
The World´s biggest ever Lunch.

(Noodle salad with stir fry)

We want you to be healthy.
We want you to beat cancer (And actually all chronic illnesses).
We want you to enjoy your food.
And we want to raise money for our charity.

So we had this BIG idea.

We want to organize the world´s biggest ever Lunch.

   We are planning an event, on one day every year, where you can get together with your friends and hold
a Rainbow lunch to raise money for CANCERactivre. Oh, and show them what a healthy lunch really consists of You are even allowed a glass of red wine!

Just think. All over the world, on the same day, people will be holding a Rainbow lunch:


    * No added sugar or refined carbs
    * No cows´ dairy
    * Fish, game or fowl.
    * Nuts, seeds and Extra virgin olive oil.
    * A vibrant bounty of colourful vegetables and fruits.

For more information contact [email protected]


Copyright: The Rainbow Diet since 2004, all rights reserved. A copy of this book and previous editions has been filed with the British Library since book launch. Chris Woollams reserves all rights over the content of books and this website.

Website design by Katch International; website hosted from the UAE.

The material on this website is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice or to be used for treatment or diagnoses.