Gotta Give

2003 **** 128 mins.

Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton ignite the screen in this wonderful romantic comedy about a 63 year old bachelor (Nicholson) who is notorious for dating younger women. Diane Keaton plays the mother of the girl he is currently involved with. After Harry (Nicholson) has a heart attack, he begins to fall for Erica (Keaton). Harry's doctor (Keanu Reeves) also falls for Erica. Erica is, obviously, smitten for both of them. This film is much less cliche than one may be led to believe. This is a fun film that is sure to do more than just tickle your funny bone. The only drawback to this film is that it seems to drag on a bit too long. After a point, you begin to think "Okay, it's almost over," only to be confronted with 45 more minutes of film before the credits. Otherwise, this is a great comedy.
Rated PG-13 for sexual content, brief nudity, and strong language.

Jack Nicholson + Diane Keaton + Keanu Reeves + Frances McDormand + Amanda Peet + Jon Favereau

Written and Directed by
Nancy Meyers

Other Films with:
Diane Keaton - The Godfather, The Godfather Part II, The Godfather Part III, Manhattan, Play it Again, Sam, and Twin Peaks (Television Series)
Jack Nicholson - Batman (1989), Chinatown, Head (1968), Mars Attacks!, The Shining (1980), and The Two Jakes
Keanu Reeves - Action (Television Series), Bram Stoker's Dracula, The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, and The Matrix Revolutions

Motion Pictures
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