
   and Vegetables..

(Rainbow salad)

“Five portions of fruit and vegetables a day”.  Really?

No, it’s meaningless. Especially when officialdom starts to include French Fries as a vegetable.

Organic vegetables grown in healthy soil have six benefits:

  1. Fibre
  2. Vitamins
  3. Minerals
  4. Bioactive compounds
  5. Probiotics from the soil
  6. Untainted by poisons

  So what if you want to eat twelve portions a day? The more you eat the more bioactive compounds you consume and there is very clear research that the benefits are ‘dose dependent’ (the more you consume the greater the benefit).

  Plus, the bioactive compounds ‘multiply up’. So eating different vegetables containing different bioactive compounds has a huge effect on your health. Eating broccoli and tomatoes each have significant benefits with prostate cancer patients, but in very different ways – and it pays to consume lots of both.

And raw vegetables have a lower Glycemic Index than cooked vegetables, while tending to be more nourishing.



Copyright: The Rainbow Diet since 2004, all rights reserved. A copy of this book and previous editions has been filed with the British Library since book launch. Chris Woollams reserves all rights over the content of books and this website.

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