Hello everyone and welcome to the Stories section of Angel Fluff. Feel free to poke around if you'd like. If you're feeling a bit confused on where to start, I suggest a short story (preferrably "Maria" or "Deals"). If you're in the mood for a good story, TV and Cameras and Music and Things is the best, Nothing Rhymes with Korea is the second-best. I recently revamped this section. I'm known for my love of my Log stories, as you can tell by looking at how many of them there are. To catch you up on which is which, Log 1 is not here (and never will be), and neither is Log4. They're listed in order: Log2, Log3, Log5 is the Zac and Ginger Trilogy, Log6 is The Kris Trilogy, Log7, Log8 is Circles, Log9 is Spilled Milk, and Log10 is In the Morning. The newer ones are the best, obviously, but if you're daring you can attempt to read Log2 or Log3. I'm not exactly proud of them, but I wrote them, and they're staying up here. I hope you enjoy whatever you read, and feel free to email me with any typos, link errors, or general comments.

3/30/06--Updated version of TV and Cameras and Music and Things is up

Sit back, relax, and enjoy.


Short Stories

Angel ('99)

The Dark Room ('01)
Log2 ('98)

Angel (Revised) ('03)

Darling Jenna ('04)
Log3 ('98)

Ben ('03)

Deals ('01)
The Zac and Ginger
Trilogy ('99-'00)

The Bodyguard ('98)

Dear Isaac ('03)
The Kris Trilogy ('00)

Destiny ('98)

Ecstasy ('00)
Log7 ('01)

The Faux Trilogy ('00-'01)

Friday ('00)
Circles ('03)

Full of Grace ('01)

Hmph...Typical ('00)
Spilled Milk ('03)

Nothing Rhymes
With Korea ('02)

I'll Be Home For
Christmas ('00)
In the Morning ('03)

Reality ('99)

Jenny ('98)

Dying to Live ('04)

TV and Cameras and
Music and Things ('01)

Maria ('01)


_ Missing the War ('00)_

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