money lee







*Please ignore the grammar errors.
| may 27th (tue) 2:12p.m. @ school library|
my summer school have started today, i hate today because it's damned hot.  now i'm waiting for my theater art class to start ( around 3pm), so pretty bored right now....
I went to pick strawberries w/ the small group in Simi Valley yesterday, had so much fun and i picked 2 boxes of strawberries, sweet and juicy!  took some pics, will post it here soon.
sigh....nothing to say, i better go upstairs to see if i can meet anybody i know. laterz!!!

| may 23 (fri) 12:17p.m.|
whew~ finally have reached the end of the semester, i've finished all my finals yesterday, and i think i will get a good grade on that! so relax now, what i'm worrying is how should i spend the rest of the time b4 the summer session start.
i don't have much to say, and things is going very well which totally out of my expectation. hehe! :)

| may 18 (sun) 12:51p.m.|
next week is the final week, i'll have CIS final on tue and Stat final on thurs....sigh......kill me.
Beryl invited me to the USC graduation party on friday night, i expected it would be some kind of dinner but it was totally different,  it was a rave party at a club
The Highlands in Hollywood, and i don't think there was such a so-called graduation party, it was just a bunch of USC students invited their friends rave, but altho it was not what i expected, i had fun with Beryl's friends that night.

then the next day i went to the cal-tech library with jenny, beryl and michael to study for the final. didn't do any good tho, maybe i should study alone at home.

um....everything's going well with him, just good, don't wanna say too much b/c i'm afraid he's reading this.   :)

| may 12 (mon) 8:34p.m.|
THINGS are going very smooth and nice....heheh~
I had my statistic exam today, it's extremely easy(well, maybe i had enough preparation), but um....i'd say i'll get an A for sure at some point. so i'm feeling great now. heh!

i had lunch with beryl, jenny and michael(a cal-tech guy that i met lately) in cal-tech( which is next to pcc) today, and the food and drinks in the cal-tech's cafeteria are way better than in pcc, but on the other hand, it's way more expensive than in pcc, but michael treated us the lunch and we're so happy~ i've never been to cal-tech b4 altho it just a few blocks away from pcc, because i just feel like this place isn't for ppl like me to go(i mean cal-tech is a very very  famous school in usa)....i saw many nerds in the cafeteria today( i know that's kinda mean to say this but cal-tech really is a school for nerds), sometimes i even think whoever can get into cal-tech is abnormal...but i bet they're all physics prodigies...scary.....and the dorms in cal-tech is just like a maze, you'll never get out if you're lost...scary!

oh i forgot to mention this.....i'm using the new pc right now, a very nice pc.

| may 4 (sun) 12:19p.m.|
huh!!! it's unbearable!!!! i still haven't gotten my new pc yet! actually, i missed the delivery, no one was at home when the pc arrived so the carrier left a note at my door which indicated that i should pick up the package myself at the post office after 9am the next day....so next morning, i arrived there around 9:30a.m....but dang it! the post office was closed!!!! i felt like a dumb!! why the note said i'm available to pick it up the next day after 9??? but by then it was closed!!!??? RIDICULOUS!!!!! i really want to have my new pc as soon as possible because i hate the pc i'm using now, rubbish! and today is sunday, all post offices are closed, so i have to wait till tmr to pick it up b4 i go to school~

jackson was so happy that we celebrated his birthday that night, he said he kinda expected it, lol, took some pics, will post it here soon.

god~~i feel so hard to publize his name here, i want to talk about him more but since YOU( the one who reading this page) might know him, i don't think it's a good idea to let any of u know who he is at this early stage, it's just not a right time, when thing gets better, i will let y'all know who he is.
**I'm not saying i have a bf now, don't misunderstand me, he is just my target haha :)
anyway, i just hope he feels the same way for me as the way i feel for him( we duuno each other too well actually) god bless me!!!!!

I've decided not to go back to hk this summer due to the reason that i have summer school, i can choose not to attend it but i'll have a hard time later on if i do so. anyway, there are many factors...
I'll take Theater Arts and Humanities for the 1st half of this summer, and Speech for the 2nd half......wanna wok as a part-time waitress if possible(earn hrs for internship), anyway, i hope everything will go smooth and nice :)

time to finish up the stat hw now, tons of calculations, it's gonna kill me :(

| may 1 (thur) 8:22p.m.|
everything's going smooth lately, heh, life seems better for me at the moment, obviously i'm into something that everybody dunno hehe~
I finally bought a new desktop, it supposed to arrive today but it didn't, i guess maybe tmr, can't wait, i want to get rid of this piece of junk asap!
my back is torturing me, i duuno why my back gets painful so easily, i've been trying to stretched my back when the pain comes but it just did no good. sigh.....what will happen if i get older??
Just realized that tmr is Jackson's birthday, and our small group gonna buy a birthday cake for him to celebrate tmr and it's me who gonna buy the cake hehe :P
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