Helpful Hints Instructions For Yahoo and Clients

Due to the increased number of booters in the yahoo chat rooms I have been requested several times for help in setting up of Yahoo messenger ytunnel and related clients used to access yahoo chat.

I have added several screen shots to help guide user's through the procedure's required.

Please note: This is only a guide to help prevent being booted, even following this guide you can still be booted from the chat room and messenger. This will however make it harder for you to be booted if the instructions are followed correctly.

On the hints and tips pages I have tried to explain how boot programs work and several ways of being booted also I have explained what causes some people in a chat room to be placed into the iggy bin for booting when they have only been using emotes and smileys. You'll find some handy and usefull information here that may be of some help if only in enlightening the situation.

I have also added by request some file downloads on here for emotes for ymlite and instructions for installing these into your ymlite yahoo chat client.


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