Helpful Hints Instructions For Yahoo and Clients

Setting up of Yahoo Messenger for use with Ytunnel

On this page the final three steps for Yahoo Messenger.

Ignore chat invitation's will prevent you from being booted by chat
invitation boots. If you wish to receive a chat invitation from a
friend go here and enable this while you receive the invitation then
disable it again afterwards.
I set my Word Filter on weak as I also use a boot code word filter.
This can be downloaded from the download page follow the
instructions for installing it.
A word about chat invites: It is possible if you are invisible on
messenger for someone to know you are online by sending you a
chat invite or a conference invite. When the persons sends a chat invite
if you are not online they will get a message user is not logged into
chat if you are there and have invites enabled you must decline or if
invites are disabled they will get no message. For conference invites
if you are offline they will still get the error message user is not available
at this time, if you are there the conference window will open on their
computer waiting for you to join them. Conference invites will connect
to the yahoo sound server before you accept or decline them allowing
the person to obtain your ip number. More about this in Ytunnel pages.
Although I do not have a webcam I have included the settings here.
Tick the box to allow only the following users to view my webcam and
leave it blank. Ignore other view requests.
I have seen Webcam requests used as boots when someone sends you
a request to view your cam. Instead of only one request being received
you will however receive hundreds or more. If you have always ask
for my permission ticked you will receive these requests and be booted
it can cause a error in yahoo, freeze not only the yahoo program but
also freeze your computer and force you to have to restart.
These settings do not prevent you from inviting people to view your
webcam. Just send your webcam invite to your friend as normal.
Webcams: It is possible for a hacker to obtain control of your webcam
using it to see when you are at your computer. Wait for you to walk
away so you will not realize that someone else is also controlling your
computer and looking through your files.
From accepting the webcam invites they can also obtain your ip
number. Be Careful if you use a webcam!!!
As here we are setting up Yahoo Messenger for use with Ytunnel
these are the options to use on the privacy page.
Ignore only the people below. Private message boots are the most
popular this is where messenger and ytunnel conflict when these are
received and cause one or both programs to error and windows to
close. By using these settings Ytunnel is handling the private messages
not Yahoo Messenger.
I don't allow people to see if I am idle or how long I have been idle
or see if I am playing games. This is at your discretion only my choice.
If you are receiving a lot of private message boots from the one name
add the name to your permanent ignore list in here by doing this they
will be ignored and stopped at the yahoo server and will not reach
your computer.
Most booters these days use bot names to boot so you will receive
the same name but the extension numbers are always different making
it hard to add them to your ignore list in messenger.

Thats all the settings required for Yahoo Messenger.

Remember these settings are for using Yahoo Messenger with Ytunnel not for using the program on its own.

Go from here to the Ytunnel pages where I will guide you through the setting up of Ytunnel.

Next: Ytunnel Page 1

Back to: Yahoo Page 1


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