Important Site Locations




Basic Gundams

Weapons Shops

Colony Bases

Special Moves


Message Boards


Battle Rooms

Joining Information

Joining Information

Note: You must put your Application in THIS EXACT Format or you will decrease your chance of being accepted. Answer the Questions to the Best of your ability. Choose your name carefully because we may reject you because did not pay attention or have a really corny name. Make sure your subject reads as: "Application Rebirth" Email this information to [email protected]

Gundam Wing Knowledge Questions:

What is Relena's true last name?

Which gundam was never destroyed in the series?

What is Zech's true name?

Name all 5 Gundam Pilots


Personal Questions

Who is your favorite character?

Which Gundam/Mobile Suit do you like best?

Why do you want to join our RPG? (Explain in 2 sentences or more)

What can you bring to this RPG?

Have you ever played an online RPG? If so which?

What is your age?

What is your Aol or Aim Screenname?

How many hours are you on daily?

In the equation 5/x = 25/19, with x being rounded to the nearest integer, x=?

Fill in the Blanks in the following Sentence

Gundam _____________ jetted towards the __________________ and ________________ it with its ________________.


Technical Questions (These will not affect your application but can help)

Can you Script on mIRC?

Do you know HTML?

Can you design Flash?

Do you know java?







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