Sierra Middle School
Riverside, California
(951) 788-7501

Mr. J. Myers
Art Teacher
[email protected]

Parent Letter


Parent Letter and Information
Classroom Rules
Extra Credit
Links of Special Interest
7th Grade
8th Grade

Dear Parents,

     I want what is best for your child and I know you do too.  My ART Web site has been constructed to enable you to gather the information that you and your child need to know.  Much of what I tell my students is missed because they don't take adequate notes.  Please talk to them about the importance of keeping track of what is covered in class by taking good notes.  Note taking is a skill worth improving and I will be happy to work with you both should you only ask.  Let them know that knowledge is always there and that if they will but look they will see how to learn it.  Often they will need the help that you and I give.

     I skills that I teach is training them to do well in whatever career turns out to be their life's love. If they pay attention and ask plenty of questions they will go far.  I wish them and you the best of luck through these teenage years.

Below is a copy of the letter given out to my 7th grade Art classes.   The 8th grade version differs with the curriculum and in a few other places.


This is my 30th year at Sierra and I dedicate myself to helping students reach their fullest potential.  There are many ways to learn; I provide help in class, after school, through sites listed on the Internet, and via libraries.

            So, I say “Welcome to my Art class; I want to see everyone succeed.”

The entire school is focused on educating your child. Writing in ART is just one of many skills I teach that will allow your child to excel in our society. Writing relates to the ordering of thoughts and the clear expression of ideas. I stress sequencing in the use of formal English grammar and that carries over into their projects.

Learning is an active skill. Your student will have to complete and turn in assignments to earn a good grade. While excuses can be interesting and creative they are a poor substitute for success. Extra credit is intended as icing on the cake, not a substitute for steady work. The "extra credit" offered is there for at a limit of 1 point per week while fixing a project can earn up to 10 additional points!

Students should come to school prepared to learn; this is their job just as teaching is mine. Points can be lost as well as earned. Students are expected to have 2 standard wooden pencils, a small pencil sharpener, a standard blue or black pen and paper at all times in my class. A student who is not prepared or who does not turn in homework will lose points. Even one missing assignment will really hurt a student’s grade.

I do provide drawers as a courtesy but these are not secure. If your student writes their name on every project in ink as instructed it will be impossible for another student to turn in your student’s work without being caught. Cheating is absolutely unacceptable and will be dealt with immediately.

Art can be messy. Please have your student dress for the day’s project. The projects planned for this trimester are: Fantastic Machine, One Point Perspective, Watercolors, Printmaking, Mosaics, Shading, Metamorphic Tree, Chinese Brush Painting, Leaded Glass, Picture Completion and Origami. The above is subject to revision as needed, of course.

I am always happy to work with you to help your student succeed. My 2nd period conference period is from 9:35 to 10:20 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday it is easiest to just leave a message. A message may be left at the school number 788-7501. I encourage you to write me a note or use both the e-mail link below and a phone message to let me know you have e-mailed me! I thank you for all of your help in helping me to give the best possible education to your child for their future happiness.

My class’ internet address is: and has a plethora of information such as grading, project directions, and examples for many of the assignments. There are many other useful art links there as well. If your student writes out a short note to verify that you both have read and discussed this letter, complete with date, I will award 1 point of extra credit for it; NO credit will be earned for this letter’s return as it is to be kept for reference.

                                                [email protected]

Another item to note is the Daily Portfolio Writing:

Each day the class begins with 3 min. of silent writing by the student while I take roll.  Its purpose is to allow the student time to reflect on what they have accomplished and to make a new goal for this day utilizing the posted daily outline.  My only acceptable format for the date is the MLA (Modern Language Association) format.  This is the one that colleges use within the Liberal Arts and Humanities plus, it is easy to learn.  Being versatile is making one’s self employable. 

I have asked that students use their Binder Reminders to do the writing and that you the parent read what they write.  Each week the proper format is required along with the parent’s signature; my signature will be allowed.  By doing this the student will earn 1 point extra credit.  Doing their Art extra credit also earns 1 point.  By doing these both each week will change a C (4 points) to a B- (6 points).  Failure to do the writing will cost them 2 points!  This makes “C” work worth a D, a 4 minus 2 equals a 2.  Cooperate and try, earn a B-, don’t and it is a D.  Encourage your child to make the proper choice.  Along this line it the simple task of placing one’s first and last name, then date under that, and finally the period number under those to be able to earn full credit for work done.  Failure to do that costs the student 3 points, one full grade!  It is easy to remedy, merely fix it and gain their parent’s signature for full restoration of points.  So in the above scenario the D can easily become an “F”.  All students can choose to cooperate, or not.  I remind them many times of what is required and it is posted for all to refer to.

Should you have any questions please refer to the letter above for ways of communicating with me, I thank you for your time.

Zero Period:

I read The Classics aloud because so many students find them exciting once we are into the book a bit.  I always strive to find stories that should they be liked by the student they may then find many other books by that author or within that same genre.  October usually finds us reading Edgar Allan Poe’s stories.  I particularly like The Cask of Amontillado and The Black Cat.  Contact me if you’d like a list of books to read on your own.  Ask your counselor for a change in your zero period class if you’d like the above time. 



               Mr. Myers

7th Art and 8th Drawing & Painting
Read aloud for Zero Period


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updated 15 October 2008

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