Help Topics:
Main Page / An overview of MT / File Menu / Bank Account View / Bill Tracking View / Auto Entries View / Plan Ahead View / Search Bank Account View
Welcome to the Money Tracer Help file.

I want to start out by thanking you for your purchase of my product. In the end this product will save you time and help ease the hassle of paying bills and managing money.

What is the story behind Money Tracer 2014?
I'd like to start out by taking a moment and talk about the history of Money Tracer. This product has been roughly five years in the making.
There have been two previous versions created in these years, that was never released to the public.
Each version was better then the first coming up with new ideas on how to make the task of paying bills and managing money easier.
The idea started out when I used to keep track of everything in an excel spread sheet and thought there had to be an easier way to handle bills.

Contact Information:
Please take time to read everything in this help file due to, you might not being taking full advantage of what this program has to offer.
If you have any suggestions or issue with this program please contact:
[email protected]
Please do not email if you have not read the help file first.

Thank you again!