money lee







*Please ignore the grammar errors.
| aug 12 (tue) 12:21a.m.|
what a busy day for me, I had my speech today, i did ok on that, but obviously there are some speakers who surely did worse than me, but i duuno why they got a higher grade, just duuno what kind of standard does my insturctor set on. Next week is my final week, i have many things to do, just undescribable. sigh.............kinda stressed out. i need to relax this weekend and be ready for a bunch of works next week.

i went to cafe spot with beryl and wilfred after class tonite, we just chitchatted and wilfred looks so tired, i think he went to too much places with his parents. and Karine is back from hk today, so happy! I'm scheduling a day to go sing k and play mahjong with her, can't wait!!!!!!

| aug 11 (sun) 1:24p.m.|
i'm 20 now, sigh...well, i celebrated my birthday with small group last friday, and celebrated with colin and others on 8/4(colin born at the same day as mine), had a great time with all of them. took some pics, will post it here very soon.

it's toasting outside these days,  i just sweated a lot and i take shower 2 times a day, just unbearable.

well, i'm not trying to ?????again, but  since there's a sudden change on my schedule again, i guess i will go back to hk this xmas successfully, but everything is just my plan, not even confirm, but i really looking forward to that. i haven't gone back to hk for 3 years already, i'm just about to go crazy!

and this friday night, after small group meeting, i went to golden ground to drink with ah yeung , roy, beryl and bianca, this time, roy brought some of his friends and we played card games together, they were so funny and easy going~!

sigh, everybody pls come back quickly, coz it's damn bored here,  i really hope eric and jenny come back earleir so that we can play mahjong together again, sigh...........

| aug 2 (sat) 12:47p.m.|
yeah~my birthday is coming, actually on the coming monday,(aug 4th), but my small group have already celebrated my birthday last night, bianca made a Tiramisu cake for me, which tasted really good! they celebrated my bday in jackson's house, almost most of the members were there and i'm so happy~ ^_^  Roy took a lot of pics and some videos last night, i'll post it here soon. and after the celebration, we went to sing k afterwards, i brought Beryl with me also, my friends seemed getting along with her quite well, i hope Beryl had a great time with us. and I'm sure last night is one of the most happiest night throughout my life. thanks for everything god.

and today, i went to Venice Beach again(i went there last week with small group for a bike ride), this time i was with colin, jacky, justin and dorothy, i've been hearing "dorothy" this name many times from colin and trevor, i've seen her pics, but i've never met her b4 until today, she is a very nice and funny gal.
so jacky and justin went swimming and colin, dorothy and I were staying on the beach having sunbath, I've talked so much with dorothy, and i really envy her because she's a student in UCLA studying some cool stuff. then we all took a lot of freaky(really super freaky) pics today, had a super fun time with them, i hope i will get the pics soon and post it here for y'all to see! hahaha! and then we left the beach around 7:30p.m. and went to a birthday party of dorothy's friend Ah Kwun...it seems pretty weird coz i don't know that guy at all, there were many ppl that i duuno, I duuno why i'm so familiar with Ah Kwun's face, like i've seen him somewhere b4, and he told me that he used to see me in my school library very often and now i know why i'm familiar with his face haha! well, after the party, colin and jacky wanna play mahjong, but i didn't go because it was pretty late already, and my parents were just urging me to go home. so they went play mahjong at felix's home( dorothy's bf), well, altho i really wanted to stay but i guess maybe next time :)

i get to know a girl named cathy, we've never met b4 but we have a lot in common on the way we think and dealing things. i enjoy to talked with her thru e-mail everyday!!! she can see things throughly and analysis things so well!

jenny said that eric will be back to the states very soon, i'm really looking for that because i can play mahjong with him again!!!!!!

hahaha!!!! I've received a birthday card from Cynthia yesterday, i''m so happy!!! 

i'm really kinda busy lately, i have classes every mon-thrus in elac, from 4pm-10pm...sounds bad huh??!! but no way, i have to accept the fact...and i have a paper to write and a speech to propose...quite much work but i haven't done anything with it yet....so i have to really share some time tmr to finish the assignments...otherwise i'll be dead by monday. whew....another busy day.
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