
.'gO HomE'.
.'AbouT mI'.

Inuyasha InFo

.'InuYasha GanG'.
.'SesshoMaru GanG'.
.'NaRaKu GanG'.
.'OtherS ChaRacTer'.
.'MisC ChaRacTer'.

Inuyasha Gallery

.'Inu & Kag'.
.'San & Miro'.
.'Sess & Inu'.

Inu EPs StorY

.'Eps 1 - 26'.
.'Eps 27 - 52'.
.'Eps 53 - 78'.
.'Eps 79 - 104'.
.'Eps 105 - 130'.
.'Eps 131 - 156'.
.'Eps 157 - 167'.

Inu MoivEs StorY

.'MoviE 1'.
.'MoviE 2'.
.'MoviE 3'.
.'MoviE 4'.

...MisC ChaRacteR...


Goshinki is the third offspring of Naraku. Though at first he appears to be nothing but a monster who kills everything in his path, it is soon discovered that he has the ability to read the minds of his opponents. This makes it practically impossible for Inuyasha to fight him. When he tries to use Tessaiga, Goshinki bites it in half, shocking everyone. Then, when Goshinki all but kills Inuyasha, Inuyasha's youkai blood takes over and he transforms for the first time. Goshinki knows he is doomed when this happens, because he doesn't stand a chance against an opponent who does not plan how to attack him, but just attacks for the shear pleasure of attacking. Later, after Inuyasha has destroyed him, Sesshoumaru shows up on the scene and takes Goshinki's head. he uses Tenseiga to bring life back into it and then commissions Kaijinbou to make a sword for him from Goshinki's teeth. The resulting sword is called Toukijin.



Juuroumaru is the fourth offspring of Naraku. Naraku unleashes Juuroumaru on Kouga while his mouth is still covered and his hands and feet are still chained. Even so, he is just as fast as Kouga. Sensing an even greater evil coming from behind Juuroumaru's mask, Kouga flees as fast as he can, passing Inuyasha and company on the way. Inuyasha and company are then left to fight Juuroumaru on their own. This is when Naraku shows up and unmasks and unchains Juuroumaru, letting loose Kageroumaru.



Kageroumaru is the fifth offspring of Naraku. When he is released from behind Juuroumaru's mask, the first thing he does is "kill" Naraku's kuyutsu. Kageroumaru looks like a little insect and is lightening quick with the ability to go underground. Kouga comes back to rescue Kagome when Ginta and Hakkaku 'remind' him that Kagome is with Inuyasha (whom he left to deal with Juuroumaru); and he gets there just in the nick of time, too, because Kagome was about to be killed by Kageroumaru, and Inuyasha was too far away to save her in time. Inuyasha and Kouga then cooperate somewhat, while slinging insults back and forth as they battle Juuroumaru and Kageroumaru. Inuyasha is injured pretty badly and Kouga's legs have taken some major damage by the time Sango comes up with the idea of using Miroku's shakujou and poison to get Kageroumaru out from below the ground. When Kageroumaru comes out, he returns to Juuroumaru (though no one knows it) and Kouga attacks Juuroumaru, thinking Kageroumaru is out of the picture. Inuyasha figures out what has happened and uses kaze no kizu on the both of them just as Kouga is being attacked. Kouga wasn't too happy about almost being killed and is not too reassured when Kagome tells him that Inuyasha only attacked because he knows how fast he can move.



Musou is the sixth offspring of Naraku. Musou is actually Naraku's first attempt at casting Onigumo's heart out of himself. Musou is born without a face, so he begins to kill people in order to find the face that looks like his own (Onigumo's). He doesn't remember who he is at first, but upon seeing Kagome he remembers that he "wanted this girl", thinking she is Kikyou. By the time that Naraku absorbs him back into his body, Musou remembers everything, and sincerely seems to be in love with Kikyou. Though he is still a horrible person who thinks nothing of slaughtering anyone he wants.



Tsubaki is a miko who became a kuro miko after she became angry that her master gave the Shikon no Tama to Kikyou for protection instead of her. She hated being second to Kikyou. To obtain eternal youth, she merges her body with several youkai. She also manages to use the Shikon no Tama that Naraku gave her to merge herself with an oni to become more powerful. She uses her shikigami to poison Kagome with her own jewel shards by coating the Shikon no Tama with the blood her shikigami collected from her. Then she controls Kagome's body and tries to make her shoot Inuyasha with her arrow, just like Kikyou did once. Even with the power of the oni she merges with, Inuyasha is still able to defeat Tsubaki. As the oni leaves her and she no longer has the youkai to keep her young, she ages and withers and dies right before everyone's eyes.



Bankotsu is the leader and the strongest of the Shichinintai. When he is resurrected by Naraku, the first thing he does is revive his men and the second thing he does is he gets back his sword, Banryuu, from the people who killed them. Bankotsu battles Inuyasha several times (to Jakotsu's irritation). The first time they battle, Inuyasha damages Banryuu and Bankotsu uses a jewel shard to fix it. Later, after all of his comrades have been killed, Bankotsu goes after Inuyasha for revenge, not knowing that Naraku had tricked him and had no intention of letting him live and leave with the jewel shards he had been given. In the end, it is Bankotsu's own greediness for power which kills him as Inuyasha uses Bakuryuuha, when Banryuu produces the jaki Inuyasha needs to use the attack.



Jakotsu is the member of the Shichinintai who is most faithful to their leader, Bankotsu and who obsesses over Inuyasha. He creeps out Inuyasha when he constantly tells him how cute/adorable he is. Inuyasha tries his best to kill him, but Jakotsu's sword, Jakotsutou, is very dangerous and very unexpected. Later, when Inuyasha enters Hakureizan and becomes purified (turns ningen), Jakotsu finds and fights him, almost getting the better of him. He's just a little too late, however, because Miroku and Sango are able to break the purity barrier and Inuyasha becomes hanyou again, getting the upper hand. Inuyasha doesn't kill Jakotsu, but leaves him dying in a cave; where Renkotsu soon comes to steal his jewel shard, killing him.



Renkotsu is the member of the Shichinintai who almost succeeds in killing Miroku, Sango, and Kagome. Renkotsu burns incense that immobilizes them, and then sets fire to the shrine where they are recovering from Mukotsu's poisoning. Then Renkostu and Ginkotsu gang up on Inuyasha, making it impossible for him to get by them to save his friends. Renkotsu is also the member of the Shichinintai who most dislikes Bankotsu. He believes that Bankotsu is too arrogant and doesn't deserve to be leader. In the end, Renkotsu is killed by Bankotsu when he battles him to prove that he is just as talented in battle as him. He is proved wrong when Bankotsu is able to remove all three jewel shards that he had inside him.



Suikotsu is the member of the Shichinintai who has the personality disorder of schizophrenia. One minute he is a very kind and caring doctor who gets sick at the sight of blood (bottom picture) and the next minute he is a bloodthirsty murderer (top picture). His evil side battles against his good side as time passes (because of his good side, his bad side cannot kill children). This really angers Suikotsu's evil side. Eventually, when Kikyou shoots him through the neck with her sacred arrow and brings out his good self, he begs her to kill him so he can rest in peace. Kikyou does not really want to kill him and is slow to pull it out, but Jakotsu saves her the trouble and uses Jakotsutou to take the shard.



Ginkotsu is the member of the Shichinintai who looks half-machine. He is equipped with bombs, blades, guns, etc. He begins in the series in one form, but when almost destroyed by Inuyasha, Renkotsu builds him a new body and he is active once again. He is extremely loyal to Renkotsu and later sacrifices himself (by blowing himself up) to protect Renkotsu when Kouga is trying to kill them.



Mukotsu is one of the shortest lived of the Shichinintai. For he is killed by Sesshoumaru after poisoning Kagome, Sango, and Miroku. Mukotsu blasts everything he has at Sesshoumaru, but Sesshoumaru is also a poison user and nothing Mukotsu has effects him in the least. (by the way, Sesshoumaru only happened by because he smelled the bones and burial soil scent of Mukotsu, not because he wanted to save Kagome and the others. But then again, no one knows what goes on in Sesshoumaru's head).



Kyoukotsu is the first of the Shichinintai who appears in the series. When he begins to attack the oukami tribe of the mountain, Kouga rushes to their aid and battles Kyoukotsu. Though at first Kouga has trouble fighting him because he's, well, huge, Kouga's sensitive nose figures out that the guy is already dead and being kept alive with a jewel shard. Kouga finds this jewel shard, rips it out of Kyoukotsu, and that is the last of the first of the Shichinintai.

Inuyasha Graphic


Inuyasha Media


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.'InuYasha GameS'.
.'QuiZ QuiZ'.

TaGgiE BoarD


.'LinKs mI'.

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