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This site started as an outlet for my thoughts and feelings after seeing the Fellowship of the Rings in theatres in December 2001.

The movie has had a profound impact upon me. Yes it was so true to the books, yes it was an adventure, yes it was a great movie, but it was more. It was a movie about the struggle of good against evil, about the futile efforts of the smallest person making a difference, and about loyalty even unto death for something believed in.

I, like many other young Christians, have had the Lord of the Rings books on my bookshelf for many years (as well as the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis). I read them over 20 years ago for the first time, and have re-read them occasionally. But to see those books in living color was indescribeable. It has keenly reminded me that there is a real and literal struggle on this earth between God and evil. In the movie, evil was not generic, but personal. It took shape as an enemy who relentlessly pursues his prey with ill intent.
"Good and ill have not changed since yesteryear, nor are they one thing among Elves and Dwarves and another among Men. It is a man's part to discern them, as much in the Golden Wood as in his own house." (quoted by Aragorn to Eomer in the 'Riders of Rohan'  [book 3, chapter 2] of The Two Towers)

Why Osgiliath? In the books, Osgiliath (citadel of the stars) was situated between Minas Ithil -Tower of the Rising Moon (later Minas Morgul) and Minas Anor-Tower of the Setting Sun (later Minas Tirith). It was the chief city in Gondor, the city of the King, and had a river flowing through the midst of it. It was attacked over and over, burnt to the ground, and lay in ruin for many years, but at the very end, was rebuilt and inhabited once again. It seemed a fitting testiment to the power of good over evil, and winning out in the end against seemingly insurmountable odds.

This website, like life in general, will be a constant work in progress, so
please visit often for new things. It is not just for 'Christians', it is not just 'all about God'. I truly hope that you find something here that sparks your interest, and maybe even something that will change your outlook on life.

  " i Chir hebin a galu pan "

     (the Lord keep and bless you)
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last updated May 14/04
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