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The Connection
Art Art Art
  Art Definitions

'ART - disciplined activity that may be limited to a skill as painting, drawing, sculpture and architecture. The term is also expanded to apply to 'Human Skills' in it's broadest sense - for example to writing, composing and performing music, acting, or photography. In this brief survey, however, Art is taken exclusively in the sense of drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture and the decorative arts. The question "WHAT IS ART?" is addressed in the field of aesthetics.'
Source From
Orginally, 'SKILL' (of any kind), a meaning the word has in everyday contexts, modern usage referring especially to painting, drawing, or sculpture emerged by C.1700, but significantly DR JOHNSON'S primary meaning of the word (in 1755) was still 'THE POWER OF DOING SOMETHING NOT TAUGHT BY NATURE AND INSTINCT; AS TO WALK IS NATURAL, TO DANCE IS AN ART.' This contrast between art and nature goes back to the Middle Ages.'

Source Art History: A Preliminary Handbook, by Robert J. Belton, © Copyright 1999 Versaware Inc. and its licensors

in late ANTIQUITY the ARTS consisted of the seven 'ARTES LIBERALES' (The Liberal Arts: grammar, logic, rhetoric, geometry, arithmetic, astronomy and music. Philosophy was the mother of them all and on a lower level stood the technical arts like: architecture, agriculture, painting, sculpture and other crafts. "ART" as we conceive of it today was a mere craft. Art in the Middle Ages was "THE APE OF NATURE" and what is Art today?'

Source By Bart Rosier .... www

'We struggle with this because we have been taught that Art is important and we're unwilling to face up to the recently reveled insight that Art in fact has no 'essence' when all is said and done. Art remeins significant to human beings and the idea that now anything can be Art and that no form of Art is true then any other form, strike us as unacceptable.

Source By Professor Christopher L. C. E. Witcombe, Art &Artists Today .... [b]

'While Art's importance to civilazation is well recognized, you can't eat Art, sleep on it, keep the rain off with it, or drive it to Toledo. This "IMPRACTICALITY" -- the essentially poetic, spiritual basis of Art, and humanity's lack of artistic understanding -- sets artists apart from the rest of the world.'
Source Copyright by Don Gray, ALL Rights Reserved, -legal & privacy
The Connection
Graphic Design
Polish Culture
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This site is created and maintained by mpgraphics based on research to assist students in education on history of gaphic design. First published on the 26th March 2001, with Yahoo - Geocities. Until January 2009 mpgraphics had approximately 46.097 visitors
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