Sierra Middle School
Riverside, California
(951) 788-7501

Mr. J. Myers
Art Teacher
[email protected]

September 8, 2003
Date Due: Sept. 15, '03


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7th Grade
8th Grade
General Class Objectives Syllabus Worksheets Work to Date


To Draw your name in 2-Point Perspective

Goal:     The student will correctly draw and present their first and last name using 2 Pt. Perspective and give the letters a thickness

Materials:     Pencil     paper    felt pen is optional     rulers or folded paper straight edges.

1.      Measure up about 1 inch from the bottom left corner of the paper and put down a mark.

2.      Use another measuring paper to record that distance.  Now mark the lower right corner the same way.

3.      Measure in about “3 finger’s” width at the top left corner of the paper, make a mark.

4.      Use the measuring paper to draw a “4 finger’s” length line, perpendicular to the paper’s top edge.  Use the measuring paper by aligning its top edge with the paper’s top edge and then tracing along its edge.

5.     Connect the top and bottom of the vertical line to both vanishing points made in step 1.

6.     Decide how wide the letter’s area will be and draw another vertical line as in step 4.

7.     Leave a margin, a ¼ inch space, between that letter’s area and the beginning of the next letter by drawing a 3rd vertical line as in step 4.

8.      Draw a diagonal line from the bottom left corner of the letter’s area to the top right corner.  Trace along the edge of the measuring paper.

9.     With the paper still in place from step 8, trace a line onto the measuring paper’s side that corresponds to the top of the paper being drawn upon.

10.  Use the measuring paper’s set diagonal to repeat steps 6 – 8 until you have enough areas to do your name.



Here are two steps:



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