A very large thank you to Helge Fauskanger at Ardalambion for his kindness in checking my translations-anything in pink  "   " is not 100% accurate elvish,and the accents over the letters are not shown here either. All scripture is from the King James Version Bible.
Sindarin Verses:

Eglerio i Ch�r.
Eglerio Eru ned t�n iaun                             
Eglerio Hyn ned i menel veleg                       
Eglerio Hyn an in chared veleg
P�n i gerrir th�l eglerio i Ch�r
Eglerio le i Ch�r
                                             Psalm 150:1, 2, 6

i Chir gond nin a garth n�n, a leithor n�n ah Aran n�n, bellas n�n, ias penion estel n�n, thand n�n, a rom leithian n�n, a minas vrand n�n.
Psalm 18:2

Ara-Aran uin erain ah Ara-Ch�r uin brennon
Revelation 17:14

a typical church benediction:
" i ch�r galu le a heb le
tin gail sila am le thir
t�n meleth bronia uireb

"Estel vi i Ch�r ah pan le hun ah al-idh erin le garn hannas. Ned pan yr tangada-Hyn."

I narhar i Ch�r gerithar vellas eden, eraithar na rovail be theryn.
Isaiah 40:31 (first part of this verse only)

Peth d�n calar na dailen a galad na r�d n�n
Psalm 119:105

How well do you know your bible verses? Curious as to the translation of these verses? I"m not going to give them to you here. Look them up in your bible, or go to the
'sindarin dictionary' link and do it the long way.  Have fun, and hope you learn something in the process.

(ps. if you really want to know, (
click here)

the 23rd psalm - click here for sindarin
click here for quenya

If anyone is interested in sending me their translation of a bible verse, I would be sooo.. happy! I have a few favorites that I am still working on, but pick any of your own too. Send them by email - just click on 'email me' in the left hand column.

My favorite verses:
John 3:16
1 John  1:7
Hebrews 11:1
Timothy  1:17
Psalm  27:1
Psalm 103:1
Psalm  121:1
Proverbs  3: 5+6
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