Housemates - BB2
Housemates - BB1
The Housemates

Aaron Benton
Shannon Cleary
Nathan Morris
Turkan Aksoy
Alex Christie
Katrina Miani
Peter Corbett
Sahra Kearney
Damian Hoo
Jessica Hardy
Nathan "Marty" Martin
Mirabai Peart
     Kieran Tanner - Intruder
Nicole Dickmann - Intruder
Brodie Young - Intruder

The Host

Gretel Killeen
Other Information

7 June 2002
Evictees Reunited

It was a special occasion when all nine evictees - Nathan, Alex, Brodie,
Turkan, Shannon, Nicole, Aaron, Katrina and Damian � got together for
the first time since leaving the house � for a photo shoot for WHO
Weekly magazine.
The gregarious group came from all round the country to the studio in
Surry Hills, Sydney, where they were dressed in funky denim outfits.

Day 52
Gang of Five

Peter, Sahra, Nathan, Alex and Kieren

Day 19
It's Friday night and that's party night even in the BB house. As the week
draws to a close, BB has noticed some HMs have been very good and
some have been very bad. But since it's been a hectic week he's
throwing them a party. They have costumes themed good vs evil & each
HM has to decide which one they think they have been. The storeroom
was full of the excited 11 as they chose their outifts and grabbed a
surprise carton of beer. Other useful items included chocolate body paint
& incense.

Who's picked what costume? The devils are: Nathan, Aaron, Sahra,
Turkan, Jessica... and the angels are Mira, Kat, Alex, Pete. Marty has
gone half and half wearing a halo with devil horns.

Day 1 - Brief breakdown on the houemates personalities so far:
Nathan is the loudest and laughs at his own jokes but they are funny at
Turkan is the motherly one
Alex is the quietest
Shannon is a dominant personality
Marty is the playful one
Aaron is the first one to vomit in the house (he got a bit drunk last night)
Mirabai is the earthy one
Peter seems quite pensive

The yellow room is:
Peter, Damian, Sahra, Alex, Turkan, Nathan, Kieran

The purple room is:
Shannon, Katrina, Mirabai, Marty, Aaron, Jessica, Brodie, Nicole

Upon entering the house, they discovered the place was bare. No furniture, unpainted walls, just a few tarps & foam mattresses to sleep on. BB wasn't all nasty though - champagne, wine & beer was plentiful in the fridge.

The HMs arrived via vintage Holdens from the FX & FJ Car Club of QLD.
BB2 Winner
Marty (59%)
*Peter (41%)

Week 11 Eviction
*Sahra (41%)

?(30%)  ?(29%)

Week 10 Eviction
*Peter (5) (32%)
Sahra (5) (31%)
*Jess (2) (37%)

Week 9 Eviction
*Kieran (6) (55%)
Jess (4)
Marty (3)

Week 8 Eviction
*Mirabai (7) (62%)
Kieran (5) (20%)
*Sahra (3) (18%)

Week 7 Double Eviction
*Nathan (1st) (39%)
*Alex (2nd) (15%)
Week 6 Eviction
*Brodie (7) (49%)
*Jess (7) (39%)
Marty (5) (12%)

Week 5 Eviction
*Turkan (6) (49%)
Sahra (5) (18%)
*Jess (4) (33%)

Week 4 Eviction
The Famous Five Again!
*Shannon (8) (37%)
Alex (4) (8%)
Mirabai (4) (9%)
Peter (4) (16%)
*Turkan (4) (30%)

Week 3 Eviction
The Famous Five
*Turkan (12) (10%)
Jessica (10) (21%)
*Aaron (2) (51%)
Alex (2) (5%)
Nathan (2) (13%)

Week 2 Eviction
*Katrina (9) (57%)
Turkan (7) (23%)
Alex (4) (20%)

Week 1 Eviction
Katrina (11) (29.5%)
*Turkan (7) (30.5%)
*Damian (5) (40%)
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