money lee







*Please ignore the grammar errors.
|apr 18(fri) 11:28p.m.|
bianca burned me a cd of Leslie's songs and it's great~ really have to say thanks to her and too bad that leslie is dead...
I was planning to buy the airlplane ticket to hk this summer, but since SARS is so active in hk right now, i'm struggling to go back or not.....i'm not afraid that i would get that virus, what i'm worrying is that i couldn't enter US again in this period because of the SARS...i don't want to take this risk....and meanwhile...i want to use the money to buy a new computer and find a part time job during the summer, because i need 800 hrs of internship b4 i graduate from cal-poly..and i want to start it as quickly as i can...but i'll see if hk will get better soon.
Statistic exam on monday again, i have to spend a lot of time to study b4 i take the exam everytime, luckily, i understand all of the stuff in the chapters and I'll get an A again!!! Go money!! u rock!!!
i think something is changing inside me, something... doesn't matter as long as i feel good about it~and i wonder if anybody sense that too. haha
Tmr i will meet beryl at the local library and study together, actually i have to tutor her a bit because she really need help on some problems....i feel great to help her out, haha, but should i charge her like $10/hr? just kidding~hah.( she's gonna bite me for sure if i really do that :P

| apr 6(sun) 1:42p.m.|
well, suddenly lost an hour to use....(for ppl who duuno about this, we have to set the clock an hour ahead last night for the Daylight Saving Time)...
i went to beryl's small group last night, they have meeting every saturday at her coach's place...which is located at south pasadena. it's a big and nice house~ and ppl in their group are funny.
school start again tmr, well....i don't feel that bad actually, just another busy day.
there's a construction worker comes to my house these days to fix the floor and the toilet of the bathroom, and as some of u know....the bathroom is right next to my bedroom...and he comes around 10 every morning and i was like in the middle of the dream, and he starts banging on the floor and all that....it's just so annoying and i don't have enough sleep because of that!
um...it's time to finish my hw~

| apr 5(sat) 4:59p.m.|
I've made an important decision....i chose hotel management as my new major!! because i don't like "pure business"...althought hotel management is some sort of business, but it is way more interesting and that's what i'm really interested in.. after talking to rei that day, i really think a lot....that i'm not gonna study sth which i know i can't handle and not happy with~and i can really see my future of choosing this major...i lied to myself on this matter and i'm not going to lie to myself b4 it's too late...i hope i made a right decision. and i really don't care about the time....the time require for graduation....i realized that *rush* don't do any good to myself...."haste make waste"....i think the most imporant thing throughout the study is evaluate your ability b4 u do sth...well...i really like to talk with rei because she can really makes u think deeply and correctly~ haha, she could be a successful psychologist.
will go to beryl's small group later.

| apr 1(tue) 11:00p.m.|
having my spring break right now, i had a fun moment in CBMC last saturday, i played a role as a *small potato* in the skit, hahaha, that is just funny.
I went to Malibu again yesterday, but this time, i went with rei, bianca, beryl and jenny, we went to the park and the beach and i took some pics. I really like this place.
i went to harry's home today, just for fun, bianca, vanessa, victor and eddie were there also and we watched movies and played Game Cube together( Resident Evil and Medal Of Honor), i'm not suitable to play that sort of games because it requires high IQ(but the graphics is good and i like the bloody scene)but i guess i'll just stick with Supermario, haha.
I didn't plan what to do for the rest of my spring break and i think i'll spare some time for studying and do some chores.
I'll go camping for 3 days with the church members next week. I didn't get to know the place yet but i'll ask where it is.

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