adarem i ne menel                   our father who in heaven
aer ess lin aen                          
holy your name to be
rdh lin angleena                        
your realm approach
iest lin aen                               
your wish will be
ne menel a ned amar                
in heaven and on earth
si anno i mast vin orui ammen   
today give the bread daily for us
ah amen aranno reagath vin      
and for us forgive our evil
be arannam an raegdain vih      
as for forgive to wrongdoers   
ah u-dogo na-vael ammen         
and do not lead into lust but
dan leitho ammen ed ulug         
release out of ill fate (evil)

many thanks to Ryszard Derdzinski at Gwaith-i-Phethdain for his hard work translating this for all. Here is a direct link to his site:
Fellowship of the Wordsmiths

If you wish to see what the Lord's Prayer looks like in tengwar script, click here. It is well worth viewing

You can also find an interesting link to other scripture in real languages at Pat's Page. Here is a direct link to her.

Pat's Page-bible verses in many languages

(Thanks to Pat for including a link to my page in exchange for this translation)
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