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This is actually the part to tell my schoolife in hk. kind of interesting!

Kindergarten (Bowie Chinese and English Kindergarten)
Let's talk about my kindergarten life, as I can remember, the first day of school, I'm so scared, my mom brought me to the classroom, and I resisted to go in, I started crying, and my teacher kind of towed me in, i used as much energy as i can to get rid of her hand, and maybe I was really strong, another teacher was in and help my class teacher towed me to go in the classroom(this was happening in front of the class)I was crying out loud like a lunatic, and my teacher told my mother to go away in order to let me get use to it. Finally my mom disapperaed in my sight. and I duuno why afterwards I could be sat in the classroom calmly.
The fuuniest part is coming,  a boy who was sitting next to me( i still can clearly remember what he looks like) try to talk with me but I ignored him. Teatime had arrived, our teacher gave us some cookies and milk. Out of the blue, that boy poured his milk on my head, the milk slipped down from my hair to my shoes. damn! I was petrified, duuno what to do, I looked at him, he was laughing out loud, and I forgot whether my teacher punished him or not. and my teacher called my mom to pick me up to take a shower. Luckily my home was just 5 mins away.
and i think this happened during my second year in this kindergarten,there were 2 boys sitting next to me and always insulted me, like hide my things and laughing at me that my pencil was shorter than theirs(kind of stupid), but sometimes we'll play together. One day i want to play with them, and they say no, by some reason(i forgot), I got so angry and bite one of the boy's face, haha.......and i forgot what happened afterwards. And after many years, when I was grade 4, I went to drink tea with my mom in a chinese restaurant, a woman came to our table and said" oh,  my son just told me you are that girl who bite his face in the kindergarten, do u remember?" I am so embarrassed that he still reconize me........if i have chance , I want to say sorry to him, but I forgot his name and don't even know what he looks like now.....anyway, I apologize.

Primary school( Tai Po Old Market Public School)
I've spent 6 years here, I'm so happy there and miss this school. It's one of the best school in my district so the environment and the school system are better than others. But I'm not an A student, I'm quite naughty frankly. I always run in the school playground( it was not allowed to run because it'll cause dangerous, kind of ridiculous, but all the primary school in hk had this rule)and caught by the school prefect, and I have to mention one super ridiculous thing here, while we're having recess time, we can just walk around the school but not run,sometimes I played with my older sister(we studied in the same school)and when the bell ring, everybody body have to stop immediately no matter what, like we were transformed to a rock. only the prefect could move, if i move a step, I would get caught. It was a extremely stupid rule. and after everybody transformed to a "rock", and all were stable, and the teacher would announce "grade 4-6 students, go back to your classroom now!" and the grade 4-6 students could move but the grade 1-3 students have to stand still. then teacher would announce"grade 1-3 students please line up here and get back to your classroom." then grade 1-3 students have to line up so perfectly, tiptoe to heel, no talking(otherwise will get caught by prefect). I think every hk people know those rules....well, besides the bad things, I did lot of good things too, like I'm one of the dancer in my school dancing team, and won a lot of competitions, and one of the members in choir, also won many awards in some competition outside the school. haha....and I'm so proud that I was a class monitress when I was grade 4, when the teacher still hasn't arrive in the classroom, I could stand in front of the classroom and giving order to my classmates to behave themselves.I could catch people and order them to shut up if they were talking. even mark down their names to give detention if some still not behave. With the power of me and the other class monitor, we could rule our class however we wanted. hahahahaha! blah blah blah.....(spechless)

Form 1-3 in Law Ting Pong Secondary School
I ah........kind of hate this school, the teachers were mean, and I don't like my classmates, they were all hypocritical, I just got a few real friends there, but I haven't kept contact with them . u know, I had went through lots of friendship failure in this school, I think they were so naive and selfish,  many unhappy things happened here, like friend betrayal and my class teacher Miss Yu( I won't forget her until I die) dislike me, but if I treat those things in a different point of view, I think it's good for me, it forced me to think about how to treat a person or an event.  that's why my mine are more mature than the people of my same age. But although things were not going so good here, I''ve had some good time there, like being the violinist in my school orchestra, I remember our orchestra performed in front of the whole school in the hall for the music night and went to field trip and camping with my classmates.....anyway, I want to be a high school student again......miss it so much. And I looked so ugly when I'm studying in this school(haven't transform yet, you'll be surprise of how I've changed now), I met a boy in F.2, kind of like him in the first sight, he just sat next to me so we had a lot of chance to talk, after months, I let him know that I had a crush on him in some way, he just  pretended nothing happen and keep talking and playing with me sometimes, but I could sense that he likes me too by some way, but not obvious, damn, made me so nervous when I talking with him, but he didn't give me an exact answer still, maybe I'm really ugly(and my braces made me uglier when I smile), hahaha, and nothing happen until we left this school. At that time I still quite like him. And by coincidence, we enrolled in the same high school again.....(continue)

Form 4-5 in China Holiness Church Living Spirit College
I saw him  in the first day of school, we just staring at each other for 2-3 secs, (it's pretty weird), and I was hoping I could be in the same class with him, but the fact is we weren't. um.....that's ok for me tho. No development between us, not even say hi when we saw each other. I'm tired of waiting, i kept telling myself to give him up, lol, really had a hard time,  and when we were F.5, and one day when I was walking out from school with my friends for lunch, I saw him holding hand with a girl( almost everyone in our form thought she was ugly and annoying), he realized I saw them and he looked at me for a few secs, like he was telling me the answer and felt sorry. of course I felt sad about that for almost a week......and I felt better gradually. and now, I can say I almost forgot him. I just think it was a good memory to love someone no matter what the result will be. And I hope if i go back to hk and saw him in the street, hope we can say hi to each other and talk just like we're old friends.
Okay, talk about my schoolife here, I'm so glad that I met few of my best friends here, we still keep contact so far and they'll be my best friends forever.

School regulations were so severe here. Like no earrings, no make-up, dress' length can't above the knee, no hair dyeing etc...but still I had dyed my hair in a dark brown color, i thought it was acceptable because it's not like a light brown or golden brown. By the time I stepped into the school, I immediately get caught by a teacher, i got detention which was sitting in the corner of the hall and self-study for the whole day long. I can't believe i got detention of suspend classes because of this. Were they over-reacting? lots of other student got detention for the same reason.
but my subject teachers were all so nice to me, this is what a real schoolife is. Best friends and nice teachers. Sometimes I had invited my teachers to have lunch together, we had a great time. I think this will never happen on my ex-class teacher, Miss Yu. At least I won't do this to her.
Our headmaster was a very nice mid-aged guy, not like the other school headmaster, so non-kind. He even remembered my name( maybe my name is too strange) and smile to me when he saw me! When I was wearing a new contact lens and he saw me one day and asked me"oh, where is your glasses?" It was really rare that a headmaster could remembered those pinrick of a small potato in school like ME! haha...I took a picture with him, I''ll put it here later on.
I love this school!!
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