money lee







*Please ignore the grammar errors.
|Aug 31st (sat) 7:08p.m.|
woo~~a week passed away, so so busy, can i get through it to the end of the semester? i dunno.
this week i just go to school and study study stduy.....sigh.....(what am i sighing for? schoolife suppose to be like this isn't it?)
Last night was kenny's birthday, some members from the  fellowship of the church and me had a dinner with him for celebrating his birthday, i enjoyed it so much, it was so much fun!
and today i went shopping with Rei, i didn't buy that much(as always), i just bought 3 birthday cards from hallmark...... and i met her dog first time today, his name called bobo and he's cute! haha!
Last night i had couples of scary dream that involved the end of the world, dying of my parents , wars in america.......so scary, i was crying like a baby in the dream, it was so real, so details that i could even write it down and publish it as some kind of fiction. i don't wanna have this kind of dream again as long as i live.

|Aug 24th (sat) 11:20a.m.|
FINALLY , i have time to stay at home for nothing. i've been so busy this week that i was almost collasped! all i was doing this week was having and adding classes, i'm exhausted and i'm gonna stay at home all day long today for relaxing. one thing that i want to mention is I added psychology class successfully yesterday, i've been wanting to take this class since last semester, but i couldn't take it because there was no more room for me.  and the textbook for this class cost $87, isn't it way too expensive? i'm gonna file a bankruptcy. lol.....so now i'm taking 4 classes this semester, which are psychology, chem, math and ESL, wow!
and my gold credit card was approved, i got it yesterday and i'm so happy because i have a gold card! well, i'm looking forward to the platinum. my friends laughed at me that I'll eventually commit suicide of owing too much, heh~~~~whatever, as long as i know what i'm doing, no one can judge me, lol.....
my math class is getting tougher and tougher, so bianca and me decided to find one of our friend Karine to tutor us, i think she's a genius in math and she promised she'll tutor, i really appreciate it because I'm a math idiot. and hopefully i could get a B's or A's in this course...

|Aug 19th (Mon) 9:26a.m.|
I'm back form san diego and I'm currently locate in the school library, yes, my school started today, and I failed to add a class which I've been wanting to add for a long time, now I'm just waiting for the next class.Last saturday, bianca asked me to go to bbq with her again, we went to jackon's house(bianca's friend), we had a great time there and yesterday I just went to drink tea with grandma and picked them up to buy sth. god~I woke up at 5:30a.m. today(for school), that feels like hell.

|Aug 16th (Fri) 11:13a.m.
time passed so fast, it's been almost 2 weeks since i came here, and i'll go back to LA tomorrow, um....my school will start next monday, so it's better for me to get back earlier to prepare some stuff. yesterday i called my sister in hk, she changed her job, i think the company she's working for now is better than her old company, and really well-paid. and my cousins in UK told me that they'll go back to hk next summer also, i'm so glad to know that because we could meet~heh~ um....i realized that i gained some weight(it is a must everytime i come over to my uncle's home) i have to go to LA fitness more from now on. haha

|Aug 6th (tue) 4:26p.m.
well, i came over to my uncle's house yesterday, well, just want to get away from LA a while......i'll be back in a week or so. staying here is better than in LA, u just duuno what else i can do besides hang out with friends or talking on the phone or internet, and here, i think i got the world fastest internet access anytime. my pc sucks and this one is gorgeous. and i can play with my stupid cousins whenever i want. so ha

|Aug 4th  (sun) 10:43p.m.
yay, today is my birthday, ok, let me talk about last night. i went to fellowship with bianca last night, 8-9 ppls were there in our group and we talk about a  story in the bible, then 1 hr later we went out for dinner together, and at the end of the dinner, they gave me a surprise, which is a mini birthday cake and a birthday song. I was so happy because even we don't know each other that much and they just too nice for me...hahaha. and today, i went to have lunch(which was shushi)in Azuza with bianca, rei, kiki and her brother alan. because today is my birthday so i don't have to pay for the lunch, haha, they don't let me pay actually. and rei gave me 2 small little but nice presents, ha, i just love it. and just thank them for spending time with me today. I know they're really nice. I just enjoy to be with them. and later we watched the new movie"signs", um...pretty scary but little boring sometimes. anyway, it's kinda good. Ling called me this morning from hk and say happy birthday to me, very happy.
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