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Name: Yami Bakura

Alias: Akefia, King of Thieves

� � � Thief King Bakura

Race: "Human"

Gender: Male

Age: 5000 years (japanese version, 3,000 years)

Hair: White(silver, grey, whatever you prefer to call it)

Eyes: Brown

Height: ?

Weight: ?

Status: Soul within the Millennium Ring

Quote: "You cannot kill me! For I am the shadows...."
Voice Ted Lewis (Tsutomu Kashiwakura, You Inou, Rika Matsumoto)

Character Description: The much more sinister soul hidden within the Millennium Ring, Yami Bakura is the soul of a grave robber who had been on a quest to seek out the seven Millennium Items in order to throw open the dark gates that they sealed. But something went wrong. His soul became trapped within the Millennium Ring. As time went by, the Ring changed hands, until it eventually came into the possession of a boy named Ryou Bakura. It was around this time that the other Millennium items (such as Yugi's Millennium Puzzle) began to awaken to their power. The Ring (and this Yami Bakura) could sense those items, and so he began to "nudge" his host towards the items. When necessary, he can awaken from the Millennium Ring and take over his host's body, and this was how he and Yami Yugi first met. He had sealed Yugi Moto's soul in his own Dark Magician card, but this automatically caused Yami Yugi's soul to emerge from the Puzzle and set the stage for a dangerous Shadow Game. It didn't turn out so well for him, and he had to spend precious time getting out of the Shadow Realm before returning to the Ring...just in time to come up with a new plan. Seeing the vulnerable Mokuba Kaiba ripe for the taking, he tried to get Ryou over so he could switch, but Tristan unexpectedly set him back when he snatched the Ring and threw it away. By the time the Ring was magically returned to its keeper, his opportunity had passed...but a new one had emerged. He sought out the just-defeated Pegasus and challenged him to a test of wills. He knew he could best the powerless Pegasus easily, and with that, he claimed the Millennium Eye. As time passed, Yami Bakura could sense powers growing as the Battle City tournament progressed, but as he continued his search, another dark soul confronted him: Marik Ishtar. They soon realized that they were after different goals (Bakura the Millennium Items, Marik the God Cards) and agreed on a temporary alliance so that each could claim his prize (each thinking that he was getting the better of the deal). Bakura kept up his end of the deal, helping Marik get to Yugi's friends and then joining him in the Battle Ship. But does Yami Bakura really know what he is getting himself into? Like Yami Yugi, Yami Bakura is a bit of an unknown. All that is known about him is that he seeks the seven Millennium Items, which when brought together open a gateway to unimaginable dark powers. He seems extremely ruthless in his quest for the items (we see that both in Duelist Kingdom and in Battle City). But is that all there is to Yami Bakura?

The Story Of Yami Bakura: When Yami Bakura was a little kid, he was very poor and became a Tomb Robber so he and his family could at least eat. One day when he came home from some place, he found out that his village had been destroyed and his family and friends were killed (well, except his brother, who survived but was sealed inside an item). The reason was because Yami's father, Pharaoh Akunumkanon, needed to put away the shadow powers which made the Millennium items. He found out a few years later (at age 18) that it was Yami (the pharaoh) who did it (even though it wasn't Yami that did it, but rather Pharaoh Akunumkanon's brother). He thought of a plan to get revenge. When everything was set, he went off to the palace. He got there and got past many of the guards, killing whoever got in his way. He made it to Yami. They then had a shadow duel and Yami Bakura was locked away in the Millennium Ring for 5,000 years. Now, 5,000 years later, Yami Bakura comes back, and like Yami, his memory has been erased of what happened. He doesn't remember why he is getting revenge on Yami, he just has this urge to.

Other Info: In Ancient Egypt, when the priest Akunadin created the seven Millennium Items, the ritual also created a being of pure evil. This being's name was Zork Necrophedious and he dwelled inside of the Millennium Ring. Zork Necrophedious possessed the Thief Bakura and controlled Akunadin's mind in an attempt to destroy the world. But Pharaoh Atem sealed Zork back inside the Millennium Ring. 3000 years later, Ryou Bakura gains the Millennium Ring. Zork possesses Bakura as he did Thief Bakura back in Ancient Egypt. Zork wishes to gain all seven Millennium Items so that he may return to his former power. In the Memory World arc, Yami Bakura reveals to Yami Yugi that he is Zork and merges with the past incarnation of himself. When that incarnation of Zork is destroyed, so is Yami Bakura.

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