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A 5 Star book - What people are saying about The Rainbow Diet book.


Book Review: , by Chris Woollams

Available only through UK and Australian wholesalers (15 pounds, or $23 US)

   This is the best book I´ve read in a very long time. I´ve learnt a lot about good nutrition and I can honestly say it´s changed my life- and my family´s in that sense. Thank you
                                                                                       Amazon UK (all 12 reviews gave it 5 stars)  

   "I´ve been involved with health and healing issues for nearly forty years.  Every word of Chris´s book rang true, and I´m convinced that the ideas in it are a powerful and effective way to optimum health. Anyone suffering from ill health or disease will find it a life-enhancing experience."
                                                                                                                                               Martin Shaw (Actor)

   The rainbow diet by Chris Woolens is a great read for someone who has just been diagnosed with cancer. And even someone who just wants to live a healthier lifestyle and try to prevent ever getting cancer. The Rainbow Diet will be my cancer bible as i try to get over this disease. I wish i had of read it years ago. Thank you
                                                                                                                                                           Amazon (UK)

   This book has definitely helped me with my fight against cancer. It is positive, very explanatory, and has given me the ammunition I need to try and control my life, and to look into the future, not just around the corner, thank you so much Mr Woollams!!
                                                                                                                                                            Amazon (UK)

   Check Out Chris´ "The Secret Source of Your Good Health" - about the    Gut Balance Revolution. CLICK HERE

   "I would just like to say I have found this website incredibly helpful and supportive as I go through my cancer and subsequent treatment. I have The Rainbow Diet and Everything you need to know to help you beat Cancer. They have become my bibles! You may have heard the awareness being raised about the importance of nutrition and cancer on two Radio 4 programmes this week. I, like the presenters, cannot believe how little is done in hospitals to complement cancer treatment. My oncologist too, has nothing to offer about diet when asked though I can´t praise him enough for his cancer speciality. To me it is such an obvious thing and yet if you don´t go out there and do your research you´re none the wiser!

   I think the work and dedication you, Chris, have given to this is quite amazing and I for one am grateful for all the hours that have been put into all the research so that I don´t have to do quite as much and because of the background associated with Chris I feel it is very reliable.

Best wishes and thank you."

                                                                                                                                             Janet (Breast Cancer)

   "I just want to tell you how amazing you are! Thank you for providing all the information that I have read so far. I am fighting cancer and you make me feel that I can do it. I have lapsed into some bad habits and am now picking up on things. Reading your newsletters renews my enthusiasm and of course the ´Rainbow´ book which is my bible! I call you my guru and pass on info to anyone who might need it. Too many friends are becoming ill with cancer. It upsets me to think that the powers to be are killing these people.
Thank you again and congratulations on your award. You deserve it!"
                                                                                                                                         Georgie (Brain Cancer)

   "I was diagnosed with breast cancer last May with a mastectomy in June. A family friend bought me the Everything You Need To Know book and my dad got me the Rainbow Diet book. Both amazing!"
                                                                                                              Paula Jenkinson (Breast cancer)

   "An Anti-cancer Diet: Hi, I went through 6 sessions of carbo/taxol last year and felt I wanted to do what I could do help myself, I bought the Rainbow Diet Book by Chris Woollams, juiced up veges and fruit almost every day and ate the full colour spectrum of fruit and veg, I didnt become a vegetarian but stayed away from dairy products and red meat and felt pretty good throughout, possibly because I had taken ownership of my disease a bit. Apart from anything else, I felt it helped alleviate some of the side effects of chemo. I drew the line at getting involved with any of the more radical herbal remedies because they can be very potent and may affect any of the different types of chemo we get and without full trials you can understand why they dont recommend such. Whilst my oncologist was very pleased at my healthy diet, as you say it was not something they automatically recommended, perhaps they should be. I am currently going through it all again with PPC and again I am following my healthy regime, perhaps i should have kept it going after I got the all clear last year?"  
                                                                                                                                          Harley (Breast Cancer)

   I reckon there´d be very few people sick in the world if we could all stick to this diet. The book lists all the various fruits and vegetables that can help the body heal or prevent illness. Pity the mainstream media is full of pharmaceutical adverts which are basically selling syntethic versions of the natural cures which we can all grow ourselves. Very well worth the read.
                                                                                                                                                            Amazon (UK)

   For Diet and Lifestyle when dealing with cancer: I have found this book to be really helpful and well written. The messages are easy to understand without too much of the technical or scientific background as to the reasons why some of our foods are not so good for the cancer patient. It has helped me cope with a diagnosis of breast cancer and to change my diet and ultimately my well-being

                                                                                                                                                            Amazon (UK)


Copyright: The Rainbow Diet since 2004, all rights reserved. A copy of this book and previous editions has been filed with the British Library since book launch. Chris Woollams reserves all rights over the content of books and this website.

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The material on this website is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice or to be used for treatment or diagnoses.