money lee







*Please ignore the grammar errors.
|nov 26th (tue) 1:29p.m.|
I've register for the classes of next semester, finally~ it bothered me a lot just to think which class to take or which instructor i should choose. i've register for CIS(computer information system). ESL, accounting, and hopefully i will be able to add Statistic.
last weekend, i went to christina place with bianca and karine for BBQ, so many yummy food...and we took some pics, i'll put it here later on.
thanksgiving is coming, today is my firsy day of school of this week, also the last day.......coz since i just have class every tue, thurs and fri, i don't have school on thurs and fri,(because of thxgiving), so today is my last day of this week~ and i'm so excited about that because i will go shopping with rei...maybe bianca also on wednesday....u know.....big sale always be there during thxgiving...hehe.......can't wait........
i'm falling in love with..........an online [email protected], called Inklink, well.....it was my cousin who told me about this game and i can't get rid of this game the first time i played it.....u guys should try......i should shut up coz there is an idiot watching me typing(i'm in computer lab right now), god he's so annoying.......

|nov 17 (sun) 5:25p.m.|
I went to san diego and stayed over my uncle's home this weekend(just got back 2 hrs ago), the reason i went there is to watch a new movie with cousins, which was harry potter-the chamber of secrets. the other reason is ...just wanted to make my weekend more like a holiday, the only way is get away from LA to san diego.
and i've been thinking to buy a new computer, i'm still strugging between Dell and Sony, i think both are good but dell is kinda pricey, huummm......
and i've changed my major from biology to business administration, i found out that it was quite hard for me to study biology, u know....i hate to force myself to do things...so I'd rather do sth that is within my abilities and interests..I hope i've made a right decision.
and since i've changed my major, my schedule for the next year became more flexiable, and i guess i will be able to go back to hk next summer, i really hope so. (sorry for being a bit "this and that")

|nov 3rd (sun) 1:23p.m.
woo hoo~ i had a great time this weekend. This friday, we have our small group meeting as usual, we had dinner there and discuss the matter for the presentation and talent show, and we took lots of pics for the presentation of our small group Yakult on saturda
y.(go to my photos page and take a look) and the following day i went hiking with some of the group members to a place near altadena, we just walked for like 1 hr and we felt so exhausted(i didn't do exercises for a while) we took some pics there also. and on saturday night we had a presentation and talent show of our small group in church, actually it's a tournament, there are like 10 small groups in this church and we are one of them, every group had to be well prepared for the presentation and the talent show, and fight for the championship.
and me, am one of our group members to show off my special skills on stage, I CAN MOVE MY EARS! and min min can bent her ears to 1/4 of a circle, and bianca have a smallest ears in the world---her ears are no longer than 1 1/2 inch. i know this is somwhat ridiculous, but we can't think of anything else hahahah, and we used 8 different languages to introduce ourselves, included cantonese, english, madarin, french, "folk-kin", japanese, korean and s-language, and i'm the one who choose korean. haha, anyway we lost. the champion is the group of UCLA, their group danced like N'sync on stage, that was undescribably amusing(and a bit ludicrous). anyway, i was really so happ
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