money lee







*Please ignore the grammar errors.
|July 31 (Wed) 4:30p.m.|
My cousin Vincent (a 15 little punk) called me at 3:30a.m. this morning from England, I haven't heard from him since I left hk, we talked about many things(that i cannot mention here because of his privacy). He changed a lot, I just hope he know what himself is doing and wish him the best.
I had lunch with bianca and kiki yesterday, we talked so much which was lots of fun.
My dad took his car to repair this monday, coz it hit by another car while my dad was driving in a parking lot( just a little crash) i have to share my car with dad till tmr.......I just can't go too far away.
ok, good news for everyone, I put many of my new pics on this website today, just go and check it out~!
Last day of july already, fall is coming, 3 weeks holiday left....what the hell.

|July 28, (Sun) 9:10a.m.|
yesterday, i went to a bbq party with bianca, which was held by the chruch that bianca goes to. we had lots of fun, there were almost...um....i think around 200 ppls. 200 ppls danced together, square dance, chicken dance, sth like that, it was pretty fun. I used to went to the fellowship with bianca couple of times, but this time, i really able to get to know the groups better. and i met 2 new friends, kareen and kenny, kareen is an international student who've been here for just a month, kenny...um....i think he is an immigrant, i forgot to ask him. anyway, the way he looked and talked were so funny. I'm glad that I met them, I think we'll keep contact, because they both are studying in PCC also. so we have a lot of chance to see each other in school. after the whole night of dancing and games, we were exhausted. and the party ended around 9pm. I yelled too much in the dancing so my voice got hurt....sounds like a young boy. and i drove karren and kenny home and  that's the end of the day.

|July 23th(Tue) 4:14p.m.|
I was dead tired when i got back from las vegas yesterday, the first day of the trip, we rode about 4 hrs and arrived at lake havasu city in arizona, we visited London Bridge, which was....nothing special, just an old bridge moved from england. Next day, we went to one of the seven famous scenic spot of the world, Grand Canyon, when i was overlooking it, i was like" Mama! it's absolute miraculous!" . I totally admire how great the mother nature could be. next day, we went to las vegas, i went into casino for gambling. heh~ but eventually I lose all the money i spent. I took many pics, so pay attention at my website for the newest pics,

|July 19th(Fri) 11:12p.m.|
I stayed at home today, listened to music, enjoy myself at home. and packed up for my trip to las vegas tomorrow, I'll go with my family and we'll stay there for several days. duuno this trip will be fun or bore.

|July 17th(Wed) 9:23p.m.|
I went to my uncle's home with my parents yesterday, which i didn't visit for a long time. we had dinner together and I wasted $10 on my cousin for some ridiculous reason. we drove back to LA around 9:30p.m.
I discovered that there's a cat which sneaks into our front/backyard everyday around evening, it just wandering around, i assume it is male and named it Michael(i named him michael because there was a cat cartoon character which looks really like it called michael also) he's cute and got a pair of big green eyes. i think in the female cat eyes, he is a handsome boy. lol.

|July 15th(Mon) 9:23p.m.|
I rented a hk movie"Love Comet" and watched it together with bianca in her home yesterday, which is .......sorta boring. Choosing a hk movie to watch must be very careful, some of them are so good, and some of them are really rubbish. I went to gym with bianca today,  we were discussing why people can be so selfish to one another, we are disappointed, because we are always the one who took advantage by some selfish assholes, we learned to protect ourselves, is it wrong to be nice or it's just stupid? we both wondering. and no one could answer us.
My dad is having his long holiday, (actually just last for a week) we're planning to go to Las Vegas for vacation. But I'm not old enough for the casino. Is it better for me to go there until I'm 21? who knows.

|July 12th(Fri) 10:34p.m.|
god.....it was boiling outside today, like the mid-summer weather in hk, i can say it was like being in a sauna.....yes...i like suns on holiday, but not this much. My skin are getting darker.....oh man....
I went to the movie " men in black II" with kiki and his brother this evening, this movie is fuuny but too short.

|July 11th(Thu)1:37p.m. in the school library|
well, I dropped my class, so why am i still here in the school today? actually i have to return the book I bought for the summer class, and manage some errands. I'm waiting for the photocopier but some ppls are using it, so I just came here and surfing the net until they finished. Since I dropped the class, i really got nothing to do in this summer, how sad....

|July 10th(Wed) 12:45p.m.|
yes, that's it, I'm gonna drop this class, I can't take it anymore. since the day the class started until now, I think at least 10 ppls dropped it, isn't it pathetic? so I'm not the only one disliking my teacher, not my problem. I'm gonna take this class again but my teacher will be Miss Forman for sure. Miss Hunter  don't even know how to teach, just read the words out loud from the book and gave us a quiz. I mean she's really extremely horrible. I think my choice is right. yeah, DROP IT money lee.

|July 9th(Tue) 12:50p.m.|
what a horrible day for me, my summer class started yesterday and today I had a quiz, isn't that way too fast? well, I think i picked the wrong class, this class isn't as easy as i thought it would be. Everything the teacher talked about is hard to understand, abstract.....well, it's humanities....maybe that's the way it is. and I don't think I did well on the quiz today, I'm thinking about whether to drop this class or not, because my teacher is a really.......strict, mean, boring mid-aged woman. she like to insult everybody in the class. oh..god. I really got scare....[sigh]
My mom bought a carpet steamer, costed 200 bucks. and I washed the carpet for a whole day long, super tired. I finally bought the textbook of calculus and humanities, the txbook here are so expensive,  it just doesn't worth it. I paid US$170 for those crappy books. er....forget it. 

|July 2nd(Tue) 7:02p.m.|
well, July is here, dunno if it's good for me or what....just feel kind of emptiness. Next week I'll battle against my study again.[sigh] yesterday I was really busy, not for myself but my mom, I had to drive her to West Covina for body check up and by the evening, I had to drive her to register for adult school. I went to Sears with my parents and looking for a carpet steamer, it was really pricey. Since I've joined LA fitness, I'm looking for a swimming suit for myself, can't wait for swimming. oh yeah, I've registerd for fall already, I took ESL, MATH, and CHEM, I want to take Psychology also but no space for me, what a damn PCC.and I went to gym with bianca today, exercised a lot, feels great.
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