Help Topics:
Main Page / An overview of MT / File Menu / Bank Account View / Bill Tracking View / Auto Entries View / Plan Ahead View / Search Bank Account View

This section of the help file will talk about Auto Entries view.

The following icons will appear when Auto Entries view is selected.
(Add Row): allows a user to add a auto entry row to the select account viewing.
(Edit Row(s)): allows a user to edit a auto entry row.
(Delete Row(s)): allows a user to delete a auto row from select account viewing.
(Add to BankAccount): This allows you to add the checked rows to your bank account early if you wish.
(Add to Plan Ahead): If your looking to use the plan ahead feature of Money Tracer, this item will automatically add items to that screen. You simply check the auto entry rows you wish to add to the plan ahead screen and then select this button. This will automatically add entries into plan ahead mode, please note the amount, it takes over to the plan ahead view is the amount found in the *Amount* column.

*Please Note: Everything entered into this screen will automatically be added to the bank account. It will be added on the entry date you have selected, and then will add a month to the entry date, and automatically add again next month. If you pay the same bill twice in one month you must make two separate entries. This screen was designed for things such as mortgage payments that are with drawn automatically every month. This screen will allow you to have automatic entries every month,so you don't have to remember did I add this to my bank account or not.*

When clicking one of these three icons (Add Row) (Edit Row(s)) (Delete Row(s))
Here is a picture of the screen that will pop up:

This screen allows you to add or edit the following:
-Entered: This is simply the first day you wish to enter this automatic entry into your bank account, after entry into your selected account, this date will have a month added to it.
-Process: This is simply the date you believe the payment will process each month.

-Row No.: This is a number generated by the program.
-Dollar Amount: This is the amount you wish to deposit or withdraw automatically
-Transaction Type: This will indicate what type of transaction this is into your bank account (Credit Card, Loan, Etc etc)
-Transaction Detail: This is the detail of the transaction *Discover, American Express, ect ect*

*Tip* - You may select multiply auto entries rows to Edit