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The Connection
Art Graphic Design [GD] Art
Conclusion from Essay GD is it Art?

Definitions (dictionary, students, artist, graphic designers, etc.) agree the graphic design is a definite form of art.
Both professions have the same characteristic qualities and history has proved the same point.
Humanity in the past 3000 years (and earlier if one goes back to prehistoric era) had changed dramatically in its beliefs, ideas, way of life and the way we communicate. These were influenced by different cultural, social, political and religious principles and reflections of these are interpreted in creative works produced in that period of time.
Main shared characteristics that are used within Art and Graphic Design profession are:
elements of art and design and principles of art and design.
Which are:
Shape and mass + Colour + Texture + Volume and space + Time and movement + Line + Balance + Harmony
'Graphic design is about communicating a message --whether it be in text, image, etc.-- Many works of art (now considered fine art) were commissioned by churches to communicate the messages and stories of their religion to the general population during times when most people did not read!'
Source: forum discussion, by JM4DESIGNS, ....more messages
As today Art comes in many formats as: painting, sculpture, architecture, computer art, applied arts, graphic arts, textile, crafts, photography, film, video, animation, dance, drama, music, comedy, literature and writing - graphic design should be added to galleries and museum vocabulary and exhibitions as independent art form.
Graphic Design artworks been exhibited in museums or galleries as - Art - were they should be displayed as examples of graphic design artworks? [Language].
'While the graphic design-commerce connection contains many links, a major reason for the conjoining is self-interest. both graphic design and corporate interests sought to promote themselves to the public. Though the power relationship has never approached equality, graphic design regarded it as a mutually-beneficial partnership. At its best, it provoked statements such as Thomas Watson's -- one which arguably continues to fall on deaf ears and is impossible to confirm'
Source By Kenneth FitzGerald, Adversarial thoughts, Adversary exhibition, 2001 [b]
The definition on 'art' as well as 'graphic design' varies from each individual and institutions which is a natural and expected as we are all individuals and see things in different ways but successful integration and prosperity of multicultural society depends on the use of appropriate language and words, as in this instance to describe graphic design profession within the Art World in which environment we cannot be that much different!
Describing graphic design artworks displayed within exhibitions could be beneficial within education, consumer awareness, industry and it would contribute to better understanding and further developments of graphic design profession.
Graphic Design is it Art?, essay 2002
The Connection
Graphic Design
Polish Culture
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This site is created and maintained by mpgraphics based on research to assist students in education on history of gaphic design. First published on the 26th March 2001, with Yahoo - Geocities. Until January 2009 mpgraphics had approximately 46.097 visitors
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