Scripture in Elvish (Sindarin)

hese are as close to scripture as i can translate. Elvish switches words into different orders, so I've written the english in the proper order we would read it. For example, menel veleg means heavens mighty, but we say might heavens.

All scripture is from the King James version.

(if you have any corrections or modifications, 
email me please)
Eglerio i Ch�r                                                       Praise the Lord.
Eglerio i Ch�r vi iaun d�n                                      
Praise the Lord in his sanctuary                        
Eglerio Hon vi  menel veleg d�n                            
Praise Him in his mighty heaven
Eglerio Hon an in chared veleg                             
Praise Him for his mighty doing
P�n i gerrir th�l eglerio i Ch�r                               
All that have breath praise the Lord
Eglerio le i Ch�r                                               
      Praise thee the Lord                   
Psalm 150:1, 2 and 6

i Ch�r gond nin a garth n�n, a leithior n�n,                
The Lord (is) my rock and my fortress, and my
ah Aran n�n, bellas n�n, ias penion estel                   
deliverer, and my King (my God), my strength,
n�n, thand n�n, a rom leithian n�n                        
   in whom i put my trust, my shield and the horn
a minas vrand n�n.                                                
of my release (salvation) and my high tower
Psalm 18:2

Ara-Aran uin erein ah Ara-H�r uin brennen             
(high)King of Kings and (high)Lord of Lords
Revelation 17:14

a typical church benediction:
i ch�r galu le a heb le                                
           (may) the Lord bless you and keep you
t�n gail sila am le thir                                
           (may) his bright light shine upon you countenance
t�n meleth bronia uireb                                         
(may) his love endure eternal

Estel vi i Ch�r ah pan hun a al-idh                        
Trust in the Lord with all (thine) heart and rest
erin garn hannas. Vi pan yr                                  
not on the own understanding. In all course
       (ways) establish/confirm Him.

I narthar i Ch�r gerithar vellas                               (Those) who await the Lord will have renewed
eden, eraithar na rovail be theryn                           strength, they will rise with wings like eagles
Isaiah 40:31

Peth d�n calar na dail a galad                            
Thy word (is) (a) lamp to my feet and (a) light
na r�d n�n                                                           
to my path
Psalm 119:105
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