
and Fish.
(Sea Bream)  

  and fish – omega 3 comes in two forms, long-chain and short chain. Fish from warmer seas contains long-chain omega 3, the oil being a good source of two fatty acids DHA and EPA.

   The benefits of long-chain and short-chain omega 3 are very different. You may find short-chain omega 3 in certain plants, like flaxseed for example.

   Research shows that long-chain omega 3, nourishes the brain. It helps mental awareness, and studies of teenagers taking daily fish oils show that they are calmer and intelligence is increased by about 11 per cent if they are long-term consumers. In later life, regular eaters of oily fish have less Alzheimer’s and dementia.

   Consumption of long-chain omega 3 also protects the telomeres at the ends of your DNA, important as you age and in diseases such as cancer. Staying with cancer, regular consumption of fish oils reduces the risk of cachexia when having chemotherapy.

Short-chain omega 3 in flaxseed helps provide fibre for your gut bacteria; it helps oxygenate the blood and is anti-oestrogenic.

So as you can see, they have very different benefits. Short-chain can convert to long-chain but only at about the 14% level.

Both long and short-chain omega 3s help make a healthy diet.



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