back her soul from Kikyo.
Kikyo's soul starts to leave her and go back to Kagome. Kikyo gets away from Kagome. Inuyasha then searches for Kikyo and see that she is heading for the cliff. Kikyo still has a remander of Kagome's soul within her but needs to stay away from Kagome in order to stay alive. She then slips and almost falls to her death but Inuyasha catches her and tell her to go back to Kagome. Kikyo says," If I go back to her, that means I will not exist anymore." She then looks at Inuyasha very mad looking and zaps him again which then inuyasha had to let go of Kikyo and she falls down the cliff. Then they have some of Inuyasha's past memories of him and Kikyo together. And he claims that she betrayed him. then Inuyasha is walking and falls down and says that what went wrong. This was not supposed to happen. meaning in his past he was supposed to live wiht kikyo in happiness but went horribally wrong. then it is the end of the show.

Episode 16 - Mystical Hand of The Amorous Monk, Miroku
As Kagome and Shippo drink from a stream, Inuyasha stares off into space (which according to Kagome he's been doing a lot lately) and thinks about Kikyo. Elsewhere, a monk, Miroku, goes to a roadside rest stop and hears a rumor about a girl at a local manor who's supposedly sick but a demon might be involved. Miroku heads to the manor and sees what he can do about the girl. While exorcising the room a weasel demon appears and Miroku notices a Shikon shard on the demon, Miroku beats the demon and takes the Shikon shard and the lord of the manor's treasures. That night while Miroku bathes in a hot water spring and notices a girl with a huge Shikon shard around her neck bathing in the other side of the spring. That girl happens to be Kagome. Miroku plans to take the shard then and there but when he notices that Kagome isn't alone he realizes that he'll have to find another way to get the shards. The next day Miroku uses the help of his raccoon-dog friend to distract Inuyasha and Shippo while he takes the shards from Kagome. But just as Inuyasha is about to kill the raccoon-dog, Miroku takes the cloth off his right hand and a powerful vortex starts sucking Inuyasha towards, ending his attack. Miroku takes off with the Shikon shard and Kagome's bike.
Inuyasha (with Kagome and Shippo on his back) follows Miroku's scent to a nearby town. Inuyasha and Miroku clash. When Inuyasha strikes with Tetsusaiga, Miroku easily blocks with his staff. When Inuyasha eventually knocks Miroku's staff from his hands, Miroku warns the on looking townspeople to run away. Miroku leads Inuyasha away from the town and removes the cloth from his right hand and opens the air void (it's like a black hole), which starts sucking everything into it. To prevent Inuyasha from being sucked in, Kagome jumps in the path of the air void. Miroku stops to prevent an innocent bystander from being sucked into the void. Kagome lands on Miroku (since she was in midair when Miroku sealed the void) and is glad to know that her assumption of Miroku being a nice person was correct. However, she soon discovers that he isn't all good as he rubs her butt.
Miroku explains that he's looking for the Shikon shards to kill a powerful demon named Naraku. Miroku explains that Naraku has the ability to shape shift and he used it to trick his grandfather 50 years ago. In their final battle, Naraku sent Miroku's grandfather's spell scrolls back at him and they caused the air void to form in his right hand. Naraku then curses Miroku's line by stating that the air void with eventually suck the bearer up and will passed from generation to generation until the whole line disappears unless he can manage to kill him. Miroku then goes on to explain that 50 years ago Naraku was tries to steal the Shikon no Tama from the priestess that was guarding it, but only managed to injure her. This perks Inuyasha's attention and he realizes that Naraku took his shape and fatally wounded Kikyo. Inuyasha then vows to kill Naraku for what he did to him and Kikyo. Kagome invites Miroku to travel with them gathering Shikon shards since if they keep collecting Shikon shards they're bound to run into Naraku. Miroku then asks Kagome to bear his child so if he dies, his family's mission can be carried on. Kagome refuses and Inuyasha gets irritated that Miroku would ask such a question.

Episode 17 - The Cursed Ink of The Hell Painter
A group of warriors chase after a painter, Koutatsu, in the middle of the night for his Shikon shard. However Koutatsu awakens some demons from one of his paintings. The demons kill the warriors and drink their blood. The next day, Kagome, Inuyasha, Shippo and Miroku stumble across the remains of the warriors. Miroku figures that a Shikon shard must be involved. He and Inuyasha then get in a little argument and Miroku decides to go and look for Shikon shards on his own. After sniffing the ink of a letter a nearby traveler was carrying, Inuyasha tells Kagome and Shippo that he smelt ink by the corpses. Meanwhile, Koutatsu is thrown out of a manor after claiming to be the son of a powerful man, when he's just a painter. The guards start to beat him up but they stop when the Princess tells them to show mercy. The guards then wrap Koutatsu in a rug and throw him into a river.
After Koutatsu gets out of the river, he eventually runs into Inuyasha who happens to smell ink *and* blood on him. Koutatsu escapes after he summons a giant ogre from a painting. Inuyasha easily deposes of it with Tetsusaiga. However the ink that remain knocks Inuyasha out due to its strong odor. That night, Miroku arrives at the manor that Koutatsu was kicked out of and claims to sense an evil aura (so he can get a room for the night) but as soon as the guards turn him away, hordes of demons from Koutatsu's painting attack. Miroku rushes to save the princess, but the demons soon disappear due to Koutatsu yelling "stop" in a dreaming involving the princess who became a demon. Kagome, Inuyasha and Shippo arrive at manor as Miroku enjoys his "Thank-You" dinner. The three pull him aside. Kagome tells him about the painter and that he has a Shikon shard. She also reveals that Miroku has three Shikon shards with him. The guards overhear this and tell their lord about the Shikon shards. Having hear rumors about the Shikon no Tama, the lord orders them to take the shards from Miroku while he leads a group of men to take the shard Koutatsu has.
Miroku sabotages the guards attempt to take the Shikon shards (and his life!) only to discover that the lord is leading a campaign to gain Koutatsu's shard. Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippo follow Miroku to Koutatsu's to prevent the lord and his men from dying at the hands of Koutatsu's ink demons. Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippo are the first to arrive at the scene. Using Tetsusaiga, Inuyasha destroys many Ink Demons. The rest are taken care of by Miroku who uses his Air Void to suck them up. Koutatsu is surprised to see his creations gone so he takes off on an Ink Dragon. Inuyasha climbs up the dragon and cuts open the bamboo ink container (the Shikon shard is in it). The ink dragon dissipates and the ink goes everywhere. In order to keep his ink, Koutatsu cuts open his arm to attract the ink. The ink enters his arm and drains all his blood, killing him, leaving only the Shikon shard and a puddle of ink. Miroku senses a strong evil from the shard which is purified when Kagome picks it up. The next day, Miroku is once again traveling with Kagome. Miroku comments to Kagome that Inuyasha is actually a nice guy because he didn't kill Koutatsu when he had the chance to.

Episode 18 - Naraku and Sesshomaru Join Forces
An unfortunate group of warriors run into Sesshomaru, who tries out his new arm on them thus killing them. Jaken in pleased with the arm's results, while Sesshomaru isn't. Sesshomaru tells Jaken to get him another arm. Jaken blames Inuyasha for this whole ordeal. The two are then approached by a man in baboon fur. The man tells Sesshomaru that he to hates Inuyasha. The man gives Sesshomaru a human arm with a Shikon shard (so he can wield Tetsusaiga) and a hive of poisonous bees (to poison Miroku, if he uses his Air Void). Sesshomaru asks the man whet his name is, he tells him it's Naraku! Meanwhile, Miroku lying about evil spirits inhabiting a nearby mansion scores Kagome, Shippo and Inuyasha a roof to sleep under. Their fun is soon spoiled when a large demon approaches and Kagome senses a Shikon shard quickly approaching. The four rush to the shard and are shocked to see Sesshomaru on top of the demon. Sesshomaru jumps down towards Inuyasha. He demands that Inuyasha hand over Tetsusaiga. Kagome explains to Miroku that Sesshomaru is Inuyasha's older brother.
Back to the battle, Inuyasha takes out Tetsusaiga and attacks Sesshomaru, however Sesshomaru grabs Inuyasha's wrist with his poison claw and starts melting his arm. Inuyasha uses his other hand to break Sesshomaru's grip and attacks again. Sesshomaru eventually gets his human hand on Tetsusaiga. He commands Jaken to awaken all the demons on the mountain. Jaken has large demon slam his hand on the mountain, waking hundreds of Demons. With one swing, Sesshomaru kills all the demons and takes a chunk of the mountain with them. Miroku decides its time for him to step up. Miroku opens the air void and starts sucking the large demon in. Sesshomaru decides that it's time for him to use the bees. The bees come out of the hive and fly into Miroku's air void. Miroku feels their poison instantly and closes the void. Kagome runs to the manor to get Miroku some medicine. Shippo and Inuyasha take out a bunch of the bees. After his "Blades of Blood" fail to do any damage to Sesshomaru, Inuyasha takes Miroku and Shippo and they hide behind the corpse of the large demon (half of his body was sucked in by the Air Void). Sesshomaru uses Tetsusaiga and destroys the corpse. Sesshomaru then attacks Inuyasha with Tetsusaiga, but his attempt is blocked with Tetsusaiga's sheath. Jaken is then attacked by Miroku who asks him how he got those bees which seem to be made specially for him. To avoid answering that, Jaken uses his Staff of Heads and shoots fire at Miroku and Shippo. Sesshomaru continues to attack Inuyasha, who blocks Tetsusaiga with its sheath, but that is soon knocked away. Just as Sesshomaru is about to move in for the kill, Tetsusaiga's transformation is broken due to an arrow that Kagome shot. She tells Inuyasha to run and warns Sesshomaru that she is her next target.

Episode 19 - Go Home to Your True Time, Kagome
Kagome tells Sesshomaru that she'll fire at his left arm (to get the Shikon shard) and when she fires, Sesshomaru dodges and attacks Kagome. Inuyasha saves Kagome and tells her to go and take care of Miroku and she does. Inuyasha attacks Sesshomaru. After giving Miroku his medicine, Kagome fires an arrow at Sesshomaru, breaking the armor on his left arm. However the next arrow she fires is caught by Sesshomaru who melts it. Sesshomaru uses Tetsusaiga to attack Kagome, who is once again saved by Inuyasha. Miroku beats up Jaken and finds out that Naraku gave them the bees and the arm. Miroku plans to open the air hole, again, but discovers that the bees are lying in wait for him to do just that. Inuyasha tells Miroku to take Kagome and run. He does, but before Sesshomaru can attack them with Tetsusaiga, Inuyasha grabs his arm, Sesshomaru then sticks his hand through Inuyasha's chest! Kagome wants to go back, but Miroku tells her not to. Inuyasha then rips off part of Sesshomaru's left arm, reclaiming Tetsusaiga. However, before he can attack with it, Inuyasha crouches to the ground, unconscious. As Jaken soon discovers, Inuyasha's guard is still up so if he or Sesshomaru try to take Tetsusaiga, they'll be blasted by Tetsusaiga. Sesshomaru realizes that he can't get Tetsusaiga and leaves. As he does the bees follow.
Sesshomaru figures its to get the Shikon shard. As Sesshomaru goes to remove the shard he realizes that the Arm was slowly swallowing him up. Sesshomaru rips the arm of and the bees take the shard and return it to Naraku. Naraku is disappointed that Sesshomaru failed. Sesshomaru and Jaken then appear behind him. Jaken accuses Naraku of planning to have that arm swallow Sesshomaru. Naraku states that is was the only way he could be sure that he'd get his shard back. Sesshomaru cuts him in half, but it turns out to be just a baboon skin. Naraku's voice is then heard from the clouds and it tells Sesshomaru that if he comes with another plan to kill Inuyasha he let him know.
Aboard Tanuki (Miroku's badger friend) , Miroku begins to feel better and Inuyasha just lays down, presumed asleep. Shippo fills Kagome about Naraku. She tells Shippo not to tell Inuyasha about Naraku until he's 100% so he doesn't go off to fight. Inuyasha lays down lamenting over that Naraku caused he and Kikyo to hate each other and then planned Sesshomaru's attack. Back at the village, Inuyasha takes Kagome to the well and tells her that now that Naraku has appeared they'll probably get into more dangerous situations. Kagome says that she knows. Inuyasha asks her if she was scared back there with Sesshomaru. She admits that she wasn't, Inuyasha confesses that when he though she was going to die, he was afraid. Inuyasha hugs Kagome and then pushes her down. And reveals that he stole the Shikon shard around her neck. He then pushes her down the well telling her she belongs in her own time. In the present, Kagome plans to go back to the past and give Inuyasha a piece of her mind, but discovers she can't because she has no Shikon shard!

Episode 20 - Despicable Villain: The Mystery of Onigumo
Inuyasha throws a tree down the well to prevent Kagome from returning, much to Shippo's dismay. Inuyasha goes off to find Naraku, but Miroku stops him, asking him how he expects to find him. Miroku tells Inuyasha that they have to stop and think. Miroku comes to the conclusion that Naraku might have split Kikyo and Inuyasha up because Naraku was after Kikyo. Later on as Kaede seals Inuyasha's wound, she tells Inuyasha and Miroku that she's figured that whoever split up Inuyasha and Kikyo did so deliberately. In other words, when they could have just taken the Shikon shard from Kikyo and ran, they didn't, they made Kikyo hate Inuyasha and Inuyasha hate Kikyo. Kaede can only think of one person, at the time, who would do that, Onigumo. He was a thief that was burned and sessile (unable to move) and Kikyo took care of him. One day when Kaede was tending to Onigumo he told her that he wanted to see Kikyo corrupt the Shikon no Tama. Kaede tells the two that after the Inuyasha's sealing, she went to check up on Onigumo. But when she got to the cave she discovered that it was on fire, leaving Onigumo trapped within. She then takes Miroku and Inuyasha to the cave. Once there, they discover the spot were no foliage is growing is where Onigumo once laid. Miroku also senses a strong demonically evil aura from that spot. Meanwhile at the well, Shippo is attacked by a bunch of three-eyed wolves. In the present, Kagome returns to school and agrees to go on a date with Hojo.
Inuyasha, Miroku and Kaede hear his cries for help and rush to save him. When they get there, they see that the once gentle guardian of the forest, Royakan, is how an evil incarnate who can spit out an infinite number of hell wolves. Off in the woods, Naraku sits on a tree branch admiring his plan. During the battle with the wolves, Inuyasha reopens his wound. Miroku then uses the Air Void on the wolves, but before he can get sucked up, Royakan runs off. That night, Kaede and Miroku seal Inuyasha and Shippo in a shed to give Inuyasha's wound enough time to heal. The two start chanting and keep the shed hidden from the view of a demon, so if Royakan attacks again he can't harm Inuyasha. Meanwhile, Naraku gives a frightened Royakan another Shikon shard, increasing his power. Royakan then attacks the village to find Inuyasha, but thanks to Kaede and Miroku, he can't see the shed with Inuyasha within it. It doesn't last for long, because Miroku breaks his chanting to save Kaede from an oncoming spear. With the barrier broken, Royakan attacks the shed destroying it. Now that he can leave, Inuyasha attacks Royakan. Royakan spews more wolves and now that Naraku's bees have joined the fight, Miroku is unable to open the Air Void. Royakan knocks Inuyasha back causing him to drop the large Shikon shard. But before Royakan can claim it, Shippo takes it and runs only to be chased by the wolves.

Episode 21 - Naraku's True Identity Unveiled
In the present, Grandpa, out of habit, keeps telling Kagome's friends that she has some disease when they call. Kagome reprimands Grandpa for lying when she's at home. Kagome then leaves for her date with Hojo. On her way out, she checks the well and wonders what Inuyasha is doing. Royakan knocks Inuyasha back causing him to drop the large Shikon shard. But before Royakan can claim it, Shippo takes it and runs only to be chased by the wolves. Shippo makes it to the well and hides there. In the present, as Kagome walks down the stairs she feels a Shikon shard, she rushes to see if it's Inuyasha, but it's not and when she looks at her watch she sees that she's late for her date with Hojo. At lunch with him she can't thinking about Inuyasha. Hojo thinks that she's still sick and is forcing herself to come. Kagome soon splits and returns home. In the past, Inuyasha fights hard to beat Royakan but just can't. Kaede figures that since Kagome isn't there, Inuyasha can't fight at his best. In the present, Kagome digs at the dirt at the bottom of the well to find the Shikon shard. In the past, the shard glows and Kagome returns to the Warring States Period, pleasing Shippo immensely. However the reunion is cut short as the wolves start climbing down the tree in the well.
A the Battle Field, Inuyasha senses Kagome and suddenly becomes stronger and easily knocks Royakan down. Inuyasha rushes to the well and removes the tree and shoves it into Royakan's mouth knocking him out and getting rid of the wolves. Kagome hugs Inuyasha and tells about how concerned she was. Inuyasha tells her that he didn't want he coming back and Kagome starts to cry. Miroku and Kaede are pleased to see Kagome return. Kaede tells Miroku how it's odd that the bees suddenly disappeared. Off in the distance, Naraku confuses Kagome for Kikyo. Kagome then senses a lot of Shikon shards. They all rush off in the direction of the shards. Inuyasha realize that it's Naraku. When Naraku addresses Kaede by name she concludes that Naraku is Onigumo! Naraku explains that when he was Onigumo he was obsessed with Kikyo and many demons were attracted to his evil thoughts. The demons then entered his body, becoming a part of him giving birth to Naraku. He explains that he was angered that Kikyo fell in love with "a worthless half-demon." Naraku then drove a wedge between the two. Naraku tells Inuyasha, that Kikyo died despite the fact that she could've stayed alive by using the Shikon no Tama. This angers Inuyahsa so he charges at Naraku who jumps into the air. Inuyahsa uses his "Iron Reaper, Soul Stealer" on Naraku destroying the Baboon skin revealing the true Naraku. Naraku releases a black mist that kills the nearby tree. When the two land back on the ground. Inuyasha uses Tetsusaiga on Naraku and his cuts of Naraku's shirt revealing a scar in the shape of a spider on his back. Naraku then disappears. Later on, Kaede assumes that the scar is all that remains of Onigumo. Kagome removes the shards from Royakan, who then skips off. As Inuyasha sits on nearby tree limb, Kagome wonders how the news of Kikyo choosing to die will affect Inuyahsa.

Episode 22 - A Wicked Smile; Kikyo's Wandering Soul
Miroku gets the gang another mansion to spent the night at, but this time he didn't lie about sensing an evil aura. They are there to protect the soul of the dead princess. Earlier that day, while teaching some children about healing herbs, Kikyo is approached by two monks, who believe she is a demon. The elder monk, Seikai, approaches Kikyo and "accidentally" drops a scroll to exorcise demons and asks Kikyo to pick it up. She does and after Kikyo picks it up Seikai notices that all the writing on the scroll disappears. As Kikyo and the children walk away, Seikai accuses Kikyo of being a demon and tells her to go back to her own world. Kikyo and the children just walk away. At sunset the four arrive at the village where the villagers are grateful to have priestess with them. Kikyo thinks back to her revival and her confrontation with Inuyasha. She then one of the children she was with, Sayo, if she likes her. Sayo does. Back with Inuyasha and the others, they've yet to see any signs of demonic activity. Miroku volunteers to look after the younger princess. He takes Shippo along with him due to him being cute, however the princess proves to be too much for Miroku to handle. Inuyasha and Kagome stay and watch the dead princess. Eventually, the princess' body rises from her bed and a snake-like demon enters the room and steals her soul. The demon is quickly killed by Inuyasha. However, they notice that there are more Soul-Stealers outside. Miroku comes running saying that it's time for them to go and the young princess chases after.
Sayo lies awake in her bed and figures that what the monk told Kikyo must really have bothered her because she wasn't her cheerful self afterwards. Sayo then notices Kikyo leaving the village, she quietly follows. Kikyo ends up by a lake and the Soul-Stealers deliver the souls to Kikyo much to Sayo's surprise. Seikai approaches Kikyo again, this time he tries to use a ball with a dragon on Kikyo. A dragon wraps itself around Kikyo, Kikyo gets angered by this and breaks the dragon, one of its claws goes into Seikai's neck. The terrified younger monk runs off. Before Seikai dies, he tells Kikyo that she doesn't belong in this world because she's dead. Kikyo notices Sayo, who is freaked by the whole incident. Kikyo apologizes to Sayo for having her see it and then walks off. The next day, Kagome is irritated that Inuyasha doesn't care about the whole Soul-Stealer thing because "he doesn't get anything from it." Kagome then notices the unconscious body of the young monk floating down the nearby river. She forces Inuyasha to rescue him (she pushes him in). When the monk awakes he mistakes Kagome for Kikyo and is again terrified. When he realizes that Kagome isn't Kikyo, he tells the gang about the evil priestess, Kikyo. Inuyasha is instantly intrigued and runs off to find Kikyo. Kagome, Shippo and Miroku stay behind to wait. After Miroku says something to upset Kagome she walks off. The sky suddenly turns dark and the Soul-Stealers appear with fresh souls. The three run after them, but only Kagome can get through a mysterious barrier that has been raised. In the barrier, Kagome sees Kikyo receiving the souls.

Episode 23 - Kagome's Voice and Kikyo's Kiss
Inuyasha arrives at the river the monk told him about and finds Kikyo's hair ribbon. Meanwhile, Kagome approaches Kikyo, who soon wakes. Kikyo is surprised that Kagome broke through the barrier. Kagome sees the Soul-Stealers arrive and deduces that Kikyo is the one stealing souls. Kikyo asks Kagome is Inuyasha is with her and asks what she is to Inuyasha. Before Kagome can respond, Kikyo paralyzes her calling her an obstruction. Inuyasha arrives at the barrier but can't get through. Kikyo has Kagome tied to a tree with Soul-Stealers. Kikyo opens the barrier so Inuyasha can get through. Kikyo tells Kagome that he is coming her, not Kagome. Kagome realizes that Kikyo still wants to kill Inuyasha. Kagome tries to explain to Kikyo that Naraku is to blame for her death, not Inuyasha. Kikyo doesn't care, she wants to make sure Inuyasha never forgets her. Kagome tells her that hasn't forgotten her, in fact he still loves her. Kikyo loves Inuyasha but loves her hatred more so she wants to be related to Inuyasha through their hatred. Inuyasha arrives, and can't see or hear Kagome who wants him to tell Kikyo about Naraku. Inuyasha walks up to Kikyo and is shocked to see that Kikyo is truly alive. Inuyasha realizes that she is the soul collector, she tells him that since her body is made of mud she can't move well without the souls. And that her hatred awakened her and is why she stays in this world. Inuyasha explains that even though she might hate him he has never, ever forgotten her. Upon hearing this, Kagome realizes that she lost Inuyasha. Kikyo hugs then kisses Inuyasha. She wishes she could stop time, he says its okay since its with her. Kagome starts to cry and tells Kikyo to let her go so she can leave. Kikyo then starts to suck the now unconscious Inuyasha into hell. Kagome demands that Kikyo stops because Inuyasha wants to live and kill Naraku for her. Kikyo breaks her spell on Kagome. Kagome tells Inuyasha to wake up. Kagome tells Kikyo to stop, this causes Kikyo's souls to leave her. Kikyo starts sucking Inuyasha into hell faster. Kagome tells her to stop. Inuyasha eventually wakes up and sees Kagome, he breaks away from Kikyo and runs to Kagome and kills the Soul-Stealers surrounding her. Kikyo realizes that Inuyasha chose Kagome and tells Inuyasha that she didn't lie about her feelings when she kissed him and departs.
Kagome tells Inuyasha that she saw everything and is going home. Inuyasha is confused by "everything." Kaede receives a visit from Kikyo. Kikyo asks her about Naraku, after hearing it all Kikyo leaves and tells Kaede that she noticed that Inuyasha's eyes look calm unlike with her. Kaede tells her that Kagome has slowly calmed his heart. The next day, Kagome returns home. Miroku asks Inuyasha what exactly did Kagome do. He tells Miroku what he'd do. Kagome returns to the past because she forgot her bag and overhears Shippo and Miroku asking Inuyahsa who he'll choose. Inuyasha wonders if can choose both. Miroku tells him that he can only if he's careful. Kagome just tells him to sit.

Episode 24 - Enter... Sango The Demon Exterminator
As a centipede demon attacks a village, the villagers call for the exterminator. She approaches and using her boomerang, kills the demon. She discovers that is had a shard on its body. As she leaves she tells the villagers that all the payment she need is the Shikon shard, since her village is its origin. That night, Miroku, Shippo and Inuyasha talk about the Shikon no Tama by a fire. When Miroku finds out that Inuyasha wants to be fully demon he asks if he'll be the same person. Since he wants to protect Kagome, which is why he wants more power, will he be a good demon if he does? The next day, Inuyahsa and the others arrive at the village were Sango killed the centipede. Inuyasha is shocked to hear that the Shikon shard is already gone. After hearing about the exterminators, the four leave to find the village. Sango returns home and is greeted by her cat, Kirara. Her brother, Kohaku, tells her that their father want to see her. They go to see him, Sango gives him her shard and he puts it in a shrine. He tells Sango that they need to find a someone to purify the shards since the one they went to 50 years ago (Kikyo) died. As the siblings leave, Kohaku is informed that since he's 11 he'll go out with the exterminators on their next mission. Later on, Sango assures Kohaku that he'll do fine. That night, Sango, Kohaku, their Father and some other exterminators arrive at a manor to kill the demon spider (no, not a Spider-Head) that appears every night. Off in another room in the manor, the lord's sickly son is informed of the presence of the exterminators that will kill the demon who's presence has caused his illness. The spider then comes from the sky and spits some webbing, after fighting through the webs, Sango easily kills the demon. The other exterminators then go to gather useful parts of the spider's body. However and piece of webbing attaches to Kohaku causing him to kill all the exterminators except Sango. Sango asks him why he did that and is notices that he doesn't recognize her. She notices that the web thread on Kohaku's neck connects to the lord. Sango goes to attack the lord, but is stopped when Kohaku stabs her in the back, literally. Kohaku then snaps out of if. The lord tells his men that the exterminators have gone mad and they should die. The guards shoot Kohaku, killing him. Sango is crushed but that soon ends when the guards shoot her. Suddenly, the lord's son kills his father, who was actually possessed by a demon. He orders that the exterminators be buried in the garden.
As Inuyasha and the others approach the village they see a swarm of demons in the sky and they follow. At the manor, Sango crawls from her grave, the son sees this and brings her in to his room. The demons attack the exterminators village, killing everyone. Naraku appears and the demons attack him, but they are just absorbed by him (like with Onigumo), Naraku then takes the shards from the village and leaves. The next day, Inuyasha and the others arrive at the village and see the signs off the massacre. They are approached by a huge cat, but after Myouga tells Kirara that she isn't threatened she reverts to her small cute self. Kagome decides to bury the villagers they do. Myouga tells the gang that he came he to find out about the Shikon no Tama but on the way here he kept on seeing images of a White baboon. Meanwhile, Naraku arrives at the manor and tells the son that the exterminator village was attacked and everyone was killed by a half-demon named Inuyasha. Overhearing this, Sango gets up and vows to kill Inuyasha!

Episode 25 - Naraku's Insidious Plot
Naraku escorts Sango to her village. However, due to her injuries Sango is having a hard time keeping up. Naraku gives her a Shikon shard to help her. Inuyasha and the others dump the corpses of the demons who attacked Sango's village into the cave where the Shikon no Tama was made. Much to Inuyasha's dismay a barrier prevents him from entering the cave. Miroku suggests that they find the remaining Demon Exterminators and get them to lower the barrier. As the group walks through the woods, they are interrupted by a large boomerang cutting down several trees in front of them, revealing Sango. Sango attacks Inuyasha. Miroku tries to draw Sango's Boomerang in with his "Wind Tunnel", but the appearance of Naraku and his bees prevents him from doing so. Inuyasha and Sango resume their battle. Miroku attacks Naraku and succeeds in cutting of his arm. As the arm makes its way back to Naraku it rips the Shikon shard off Kagome's neck. Naraku then flies off. Sango notices Kirara and tells her to follow Naraku (she doesn't trust him) she transforms into fire cat and follows after Naraku. Miroku also chases after Naraku. Sango attacks Inuyasha again, when Sango uses her anti-demon gas, Inuyasha cuts off her protective mask, and then carries her out of the gas. Sango stabs Inuyasha in the arm and then notices how much she is bleeding. The only reason she didn't know was because the Shikon was blocking the pain. She then faints. She remembers a conversation with Kohaku about being scared when fighting demons.
Miroku's pursuit of Naraku is halted when he reaches a ravine, however with a little help from Kirara he continues the chase. Naraku sees this and from him sprout many roots from his body. Sango wakes up on Inuyasha's back and Kagome explains that Inuyasha is actually good guy. Inuyasha arrives in the battlefield to see Miroku and Kirara fighting of Naraku's roots. She realizes that Naraku tricked her. When Sango attacks Naraku, he removes the Shikon shard, letting loose all the pain from her wound, Sango is thus unable to attack. Inuyasha gets into the battle and cuts off Naraku's head; but the body and the head keep moving. Sango tells Inuyasha that it's just a puppet (In other words it's not the real Naraku, but a minion to do his work.) Inuyasha destroys the puppet leaving only the Shikon shards and a little wooden doll with Naraku's hair around it. Meanwhile at the mansion where the real Naraku is, a wooden doll, just like the one with the puppet, breaks. The servants tell the young lord (who is really Naraku) that Sango and Naraku haven't returned. When the servants depart, Naraku explains that he knows what really happened and leaves his quarters and as he does he magically puts on the baboon skin.

Episode 26 - Secret of The Jewel of The Four Souls: Revealed
Inuyasha vents his frustration to Miroku about Sango being unable to tell them where Naraku's castle is. Miroku explains that Naraku probably made her forget, he also tells him that Sango has physical and emotional wounds to heal. Kagome finds Sango at the graves of the villagers. Sango offers to show Kagome and the others the cave where the Shikon no Tama was born. At the cave, Sango reveals that the barrier can be passed through only if your heart has regret towards those who died due to the Shikon no Tama. All except Myouga get through the cave. In the middle of the cave there is what looks like a statue of a priestess surrounded by many demons. Sango explains that the Shikon no Tama represents the spirits of Courage, Friendship, Love and Wisdom in everyone. Sango explains that the priestess, Midoriko, had the power to purify demons. A the end of a lengthy 7 day battle, Midoriko took the souls of the demons and put them in her heart, and then she ejected her soul and the demons' souls from, her body as the Shikon no Tama. Inuyasha assumes that the reason Midoriko lost was because she ran out of energy. Sango reveals that Midoriko's battle with the demons continues within the Shikon no Tama, so Midoriko hasn't lost yet. Inuyasha boasts that her struggle will be over when he uses the Shikon no Tama to become a full demon, thus ejecting Inuyasha from the cave. Sango explains that when her village got a hold of the Shikon no Tama, it was so desecrated that they went to a priestess named Kikyo to purify it. Miroku tells Sango that Naraku killed Kikyo.
That night, Myouga takes the Shikon no Tama and rides on Kirara to look at the cave. Myouga tells Midoriko that he does feel regret for those who died, but in his long live he has seen so much death that he is hardened by it. Myouga drops the Shikon no Tama, awakening the demons in the cave, Kirara transforms and combats the demons. Outside the cave, the others realize that the Shikon shard, Kirara and Myouga are missing and rush off to the cave. In the cave, Myouga sees Midoriko defeat the demons, but it is actually Inuyasha. After the battle, Inuyasha reprimands Myouga and then leaves. Kirara however, stays behind at rests at the base of the statue. Kagome then narrates over a scene where Midoriko stands in a meadow. Kagome states that Midoriko must've had a someone with her in the battle with the demons. As Kagome says that, Kirara appears next to Midoriko and the two walk off.

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