
The ancient city of Heidelburg was very fascinating. The old city is over 1000 years old and still standing. The Heidelburg Castle is my main focus.

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Wine Cellar

As you can see here, I am very interested in this wine container. I want a drink. Actually, it has long been emptied, but was actually used in the Medieval times. This cellar is in the bottom of the Heidelburg Castle. The container could hold enough drinks for an entire city on New Year's. I don't know the specs, but I know it is massive.

This is the Heidelburg Castle in which we saw that great wine cellar. The castle itself is hundreds of years old and stands upon a hillside overlooking the city of Heidelburg in central Germany. It had many rooms that were dug out of the ground and lined with rock. Old towers still stand that are falling apart ever so slowly. I almost got separated from my mom here! It was scary. You don't know the feeling of not speaking the local language and not knowing where your companions are. All I wanted was a Coke!

Heidelburg Castle
Old Heidelburg City

Here lies the ancient city of Heidelburg. The city is over 1000 years old and has come through the times pretty much untouched by age. People obviously restore buildings, but in doing so keep the ancient styles alive. The new parts of the city have only been added to the borders of the old one. We didn't get to visit the ancient city, but instead got this awesome picture from behind Heidelburg Castle instead. It's as good as a postcard.


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