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Pilot Reference:

This section is to Notify Pilots of Training or Time until their Gundam Upgrades or Trainings Are Complete. Also this section can hold a Personal Quote that the Pilot wishes to have.

Trent Matrix (Thunderbird2k1) - President, Mission Writer, Web Site Maintenance

Duo Maxwell (Oby183, Starcrafter45)- Vice President, Mission Writer, Web Site Maintenance

"I make my special blend coffee strong." Duo panics as the coffee melts the mug and begins to burn through the floor.

Trowa Barton (Axman5k)- INACTIVE/moderator

"Steel Toothed Comb....$10....Industrial Strength Hair Gel....$50....Dropping your comb in the sink and getting your head stuck to the mirror while trying to pick it up......Priceless."

Heero Yuy (Jedi Masters 11) -

Chang Wufei (Wufei4eva) - Mission Writer, Senator

"I came into the World alone but I will leave it with all of you."

Lady Une (Cal215Time, Magnarage45)- SENATOR

Treize Kushrenada (GDestroyer23) - Web Site Maintenance

"One should not give up in no circumstances whether you die or live" 

Quatre Winner (Zodiac717) - Senator, Mission Writer

"WE SHOULDN'T BE FIGHTING AT ALL!!.... yeah right.. i pilot an 18 meter tall, 8 ton war machine of mass destruction"

Miliardo Peacecraft -

Magus Dark (MagusDark07)- Moderator, Mission Writer, Advisor

"Only the weak give up.... and I will never relent..." - Magus Dark

Nicolas D. Wolfwood (WallzofJericho22) - Senator

"Sleep my friend and you will see. That dream is my reality. They keep me locked up in this cage. Can't they see it's why my brain says rage?" - Metallica

Henery Thorne (Thorne109) - Senator, Mission Writer

Kahna Winner (Kahna Winner) -

Char Anzable (Mercurius33)-

Adrian (SilentNoon00, TheYear2001SN) -

Ryo mitsui (RyoMitsui000) -

"The stronger the light, the darker the shadows. Darkness will never lose to the light."

Master (Y2Jabroni24) -

"Unity is a rare thing, Blind eyes of society bring, The category of minority, Now what are we supposed to be? Born free to be, Powerless to change the world, With our lives in the hands of madmen." - Pantera

Dark Force (M28Crash) -

Sezura Serena Jin (SmallLady507) -

"No Rest for the Weary"

San Lee (Tankman105) -

Mark Van Exel (DisgruntledCajun) -

Chad Wilkins (DarkStar Goku) -

"Wars take many lives away. Humans never forget the grief, but they also never stop the fighting. Streams of blood and tears are only an ornament for their destructive ritual." Duo Maxwell

Zaq Helix (Burnt Loser, Loser9812) - Graphics Design

"Bones heal, Chicks dig scars, Pain is temporary, Glory is forever." -Evel Kineval

Charles Martel (CharlemagneVII) -

Garrod Ran (PerfectSoldier76) -

Sala Tyrell (Vegeta497) -

Current Pilots

Trent Matrix

Duo MaxWell

Trowa Barton

Heero Yuy

Chang Wufei

Lady Une

Treize Kushrenada

Quatre Winner

Miliardo Peacecraft

Magus Dark

Nicolas D. Wolfwood

Henery Thorne

Kahna Winner

Char Anzable


Ryo Mitsui


Dark Force

Serena Sezura Jin

San Lee

Mark Van Exel

Chad Wilkins

Zaq Helix

Charles Martel

Garrod Ran

Sala Tyrell

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