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Cruckmeole Villa


Cruckmeole School


Cruckmeole Watermill (Corn)


Cruckmeole House


Cruckmeole Colliery


Cruckmeole Claypit and Brickworks




Cruckmeole Rea Brook


By 1 September 1912, Robert Madeley and his family had already left Shrewsbury Town.

They travelled just a few miles South-West and moved into Cruckmeole Villa. 

Robert was now 33 and his wife Ida later gave birth to a baby girl.  The baby was their seventh child and she was my Mother.

The picturesque Rea Brook ambled its way past their home on its way through the countryside.



1913 Trade Directory



Around Cruckmeole today, the countryside is a green and pleasant land with high value real estate. Cruckmeole House leading the way.


It was not always so.


Underneath the green grass and hilly countryside lies vast secrets of a time gone by. Apart from Iron Age and Roman Occupation excavation evidence, the land has the hidden scars of the Industrial Revolution.