1990 *** 137 mins.

Although this film is not as good as its predecessor, Chinatown, this is still an entertaining little film. Jack Nicholson returns as Jake Gittes, private detective who investigates cheating lovers. When his newest client murders the man who is with his wife, all hell breaks loose. Seeing as how this film is written by Robert Towne, the story is, once again, very complex. Jack Nicholson and Harvey Keitel are top-notch as the title characters, and Meg Tilly is her usual beautiful self in a role that has a rather odd connection to the first film. This film does have a similar fault as its predecessor: it is just too long.
Rated R for violence, profanity, and sexual content.

Jack Nicholson + Harvey Keitel + Meg Tilly + Madeleine Stowe + Eli Wallach + Ruben Blades + Frederic Forrest + David Keith + Richard Farnsworth

Written by
Robert Towne

Directed by
Jack Nicholson

Other Films with:
Harvey Keitel - From Dusk Till Dawn, The Last Temptation of Christ, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, and Taxi Driver
Jack Nicholson - Batman (1989), Chinatown, Head (1968), and Mars Attacks!, The Shining (1980), and Something's Gotta Give
Meg Tilly - The Big Chill and Psycho II
Robert Towne - Chinatown, Mission: Impossible, and Mission: Impossible II

Motion Pictures
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