Horse Dictionary...
Any horse-related phrases you may have come across on this site can probably be found here. Note that they are not in exact alphabetical order, due to the constant addition of new words. Eventually they will be aranged correctly.
Sloppy Jeaux
Apple, jolly (noun): a toy made for horses in the shape of an apple, often apple-scented. They got a jolly-apple for their horse.
What's a skink? B
Bit (noun): the metal bar that goes in a horses mouth from which hang down the 'shanks' to which the reins are connected. Jeaux did not like the new bit.
Bridle (noun): 1. the contraption you put on a horse's head to make them go where you want, to which th ebit is connected. The new bridle was placed on Blaze.2. (verb) to place a bridle on a horse. Please bridle the horse.
Blaze's Words of Wisdom
China eyes (adjective/noun): a horse's eye that has a white or blue iris. Common in roan coloring. The roan had beautiful china eyes.
Chronic Laminitis (noun): when the laminae (see Coffin Bone) inside a horse's hoof becomes detached, casuing the bone to rotate downwards. (See Rotate and Founder)
Coffin Bone (noun): the bone inside a horse's hood attached the to inside of the hoof by laminae. The coffin bone will rotate.
Collic (noun): 1. An illness caused by the ingestion of bad grass, poison, too much feed, sand, or other various reasons. Mackie got collic.2. (verb) The act of getting collic. The horse will collic after eating that.
Cow-Kick (noun): 1. what you call it when a horse kicks straiht out to the sie with one leg. Blaze will cow-kick Jeaux.2.(verb) the action of doing the above-mentioned motion-thingy. Blaze has cow-kicked Jeaux.
p (verb): a small bucking motion in which the horse brings two back feet straight up off the ground. Mackie crow-hops frequently.

Mackie's Corner
Jeaux's Jubilee
Horse Dictionary
Tips and Tidbits
Good Reads
Western MudSnake
Equine (noun): 1. another name for a horse. Blaze is an equine. 2.(adjective) Term used to describe anything horse-related. We attened the equine clinic.
Equestrian (noun): 1. another name for a horse rider. She was a true equestrian. 2. (adjective) or anything to do with horses.It was a thrilling equestrian event.
Flying Squirrels
Farrier (noun): someone who shoes horses and trims their hoofs.
We had the farrier come and shoe Mackie.
Founder (verb): an illness usually caused by collic or virus in which the horse's coffin bone rotates downwards. He foundered after collicking.
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Graze (verb): what you call it when an animal eats grass. Horses graze throughout the day.
(noun): 1. a cloth contraption similar to a bridle placed on a horse's head to which a lead rope is attached to lead them. Beaux had a blue halter. 2. (verb) the action of placing a halter on a horse. Please halter Blaze.
Headstall (noun): see bridle.
Latigo (noun): a knot used to tie cinch-straps on western saddles. They tied a latigo knot.
Lunge (verb): the act of connected a long rope (lunging rope) to the halter and making the horse go in circles around you, often at different speeds, to excercise or practice obedience, cues, or ground manners. This is often accompanied by and accomplished with a lungeing whip. I am going to lunge the horse once we get inside the arena. 2. (verb) the act of a horse (or any creature, actually) baring its teeth and making a sharp, forward motion with the neck in order to thrust their head forward toward their opponent and often bite them. Blaze will lunge at Jeaux if he bothers her during feeding time.
Rear (verb): 1. a motion in which the horse stands on two back feet. Mackie reared gracefully. 1. (noun) a horse's butt. Blaze's rear is narrow and slopes downward, typical of the Tennesee Walking Horse.
(noun): a coar color on horses in which hairs of different colors are evenly distributed over the body, giving a grizzled affect, such as red-on-white, black-on-white, etc. He had roan coloring.
e (verb): when the coffin bone in a horse's hoof begins to move downwards, usually resulting in euthanasia. It's a product of foundering. The coffin bone had rotated.
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