money lee







*Please ignore the grammar errors.
| oct 14 (tue) 8:14pm|
I've just finished up my hw..that interview i mentioned earlier, I went to the Ritz Carlton Hotel to interview the assistant director of human resources last saturday(for my hospitality class assignment), luckily she's a very nice person and she answered my questions very clearly.  And I had a big test for my anthrology class today, I got 94% right.!! it's a damn hard test but because I've seen those questions b4...so it was not a problem for me. but i duuno if i'll be this lucky next time......seems like all things that i need to do for this week is over, and i finally can breathe. but for the following monday, i'll have my philosophy test. and guess i have to spend my whole sunday afternoon to study..what the heck.

I could totally understand that when the person I care about is depressed or sad or whatever....one thing i'm sure is I won't feel any better than that person.....sigh....hope he'll be ok.

I listened to too much secret lately....i duuno why everybody tend to tell me all of thier secrets....maybe they think i'm turstworthy, ain't i?? who knows. but it's just a little pressure for me to keep all those secrets...sometimes i really prefer i know no secrets of ppl. but in reality...as long as they need someone to talk to, and me as a friend, will always be there to be their listener.

I've been looking for a part-time job lately... guess i'll get that job, i'll tell ya'll what that is when they really hire me. heheehe~

Eason chan will held a concert in Las Vegas at the end of Nov, dorothy asked me to go but i'm not sure yet, honestly, i've never been to a concert here, even in hk, so that would be pretty interesting to me, and u know it's eason chan, i think it should be good. but oh well, i duuno, depends on how busy i am by then.

I bought a lot of H20 products lately, mostly because dorothy's friend, jeannie, worked there( not anymore), so she can help us to buy any h20 products with 40% off discount, i bought 2 " 8 cup water" and some cleansers. just so great man!!!

I've joined friendster lately, that is a great network to connect you and your friends, even your friend's friend, just undescribable, u'll know how fun it is after u join it, i recommend all of u who reading this to join, u'll have a lot of fun.

I've applied to cal poly finally. and i'm plannig to apply to UNLV also, just in case that cal poly reject me. of coz i hope it won't. and if it will, i duuno what i'm gonna do...man...

there are a lot of fragments for today's diary..i duuno why, but i just wanna tell what i'm thinking at the moment, hope it's not confusing for u guys.
should stop here~

| oct 2 (thurs) 12:12am |
what a terrible night, just thinking of some sad things and i'm kinda in a bad mood now, confusing and worrying about something, just tired of it.

so since i haven't updated my diary for ages, i think i should simply give u guys an idea what was happening to me lately. I forgot if i have mentioned dorothy here b4, anyway...she is a very nice girl and easy going person, i get really close with her lately, we're like �@��Y�X, and she's moving to a new place, so i helped her to pick up the stuff to her new home yesterday,  and bobo is dorothy's roomate, she's a very fuuny, interesting and straightforward. i'm having so much fun to hang out with them. Also, mahjong, is our officially activity every week, but since she's moving and gonna live by herself now, i duuno if we're still going to play mahjong everyweek like the old days, coz we lost our "playground".

and these few days, i was trying to fill out the application form for transfering, but coz there are lots of questions and information, i still need to turn in many verifications to my school and stuff, just wanna die.  it was damn complicated.
so actually nothing special with me, i am still what i am every single day, how boring is my life. but it just goes on, what can i expect? don't expect anything, coz u might end up get hurt very badly.

quizzes and projects and interview are coming all at once next week, just kill me directly pls.
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