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Joining Information

This is the where the fun stuff starts. The mission is basically a fanfic written on how you accompish the mission. You are rated on, creativity, originality and of course spelling and grammar. To gain credits, reaction time and experience, you have to complete missions. Sure there are other ways to get money and RT but missions are the average persons primary way to gain money and RT. When you accept a mission, post a reply to the post saying that you are taking the mission. Alright here is how the ranking system works.

Missions are ranked from 1 - 20.

1-4 are ranked newbie. You can do up to 4 newbie missions but everytime you do 1 you must increase to the next higher rank. You get 3 days to finish this mission. ONLY 1 PERSON MAY CLAIM THIS.

Then 5-10 are the regular missions. They can be very easy or very difficult. The higher the rank the more the money, RT and EXP. You get 4 days to finish this mission. ONLY 1 PERSON MAY CLAIM THIS.

11-15 are fixed reward missions. These tend to be difficult the reward also tends to be high but be warned...these are all or nothing. You get 5 days to finish this mission. ONLY 1 PERSON MAY CLAIM THIS.

16-20 are psychopathically difficult. They tend to involve more than one pilot writing the story. It is conducted in parts. Each pilot gets a different part. During your part you focus on your pilot but keep the other pilots in the story as well. Damage and ammo usage is carried on through the parts. You get 4 days for each part. UP TO 4 PILOTS CAN TAKE A MISSION.

Points to remember

  • Try to include dialogue
  • Try to use the terrain around you
  • Type the mission in a word processor than paste it into the post
  • Proofread your work
  • Don't make it a blow by blow fight report. Make it interesting
  • Don't trash other pilots. We will develop a story line.
  • Try to make a subplot that carries through all your missions(makes it interesting and unique for each pilot)
  • Keep the language to a minimum.



To Get to your mission board click the message board on the left and find your organization name or General missions

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