Helpful Hints Instructions For Yahoo and Clients

Setting up Ytunnel

A bit about Ytunnel. Ytunnel is a anti-boot program that is very effective in helping to prevent the user from being booted from Yahoo Messenger and Yahoo Chat if set up correctly. There are two versions of Ytunnel available the free version and also Ytunnel Pro. I use Ytunnel Pro and the following instructions have been set out using it as an example. I would recommend to anyone interested in chatting in Yahoo using Messenger to purchase the Pro version.

Enable the Ytunnel alert bar this is a yellow splash
bar that shows across the top of your screen when
you receive private messages or invites.
Don't launch Ytunnel at start up or start messenger
when Ytunnel starts to save your computers
resources and memory resources at start up.
If available on your computer the active accessibility is
handy. When someone is placed in the Super Iggy Bin and
you remove them this will show you what they put in the
chat room that caused them to be ignored.
Usually its emotes and smiley's do this I have covered them
in another section on this site.
Disable advertisements as they cause loss of sound and lag.
The mini activity logger allows you to see what is shown in
the activity logger without having it open
I rather check manually for updates this is at your discretion
just my preference.
Super Iggy Bin
This is a great feature added to Ytunnel Pro.
The amount of names it will hold is enormous as you see
at the time of making this page I had over 4,000 ignored.
Once someone's name enters the bin you are unable to see
them in the chatters list. If you remove them from the bin
the last message they put in the room will be displayed to
you in text allowing you to see the message that they were
ignored for usually emotes or smiley's. You need the active
accessibility to be able to see this.
If this person was using voice they will be on your chatters
list after you remove them without voice and you will have
to refresh your voice to be able to hear them if you have
been in the chat room for over an hour you may have to go
out of the room and come back to do this. A message will
come up telling you that you are not invited to join the
conference just go out and come back and voice should
be able to connect again.
Name Filter
The name filter allows you to search your Super Iggy Bin
for a name if you can't see them on the chatters list and
can't see them in the room, type in the first few letters of
the persons name and every name with those letters in it
will come up in the ignored users list.
Ytunnel has the ability to put people you can not normally
see on the chatters list when you enable voice.
If you use voice and can't see someone on the list they are
quite likely to be in your iggy bin.
The reason why people disappear off the list is because they
have been in the room for a long time and although they are
still connected to the server they become invisible to others.
The fix this all they need do is leave the room and go back
or leave the room log out of messenger then re-login and
go back.
Yahoo connections only last for a little over and hour
refreshing messenger regularly also helps.



Other Enhancements for the Super Iggy Bin
Under the button marked Clean You will find this option.
I don't have anything ticked in here and prefer to clean my iggy
bin manually. If you remove users this way you can also remove
the booters names that you have placed in here giving them the
chance to be able to boot you again using these names. Remove
names you no longer want in your iggy bin manually.
By clicking Add you can add names to your Super Iggy Bin as
either a wildcard or using the full name of the person.
Say you are being booted by someone using a bot with number
extensions, type in the name then tick block all names that begin
with the text you are entering and click OK. To ignore just the
full name type in the name and click OK.
By clicking the settings button you will get the settings window.
Display notifications in the chat window enables you to be able to
see when someone has been ignored and remove them immediately
if it was by accident.
Use the Super Iggy Bin it holds more.
Don't enable auto prune as this will remove the people you have
ignored that boot you as mentioned above.
Spam bots rotate their bot names and although you may not have
encountered these names for 2 days it doesn't mean you won't
encounter them again next week.
Go through your iggy bin manually and remove ones that you
haven't seen for about a month.
Safe List
This feature allows you to add people who keep going into your
iggy bin from using emotes or smiley's.
Search filter works the same as the one for the iggy bin.
Add is also the same.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to stop them from being placed into
the iggy bin sometimes and you will still have to remove them.
I have noticed with the persons name in here although they have
been in the iggy bin you can see them in the room the next time
you login. Not much help at the time though.
This feature will only get better with new versions of Ytunnel and
is a useful addition.

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