
and Sugar.

(Granola and berry compote)

and sugar –common added sugar is linked directly, or indirectly through insulin, to all manner of chronic illness. Dementia, cancer, heart disease and diabetes for starters.

   People with the highest levels of plasma glucose develop more cancers; and people with cancer who have high levels of plasma glucose survive least. Common glucose has been shown to cause cancer and to severely damage the immune system (LINK-

   American research has linked sugar to higher levels of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and blood pressure ‘beyond doubt. LINK - )

   So where is ‘added sugar (glucose and High Fructose Corn Syrup) typically found? The same American study showed 37.0% came from fizzy soft drinks, 13.7% from puddings and deserts, 8.9% from store-purchased fruit juice and smoothies; 6.1% from ice cream and dairy deserts; 5.8% from biscuits, cakes and chocolate bars. And that’s what is primarily causing chronic illness and has no place in our health, natural Rainbow Diet.

There are other confusing issues?

What about fruit sugars? Cancers do not have a sweet tooth for those according to research.

What about honey? Well, beware; more than 80% of honey is refined and contains over 50% glucose.

What about polysaccharides, typically in healthy medicinal mushrooms, whole brown rice, certain herbs, curcumin, apples and pears and so on. Actually, your bodies cannot make them and need them for the immune system to work properly and identify rogue cells. Your body has great difficult breaking the chains and releasing glucose molecules from them.


Copyright: The Rainbow Diet since 2004, all rights reserved. A copy of this book and previous editions has been filed with the British Library since book launch. Chris Woollams reserves all rights over the content of books and this website.

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The material on this website is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice or to be used for treatment or diagnoses.