The Rainbow Diet – the best diet in the world.
The Research.
      I started speaking about cancer – how to prevent it and how to correct it - in 2002. Speeches have taken me all over the world; Japan, the USA, Australia, Russia, Germany, the UK and more. But then, I live in Thailand and France.
   The Rainbow Diet is the primary diet recommendation of CANCERactive, because there is so much research into the colourful Mediterranean diet from such a wide variety of expert scientists.


What people are saying about our book.
The World's biggest Rainbow Lunch.
This is the best book I´ve read in a very long time. I´ve learnt
a lot about good nutrition and I can honestly say it´s changed my life- and my family´s in that sense.
Thank you.

We want you to be healthy.
We want you to beat cancer (And actually all chronic illnesses)
We want you to enjoy your food.
And we want to raise money for our charity.


Rainbow Recipes.
The Rainbow Diet and Fish.  
   The four main ingredients are simple: Be healthy, nourishing, tasty and enjoyable.
Two factors set the Rainbow Diet apart from all others


 The Rainbow Diet and fishomega 3 comes in two forms, long-chain and short chain. Fish from warmer seas contains long-chain omega 3, the oil being a good source of two fatty acids DHA and EPA.   


The Rainbow Diet and Sugar.
The Rainbow Diet and Fat.
      The Rainbow Diet and sugar – common added sugar is linked directly, or indirectly through insulin, to all manner of chronic illness. Dementia, cancer, heart disease and diabetes for starters


     The Rainbow Diet and fat – Be clear. You need cholesterol.
And there’s good and there’s bad fat so you need to


The Rainbow Diet and Epigenetics.
The Rainbow Diet and Vegetables.
The modification of gene expression
Epigenetic is the study of changes in organisms caused by the,modification of gene expression, rather than alteration of the core genetic code itself


     “Five portions of fruit and vegetables a day”. Really?
No, it’s meaningless. Especially when officialdom starts to include French Fries as a vegetable.


Copyright: The Rainbow Diet since 2004, all rights reserved. A copy of this book and previous editions has been filed with the British Library since book launch. Chris Woollams reserves all rights over the content of books and this website.

Website design by Katch International; website hosted from the UAE.

The material on this website is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice or to be used for treatment or diagnoses.