money lee







*Please ignore the grammar errors.
|dec 26th(thurs) 7:56p.m.|
back from shopping long time ago....i bought nothing, but u know what, i met my english teacher Mrs. Clark in JCPenny, who is buying undies for her trip to Scottland(her husband's homeland, he is Scottish)hahahaha, yea...she's holding 3 packs of white undies and talking with me and bianca. just ...interesting.after the "eye shopping", i went to bianca's home and had a cup of ice-cream, which tasted good!
i got a secret called last night while i'm on my way back home from disneyland...it should be a long distance call according to the caller ID....after i said "hello!", there is just a young-boy-like voice murmuring like" ya-woo-woo-ya-woo-woo, hahahahahahah!" then he hung up....and i remember i gave my new cell phone # to one of my cousins in UK through icq a couple days ago.....and i think it's one of them who made this call and yea......i know they're dumb enough to do such thing.
i'll go to La Jolla with bianca, rei and her bf tmr, and i'll have a sleep over at my uncle's house and back to LA the other day.
gotta go for dinner.

|dec 26th(thurs) 12:38p.m.|
it's the day after xmas, a day for crazy shopping, and i'll go shopping later.
i watched
Catch Me If You Can yesterday, it's quite good. and i met rei's bf yesterday also, which appeared to be a nice guy. i went to downtown disney with them last night and had a late dinner there, i can't forget the pasta i ate last night coz that was so so so so good.
and the muscles of my legs still feel a bit pain...but i know it'll be alright.
so far i've just got 3 xmas card from my friends....that's sad, b/c most of my closest friends didn't send me one, but i have a feeling that i know what they're thinking, which is" Money, we are best friend, i don't send u a card doesn't mean i don't care about u, we know each other too well, u'll understand what i mean." well, maybe some of u might think i'm egomaniac, but this is really what i feel for my friends. i know i'm right.
by the way, period sucks.

|dec 23th(mon) 8:07p.m.|

for some reason i had used half of my day to edit this page, it froze at least 20 times today!!!! i actually think this computer is dead! GOD!!!!!!!!!
ok, back to normal~i just got back from skiing yesterday, i've once thought my muscles might be dead(i'm exaggerating of course), it was extremely painful, i walked like a 70 years old  woman, i could barely feel my legs.......skiing is not fun for me this time, coz i fell a lot....i skied worse than last time....this is all my stupid cousin fault...who inveigle me to go up to the top of the mountain with him...and it took me 3 hrs to ski back down, and he was also the one who told me that track is not difficult....which slope is actually steep like hell(for me). i fell down a lot that i can't even remember, i got so much bruises all over my legs...now i can see who's the liar!!!! -_-  and since many people told me snowboarding is easier than skiing, i think i'll try snowboard next time, (and i think it's way cooler than skiing)
I watched the
Lord of the Rings--The Two Towers tonite...it was awesome...especially the part when Gandalf leading thousands of  soldiers and ran down from the hill to attack the evil, that scene was magnificent, and this is the only movie which makes me want to watch again and again.
and the next movie that i wanna watch is
Catch Me If You Can , coz it have Tom Hanks( hee~~my favorite actor) guess i'll watch it tmr...can't wait.
and folks, pay attention to the new BMW Z4, that is just so not true

|dec 10th(tue)1:30p.m.
actually i'm kinda excited this week, coz i just have school on tuesday(today) this week, i don't have school again until next tuesday b/c it's my school official holiday for final week. and i'll have all my finals next tue....yeah......all finals in the same day.....sigh.....so i think i will study like hell this week.
last friday, i went to a restaurant
The CastAway in Burbank with the small group members, that restaurant is sorta located up on a hill top.... so u could see the view of LA at night.....very beautiful(but still i think hongkong Victoria Harbour night view is better.......especially  view from the Peak)and actually, 3 of our members's birthday is on dec....so we went there together and celebrated for them. it was good to be in a nice restaurant with them, we sing birthday song for them and ..........so much to tell~~all in all, i had a great time there! and i took some pics with them also.
i am so happy with my psycho test result, i got 100 full points~unexpected and unbelieveable!!!! the happiest thing is my psycho final is a "take home final"!!!!!! wahahahaha! My professor Dr. Johnson is really nice....he just gave us the final and told us to do it at home and turn it in next friday!!!! what a nice guy! and this final i'm sure i'll get A~ but the sad thing is.......there is still 6 points away for me to get and A in this class......even i 'll get 100 points in the final. so i think i'll talk with Dr. Johnson with this matter......i hope he will gimme some extra credit

|dec 2nd(mon) 6:13p.m.
yay, i love december!!! coz it means that my x'mas holiday is coming closer and closer...i like winter~
well....last week was wonderful....
Thursday, Amber invited rei and me to a thanksgiving party in her church, we met many nice people and talked a lot with them...and Ryan, a guy that we get to know better that night, he's one of the drawers who draw pictures and graphics stuff like that for Simpsons cartoon series  on TV. i  think that's really cool and he said we can go to his studio if we want to. i'm looking forward to it.
Friday, the official day for Yakult members meeting over jackson's place...i went there that night~we had a little potluck together, played card games and talked a lot...i really had a great time with them.
Saturday, i stayed at home, watching the movies that Roy(one of the members in Yakult) recorded for me earlier, which were good.
Sunday(yesterday), the best day i had last week, i went to santa monica with bianca, rei and karine, we treated bianca a lunch in a very nice italian restaurant because it's her b-day. then we shopped there and we all bought ourselves clothes......i spent almost 100 bucks that day~whick makes me feel so guilty(i feel guilty everytime i spend too much), and we headed back san gabriel and had dinner together. we took lots of pics.
and today, i went to costco with rei, afterwards we went to some little malls for shopping......suprisingly, i bought 2 clothes which i really like a lot! so happy and satisfy!
last night, i was surfing the web and i accidentally went to a site that was about horoscope thing....then i click on Leo (yep, i'm Leo and proud of this) i have the strong feeling of this following predictions and i really feel this website is so powerful, it totally suits my situation, it said...
.."You reach the natural end of something that's been part of your life for a while. It feels good to say good-bye, and even better to look forward to the life that continues from this point........You're ready to embrace each new lesson, vital and dangerous as it might be. As always, love is the bottom line. As long as you have that in your life, everything else will make so much more sense." this is so right for me honestly~well...i'm not a superstitionist, but i'm amazed that it really have a very strong accuracy this time....lol, one more fun place to go.

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