Main Courses
These various different dishes could be could be considered for the Main course of your next Star Trek party, or other dining experience (trust me it will definitely be an experience)
Gagh (qagh): First seen when Commander Riker chose to honor the time honored ritual of a feast before transferring to another ship. Perhaps the most recognized of Klingon food choices, it comes in 51 different varieties, including torghud qagh, vIlDIng qagh, mIcha' qagh, etlhul qagh, and wIStng qagh. Each variety has a different flavor, and feels different as you swallow it. Shortly before her death, Jadzia Dax ordered a complete variety as a gift for General Martok's birthday. The shipment was delivered to Ezri Dax who does not appreciate (yet) the finer points of Klingon Kuisine. ("A Matter of Honor" [TNG], "Prodigal Daughter" [DS9])
Often misspelled as gagh, gargh or Qagh, the CORRECT spelling of this animal is "qagh" is unless you want to dispute "THE KLINGON DICTIONARY". According to the Interactive CD ROM game, "Star Trek: KLINGON", qagh is a "worm-like creature native to the Klingon Homeworld. A favorite Klingon Delicacy. Rarely, if ever, eaten as a replicator dish, as it is properly served live."
Here is another problem we have seen several different versions of qagh. In "A Matter Of Honor" [TNG] the qagh was a dark brown/green color. In the book "The Way of the Warrior" they have a picture that is labeled qagh, but looks more like some designer soap. One possible explanation of this is the 'Iw puj that the qagh feeds on prior to preparation for the table. Since just about any kind of 'Iw (blood) can be used there can be a great difference in the flavor of the qagh, and also a possible difference in the actual appearance of the dish.
Leftover's can be heated with the sauce to be made into qagh tlhIq (qagh stew)
According to the book "Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion" The ACTUAL recipe for qagh (used in "A Matter Of Honor" [TNG]) was long brown noodles and root vegetables. {=)
In the past I had used linguini noodles that have been boiled with black food coloring, sprinkled with some spices. Recently I found a variety of long green/string beans from China that would do QUITE well.
For qagh, as seen in "Star Trek KLINGON", I use Yakisoba Stir Fry Noodles (at least in my supermarket, found in the soy products area) and red food coloring. Place in a large bowl resembling a shallow wok, lined with several small raw Octopus (tentacles out), that have been split in half as the tentacles appear in groups of four.
Here is another recipe for qagh, submitted by Dr. Lawrence M. Schoen (of KLI fame) it is in no way near being accurate, but it can be fun anyway. I like his recommendation on proper eating of qagh.
Simply take gummy worms and smother them in Hershey's chocolate syrup. Stir well, and serve. Proper eating involves reaching into the ball and grasping a handful, raising the dripping, writhing mess (you supply the writhing) above your up-turned face, and then dropping the worms into your open mouth one by
one. Messy but very effective.
Bregit Lung (bIreQtagh): According to the Interactive CD ROM game, Star Trek KLINGON, Bregit lung is "the Breathing Organ of any of a number of Klingon beasts. Prepared in a manner that preserves its tough texture and blanched color"
Gladst (tlhatlh): or Gladst ousus bal. A dark leafy Klingon vegetable. ("Melora" [DS9])
Broiled Karada Legs: (qaraDa gham) The broiled legs of a tlhIngan Ha'DIbaH (Klingon Animal), that resembles the tera'ngan octopus. Worf ordered some while he was suffering from Barclay's Protomorphosis Syndrome. Kira was craving some when she and Odo went to the Klingon restaurant aboard DS9 for lunch. ("Genesis" [TNG], "The Sound of Her Voice" [DS9])
Emperor's Karada: (voDleH qaraDa) This dish graced the table of Riker's Last Meal (aboard the Enterprise). ("A Matter Of Honor" [TNG])
For the display that would be most accurate to the scene in Ten Forward, place a RAW octopus upside down, in a large glass bowl (approx. 8 1/2" to 10" in diameter) with the tentacles overhanging the edge. Cover the center of the octopus with what appears to be a dark (and wet) kelp.
For a more Klingon appearance display on a round shallow aluminum bowl with handles that are attached to a short stand (I have yet to find one of these for purchase, and am currently looking into making one). In a pinch an old fashioned steak plate (the oval, metal type) would probably do.
Emperor's Karada #2: This dish was onboard the Klingon vessel, Pagh. ("A Matter Of Honor" [TNG])
Hunters Karada: (wamwI' qaraDa) This dish was poked at (and some was eaten) at by the Klingon Ambassador Kell, while he instructed Geordi to kill Governor Vagh. ("Mind's Eye" [TNG])
Prepare as above, and display on a raised shallow aluminum bowl. This octopus appeared to be darker red (possibly boiled) and had what appeared to be potato salad in the center.
Enemy's Heart (jagh tIq): Literally the heart muscle of a sworn enemy. One doesn't eat the heart of a soldier killed in combat for the Empire, a Blood Oath ('Iw 'Ip) has to have been made naming the individual enemy. ("Blood Oath" [DS9])
Pipius Claw (pIpyuS pach): The marinated claws of the pIpyuS, a Klingon avian.
Racht (raHta'): This dish was quite clearly served LIVE! Half-dead, racht is NOT acceptable to the discerning Klingon Gourmet! ("Melora" [DS9])
Bashir is clearly seen consuming one, but this appeared to be a clear plastic fishing lure, a mostly clear gummy worm *may* have been used.
Scrag: The roasted haunch of the killer garbat marinated in its own blood and treated with ten different spices. This is concidered one of the finest achievement of the Klingon culinary arts. It tops CMO. Beverly Crusher's list of Klingon foods that are completely indigestible by tera'nganpu. Cmdr. Riker had the unpleasant experience of consuming a portion of scrag with Worf and Alexander, for which he got a dingwally of a tummyache. A full serving would have proven lethal. ("Debtors' Planet" [TNG Novel #30])
Slimy Tongue Balls: I'm not sure if that is what I saw in the episode, but in the audio cassette "POWER KLINGON", they talk about this dish, and it sounds about right.
A possible substitution for beet stems could be rhubarb stems, it is important to make sure that the stems are dark reddish-purple and stripped of any green.
Stuffed Todbaj Leg: The audio cassette "Power Klingon" introduced this Klingon delicacy. The todbaj is a small animal which has a lot of legs, and usually a tough skin. Once in a year, at the time of QI'lop (a Klingon holiday) the todbaj expand their bodies. To allow for the expansion, the todbaj's skin gets soft and less thick. During the holiday, tradition dictates that a meal of soft stuffed todbaj leg is brought to the house of the host. After the meal the guest is allowed to take one, non-sacred, item home.
To eat the stuffed todbaj leg, you use your teeth to tear the skin and without the use of utensils you eat the contents, and the skin.
Each Klingon house has a special recipe for the preparation of todbaj legs. Use this as a guide to prepare this popular dish in your house:
Remove and dice the muscles of the legs. Mix with diced naH (fruit or vegetables -- the word for each is the same in Klingon) and add unsweetened liquid yuch(chocolate) to smooth the mixture.
Once mixed, stuff the empty legs. Serve. (cold)
Recipe was sent by Koror, based on a recipe from the Klingon literary magazine "jatmey"
Heart of Targ (targh tIq): According to the Interactive CD ROM game, Star Trek KLINGON, Heart of Targ is "the heart of the Targ beast. Although Targ are bred for food throughout the Empire, the heart of the bred Targ is considered weakened by domestication. Only the heart of the Wild, Hunted Targ is considered worthy of eating, making it a rare delicacy.
In "A Matter Of Honor" [TNG] it appears to be cows liver placed on a bed of shredded dark leafy vegetables and light vegetables (Our missing leafy portions from the klingon drinks?). My gelatin version of my Rokeg Blood Pie could serve as a substitute for the liver (with more food coloring added).
In "Star Trek: KLINGON" it appears again to be a raw liver placed on a bed of green leafy vegetables (Iceberg lettuce?) with a garnish of pineapple rind
Targ Klingon a la Mode: A menu item at the "Cafe des Artistes" translated from the French, it came out to be "A small targ makes with vanilla icecream served on a dish of the day and fish. Served with the bynar
calcinings and parslais." ("We'll Always Have Paris" [TNG])
Zilm'kach (tlhImaqaH): A Klingon side dish. ("Melora" [DS9])
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