bad jokes

Why did the chicken the chicken cross the road?
to get to the other side!

Knock knock
who's there?
coline who?
coline yourself up you look dirty!

Why do rockets fly off?
because you eat cornflakes!

Why do people eat poo?
Because they got double-dared!

Why did the cow cross the road?
To collect his milk!

Why did the boy cry?
Because he nearly did it!

How come people always wear laces?
Ask them, not me!

Who invented lights?
Look at a book on Thomas Edison or
click here!

Why do cartoons always have music?
because there toons (tunes!)

How come footballs so popular?
Because it kicks off well!

What man made loads of money?
Everyone (100 1p coins)

If you don't watch eastenders then don't read this joke!
How come knowbody eats mints?
they can just use minty!

knock knock
whose there?
step on my sh
step on my sh who? (shoe)
(then you stamp on there foot!

did you get the letter i sent you?
Oh i probally forgot to stamp it!
(then you stamp on there foot and give them a letter!)

Whats the difference between a goat and a woman?
goats have facial hair!

What has 1 leg and 5 mouths and -90 belly buttons and a not very pretty face?
You on a bad day or in the morning!

What loves the dark and hates the sun?
A torch!

Do you belive in santa?
If you do then how many santas do you think have been going, or is there just one who was alive in the jurassic times? And how much does he get payed?

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