money lee







*Please ignore the grammar errors.
| jan 29th (wed) 12:26p.m.|
hoo...my sister will arrive in 2 days...can't wait for the stuff she bought me.
i've just sold my calculus solution manual to a guy, named vincent...duuno him actually, we just met for the deal. and i'm so happy that someone named shihoko(guess he/she is japanese) wanna buy my psychology txbk and i'll earn 60 bucks tmr.ahhah!
i'll have an exam for my statistic class tmr, i guess i could get an A, becasue it's not really that hard. wow~everything is just going fine with me! woohoo~~~~~
i met a girl in my class called Beryl, she's from hk also, she seems pretty nice and we have so much in common, and she told me one of her friend named Dell know me, i was like"Dell? who is it?"
wow~i became popular in school? haha just kidding(and i totally don't think so)...but it really scared me that someone know me who i dunno. grr.....it happens around.
it annoys me so much that i hafta wake up an hour earlier than usual these days, just to get back to school earlier in order to fight for the parking......mama......
gotta go upstairs to study....(i'm at  the basement of library).

| jan 25th (sat) 5:14p.m.|
let's continue.............so at the meantime, there was already a 3rd car stopped by and waiting for that spot also, i was like" holy cow....."but i was about to give up that spot coz that jerk blocked my way,  where are gentlemen these days? what a butt! but something happen dramatically happened...when guy A left...the 3rd car slipped into that spot super quickly! that butt then turn his arrowhead and keep bawling to the 3rd car like "hey! you! xyz!@#$%^&*!!!!!"...i yelled at him like" hahaha, LOSER! u deserves it butt!" then i drove away and looking for another spot...luckily i found one on the 2nd floor quite soon. so it's the end of my story. well...don't let me see him in school again!! or else............

ok...let's forget the mad stuff....i was crazy and happy last night...i went to jackson's place and had a meeting with small group as usual...but this time...Roy bring his new DC and we took tons of pics, those pics really look stupid and fuuny!! i'll post it here asap!

| jan 23rd (thurs)10:26a.m.|
i am so so so angry right now! dang it! i'm just back to school an hour ago....i was finding a parking spot in the parking structure(there is no space, i have to wait until someone leave), and i saw Guy A went into the parking structure so i asked him if he was leaving or not, and he said yes and told me where he parked at. when i was following him to his car, another car in front of me ask him if he was leaving....and that guy A said yes....so that car followed him also.....but it was me who asked guy A first, so i drove my car in front of that car and stop at where guy A parked. and that car honk at me behind , and the driver got off the car, walked to mine, and said " f*** u, i was waiting for that spot!" i yelled back at him" it was me who asked him first and he said he'll saveme the spot, u asshole, go to hell!" and he said" i have asked him also!" i said "ok, go ask him!!!!" he didn't go, he got on his car and moved his car in a position that i can't get into that space(by the way, guy A has left)......um...i have to go now...for classes...if u want to know what's going on after that....check back next time.....heee........

| jan 22nd(wed) 1:56p.m.|
haven't written my diary for a while...and i'm feeling happy because my sister will come to usa next friday, she'll stay here for like 9-10 days...i haven't seen her for one and a half year, can't wait till she's here.
last friday, i had dinner with min min, bianca and christina together, this is the first time that we all four girls of small group had our OWN dinner together without the boys. we had a lots of girl talk and we went to take photo card and sticker(this is my 1st time to take photo card/sticker since i've been here, let me see.....i haven't taken one during this 2 freaking years! pathetic huh!) and yea, we've registered our card for voting. bianca's friend called the other day that she saw our card got printed out and showed on the window of that photo shop(almost every chinese teenagers in LA go to that shop to take pictures)! hahaha, maybe we're over-pretty! hahah!

| jan 9th (thurs) 1:14p.m.| (eating brunch)
yea...back from san diego finally....my school will start next monday....i think it's time fo me to prepare for this new semester. i don't have a good feeling....
got so much movies to watch recently...and tons of magazines....heh....but still....i don't feel good since i came back from SD...not physically but mentally...maybe i'm little nervous about my school and stuff..
I've been want to watch an airshow for a long time...i mean the airshow of airforce...the F-16 sth like that...i keep checking the schedule every week...and i hope i have a chance to attend one this year.
Elizabeth Smart, a 14 years old gal who was kidnapped last year, is the most beautiful, angel-like girl I've ever seen...well...i don't really know her of coz....but my gut feeling for her is she's a very nice, amiable person...it's a pity that she was kidnapped....but i believed she's still alive.

| jan 2nd (thurs) 12:57p.m.|
2003 is here! happy new year! well, actually i'm not that excited for the new year because i know 2003 is a year that would driving me nuts. frankly, i think the busiest time of my study would all be in 2003...what the heck. i didn't really celebrate the new year, i just stayed at home and chatting on icq...and i didn't even realized 2003 is there until i looked at my clock.--->*12:17a.m.* lol!!!! i guess everybody in hk were so excited at the new year's eve...most of them prolly spilled out on the streets of tsim sha tsui or hung hom...and wait for the countdown together! (i used to be one of them, that was really funny)....well, i WISH i have a chance go back to hk next year and celebrate the new year with all of my best friends together.
yesterday.....the 1st day of 2003,  all of my relatives(from san diego and kansas) came to my house...some of them played "majerk" together and i played card games with cousins. and we had dinner together in a chinese restaurant traditionally...
well...no plan for the next few days...maybe hang out with friends....one thing i'm sure is i will go to san diego on saturday...just want to go there(get away from LA to make it like a vacation for myself) haha.
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