Helpful Hints Instructions For Yahoo and Clients

Ymlite! Unbootable chat client, well not entirely but nearly it is still effected by the disconnect yahoo server flooding boots as they flood your account not the program. It aslo depends on how you login to Ymlite as to if you will be booted and how you have set your options. I will guide you through some of the basics here for setting up Ymlite.

Yahoo Chat Login
If possible to avoid being booted while using
Ymlite login using the DHTML login if you
cannot use this login use the YCHT login.
When logging in with DHMTL you may get a
invalid error message if this occurs close Ymlite
open your task manager and make sure there
is no instances of the program running then
login using YCHT.
The error will often occur if you are running
the windows XP opperating system and has
to do with the voice chat in internet explorer.
Running disk clean up and removing all
downloaded active x controls can sometimes
fix this problem.
The Ymlite Chat Window
Ymlite sometimes will take a while to obtain a
valid cookie click the login button then click
reset cookie repeat this until you get the
Authenication Success.
To open the Y!Options go to yahoo in the
top left corner as shown on the image.
The top blue bar shows the words pause off
if you wish to pause the screen so you can
read or scroll back clicking in the main screen
area will do this.
To enable voice click the icon below the main
screen area with the microphone icon on it.
Right if that is the talk button when pressed
allows you to talk on the voice or if you are
playing music press the lock button this will
lock the voice and make it easier to answer
your private messages or type in the room.
The smiley face opens the smiley window you
will notice in Ymlite there are some different
smileys as well as the ones used in Yahoo
these can only be seen by other users of Ymlite.
By double clicking the blue bar you can open
the filtered data window.
Ymlite Options
The image shows the flood filter level page
follow this as a guide to setting your flood
filter or click the button Load BOT Cather
Settings. This helps to filter the data in the room
posted by spam bots as well as repeated posts
by other users.
The auto ignore area down the bottomof this
page is used for wildcard ignore I'll explain
later how to ignore using Ymlite.
I have found the only draw back with Ymlite
is the lack of a mute button for voice.
Here you can select how many smiley's you
wish to see per post and select for the message
to be blocked so someone using more than
4 smiley's you will be able to see the messages
they put in the chatroom through the main
I enable clone scanning but i don't let Ymlite
ignore a clone of a buddy the reason for this
a lot of people lately are using two chat clients
in a chatroom both with similar names to try to
prevent themselves from being booted.
Confuse the booter !!!!! He don't know who
to boot to get the right one who knows but it
does seem to help.
I myself sometimes use Ymlite to enter a
chatroom but chat to friends from messenger.

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