Name: Mackie/GunSmoke/ The Mac Attack
Former Name: Mackie
Age: 11 years old
Breed: Good ol' Quarter Horse
More About Mackie...
And here's The Mac Attack's page. Oh, wouldn't he be pleased? Anyway, Mackie is a short, fat, sorrel (red) Quarter Horse who does not like to be ridden. He frequently bucks, rears, and nips. However, he cannot buck worth a flip so no worries. ; ) We thought he was over-weight (you would, too, if you saw him) but the vet told us he was actually close to being his ideal weight. Quarter horses. Good, clam, trail horses, but they sure as anything weren't bred for grace.Oh, and he HATES flyspray. It started out as a fear of spraying things (except for the water hose- he loves that), but because the kind of spray we used smelled like citronella, he now has a fear of that scent, too. Don't get me wrong, now. He's a great horse. A little... stubborn... sometimes, but we love him. Mackie's interests include food, Blaze, food, rolling, food, ocassional nipping, food, being groomed, and food.

On December 18, 2004 Mackie and the other horses got out of the fence and on the road. Mackie was hit by a car and killed. We miss you so much, Mackie! You were there from the start, and I wish I could have been there with you through your darkest hour. But Good Ol' Mackie, you were stubborn enough to walk all the way back to the barn before you took the StarWay to the Great Pasture. We all miss you, Mackie.

And here's the Mac-Attack.For once he wasn't abseloutely filthy. He loves to be dirty.
Mackie's Theme Song: Rough and Ready
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