money lee







*Please ignore the grammar errors.
|mar 25(tue) 7:10p.m.|
Last weekend, i went on a picnic with small group on saturday. It was a chance to get away and relax and not to think about most responsibilities. We went the Malibu Bluffs Park, there's an excellent view of the pacific ocean from where we picnicked. After we finished we went to the Malibu beach to play around and we also took tons of pics there, i'll post it here sooner or later. Malibu is a very nice place to live, the atmosphere and the lifestyle there is my favorite type. And i get along so well with the small group that day, we just had a great time together :)
Almost one week of war, i can't stop watching those news about the war against Iraq, and i watched the video that the american soldiers got captured and interviewed by the Iraqi soldiers....just feel bad for them, and i hope they'll be set free soon.
Spring break is coming, it will start this saturday and i've already planned sth to do with friends, i just forgot all those ideas and i'll share it when we really have a chance to do so.
I had my Accounting exam today, feeling kinda frustrated right now, so u can see how did i do on that. sigh.....
A new movie The Core is coming out this friday and i will watch it for sure because i like its topic. It just a movie about earth's core stop functioning and how the people reactivate the core. Some said it looks horrible but anyway, i'll watch it.
so yeah, wait for the photos!

|mar 13(thurs) 1:25p.m. @ library|
YAY~~~~~~~Elizabeth Smart is found ALIVE!!!!! i'm so glad to hear that!!!!!!! the officer said the chance to  found the abducted children alive is only  2%, and this is literally a miracle!!!!
my plan for thi saturday has ruined...i planned to go an airshow in san diego on sat, but yesterday i've been informed that it's cancelled...well....seems like god really want me to study at home since i have an exam next week.
i'm pretty sure i can go back to hk this summer now, it's really like a dream for me but it's gonna happen! i haven't gone back for 2 1/2 years! i miss my friends and life in hk.
some junk e-mails had snuck into my new e-mail acct lately......i duuno why, i never release my e-mail address to the public and sigh....i don't wanna change my e-mail again.

|mar 9 (sunday) 1:57p.m.|
bianca told me that there will be a singing contest in church at the end of this april, and our group will prolly join also, and they convinced me to join as well, i'm still struggling...coz i don't sing that good, and the thing is i have to sing in front of hunderds of ppls, will i dare? god...but that is exciting! u know u have to try sth exciting once in a life time, like challenging yourself...if i really join , i have to join as a solo, oh, i can't even imagine what is that like for being alone on stage. i had danced on stage many times for the dancing competition when i was in elementary school ...but not alone. so if i really decided to join, this will be one of the unforgettable events in my life...well...but my chance is 50:50, still strugging...if karine, bianca and melissa join also, then i'll join for sure. lol. it's gotta be fun!!! so that's why our small group went to "sing k"(karaoke) yesterday, kinda like a practice, but we had so much fun.
another week is about to start...sigh...school hw school hw school hw.....

|mar 6 (thurs) 1:30p.m. @school computer cafe|
a lot of movies to watch lately...mostly borrowed from my grandparents, one more entertainment added to my list when i'm bored:)
kinda bored now, coz i got nothing to do in school except waiting for the next class(which is start at 4:30p.m.) so i have 3 more hrs to wait...all of my others friends are either having their classes or still at home, what a boring afternoon today.
i heard that there is a test ASVAB...if u pass it u can go to different branches of the military....i really want to take it coz i'm the fans of air-force, however, i think i will take it if i have a chance. and i'll go to El Centro(san diego) to watch an air-show on march 15th, can't wait.
suddenly want to thank all of my friends for spending  great time with me, they are just important for me. well thank you y'all.

| mar 1 (sat) 3:29p.m.|
listening to my favorite musics of all the time....special thanks to jackie coz it was her who help me to d/l those songs and burned it into a CD since my pc is extraordinarily SLOW.
it's friday yesterday, so i went to jackson's place for the group meeting, after that we kinda had a girl's night ; we grabbed some drinks at Golden Ground after the meeting, but only for girls, sorry, no boys allowed. so we all six gals went there, karine, bianca, christina, min min(jessie), and a new friend called melissa(she didn't talk too much, a shy girl maybe) and it turned out that we met someone we know from the church, and christina saw someone that she don't wanna see, and i saw that braggart from my english class. (right now listening to
In the end from Linkin Park) lol, and we talked a lot of girlish thing....haha, really haven't had such a girlish talk in a while. it was quite late but still the cafe was full, and we left around 12:30p.m. coz our table was reserved for others. and i gave melissa a ride home.
i've watched
Final Destination 1 and The Others today, i rented it and both were good...and i think final destination 2 is a bit exaggerated than 1....well, but to see how the people die in a nonsensical way is entertaining.
many friends had asked me which type of guy i'm really into...(u know, girlish talk).....actually, i really dunno, and when i tell people i don't have bf....they seemed so surprise....how come? can one judge someone who have bf/gf or not just by looking at their outlook? does it mean that my look makes ppl think i have a bf????  well....some people said i LOOK like a picky one, and...uh......am i?
ok, back to the topic....when people ask me what type of guy i do like.....i really have no clue...but after a long thinking last night( i laid in the bed and do a lot of brainstorming last night until 3am prolly because of that drink i had earlier, just couldn't sleep), and i think i have the answer for this question: a wit  would be my choice. lol, i'd prefer smart, intelligent, talkative, insightful, original guy rather than a handsome guy like edison chan....also, sporty, outgoing, taller than me(this is a prerequisite)um......it sounds too perfect....and if there is really a guy like this....i don't think i will be lucky enough to choose by him. lol  oh forget it...
time to finish up my hw.......
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