People of Tetbury in 1735

Harewell, Horich, Horrell, Howell, Howings, Harkum, Harmer, Harper, Harris, Harrison,

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All dates are converted to new style (year starting on Jan 1st) and shown as year - month - day.

Harewell, Horich, Horrell, Howell

Elizabeth Horrell wed William White 12 Aug 1672
Ely Horrell wed Cristian Manbee 17 Aug 1674
Mary Horrell wed John Bowlton 7 Nov 1674
Christian Horrel wed Richard Evans 5 Feb 1704

Elbertt Howell wed Elizabeth Wilks 4 July 1653
Mary Howell of Horsley wed William Weedell 8 May 1658
Elizabeth Howel wed Stephen Nelms of Slimbridge 23 Nov 1703

The Hearth Tax at Tetbury
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
March 1664 Anthony Howlgon 2 hearths Ladyday Chargeable

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 B 19, Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698
Page 11, Eli Horrell for the Shoulder of Mutton and Chief rent of Widow Ind's house 7-10-0
Page 06, Ely Horrell house 2-0-0
Page 15, Ely Horrell for Shoulder of Mutton 7-0-0

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Not in Census William 35 and Richard 60 (Horrell)
Joseph 40, his wife 40, John 13, Mary 10, Elizabeth 7 and William 4 (Howell)

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 M3 - 1746 417 members of the Court Leet Page 5 Edward Harewell
D 566 M4 - 1754 439 members of the Court Leet Page 2.2 Edward Harewell
D 566 R 2/2 04-Apr 1754 Mr Harewell paid 2/6, attended second meeting of Society to raise money to build new church
D 566 M5 - 1762 507 members of the Court Leet Page 6.2 John Harewell

D 566 B 2/5 - 1746 William Horrell paid to the Trustees 3-4-2 for weighing wool and yarn 1745-6
P 328a OV 3/1/2 05-Sep 1751 Joseph Howell and his wife Mary belong to Beverstone Overseers agree they can live in Tetbury, provided they are no charge to Tetbury Overseers.

In Overseers Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
Poor relief Rate, 20 Jul 1742, Page 56 Richard Horrell 1-00-00
Page 58 Horrell estate or Occupier 2-00-00

1742-3, Page 62 Edward Harewell Overseers of the Poor in Tetbury appointed by Vestry for one year,
Page 191 Edward Harewell Appointed as Overseer by Justices of the Peace 18-Apr 1744
Page 277 Edward Harewell Overseers approving Rate 17-Feb 1745 (Old date)
Page 281 Edward Harewell a Vestry member appointing Overseers 31-Mar 1746 (Old date)
Page 425 Edward Harewell Ratepayer of Tetbury Apr 1747

In Overseers Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1749-59
Rate set at 4/- in the Pound, listing by streets is new in 1754
7 Charlton Late Horrill 2-0-0 or occupier
64 Long Street, downwards Edward Harewell 1-0-0 stock
On 28-Jul 1755 Farmer Howell Surveyor of the Charlton bridges 17-0

Edward Harowole is a tenant mentioned in Edward Esbury's Will, dated 1746/154

Two generations later, Zebulon Harewell, of Trouble House near Tetbury, is mentioned in the Will of William Winterson proved 1807/110

John Howell 1720, Yeoman, married 17560304 to Jane Corbert 17221114 - 17650226 aged 42, and baptised Jane 17560429 - 17740613 aged 18, John 17571215, Joseph 17590225 and Henry 17641020 - 17670226 lived 2 years.
John baptised Thomas 17700520 as his 'reputed son' and John Howell married 17700530 to Sarah Cook who baptised Mary 17770202 and Richard 17810604.

Joseph Howell baptised Mary 17250714, Elizabeth 17280201 and William 17310523 (as Horohall).

Richard Harewell was buried on 17391015.
Richard Howings buried his wife Hester 17670529.

William Horich's Widow Hester was buried 17661002, aged 79
Now (1 Oct, 2000) I think Richard appears to be the deceased Richard Horrell in the Overseers Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49 - based on the KISS style of 'Keep it simple, Sweetie'.

See Ken's information here.

Martha Harewell, 1725 - 17851117, married 17500619 to John Ralph the Baker, 1720

Ely Horrel was buried 17030817. This appears to be Elizabeth - see her Will.

Will of Elizabeth Horrell 1703/218

Elizabeth Horrell made her will 1 Nov 1696 and it was proved 1703
She left one shilling each to her brother William Horrell and his sons William and Nicholas Horrell
To Christian Horrell, wife of William, I give all my remaining property and appoint her my sole executrix.

Will of Samuel Horrell 1807/151

Will written on 9 April 1807, and is Proved in 1807
To nieces Sarah wife of James Kilmaster, Hester and Hannah Matthews, and Mary Matthews otherwise Bennett, 10 pounds apiece
Give my wearing apparel to my two brothers William and Thomas Horrell
My sisters Sarah wife of John Finch and Margaret Ludlow widow ... Appoints Stiles Rich of Didmarton and William Brookes of Elmstree joint executors

William Howes left a Will in 1826, reference 1826/250

James Howell left a Will in 1832, reference 1832/221


Thomas Harkum buried his daughter Mary on 17660815.


Men of 1608 - John Harman and William Harme, both Short, weaver, 20y

Deborah Harmour wed Toby Hobbs 17 Mar 1665
William Harmer wed Mary Purnel 27 Feb 1703
Mickel Harmer wed Elizabeth Wathing 16 June 1709

The Hearth Tax families in nearby places
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
1671, 1672 Rodborow Tithing Thomas Harmer Discharged

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Not in Census William 43

Court Leet Roll 1735 - William p12.
William Harmer 1687 guess, baptised his son Samuel 17200224, not at Tetbury. He appears to be in Tetbury during 1735, and attended the Court Leet (meeting).


John Harper married on 17190205 to Elizabeth Garaway

In Overseers Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
1742-3, Page 52 Widow Harper deceased Ratepayers in Tetbury rate set at two shillings in the Pound, 2-08-00


Men of 1608 - Richard Harris, Hatter, short, 40y
James Harris wed Hanna Ritcherson 22 Oct 1669
Rebecca Harris wed Robert Cull 19 Feb 1671
Ritchard Harris wed An Browning 14 Aug 1677
John Hannis wed Abigail Wicks 20 Dec 1677
James Harris wed Joan Burnett 16 Oct 1698
Elizabeth Harris wed Robert Tomson 1 Jan 1700
William Harris wed Jane Washfeld 16 Oct 1709
Jone Harris wed Richard Pope 19 Aug 1713

1683 Christopher Harris became a Feoffee (a life appointment)
1684 Christopher Harris was Churchwarden

The Hearth Tax at Tetbury
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
March 1664 Widow Harris 2 hearths Ladyday Chargeable
Oct 1671, Oct 1672 Christopher Harris 10 hearths Little Silver Street
Oct 1672 James Harris 1 hearth, Poor Discharge Certificate
Hearth Tax families in nearby places
1671, 1672 Cherington Thomas Harris 1 hearths
1671 Horsley Christopher Harris Exempt
1671 Minchinhampton Jeremy Harris 1 hearths
1671, 1672 Minchinhampton Jeremy Harris 1 hearths
167, 1672 Minchinhampton William Harris Discharged
1671, 1672 Woodchester Robert Harris 2 hearths

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 R 1/6 23-Apr 1725 William Harris received 1/- from Madam Hodges Charity of 10 pound for the Poor
D 566 Z 20 Voter list 1734 Thomas Harris column 1

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
William 54, his wife Jane 49, and his son John 11
Thomas 48, his wife Joan 44, and his three sons Thomas 8, William 5 and Samuel 1
Not in Census William's daughters Mary 25 and Joan 18
Catherine 11, daughter of Thomas

Court Leet Roll 1735 - Thomas, William

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Harris William House 14.08&w *1cd 3ch
He 1681-46Jane 1686-59 John 1724-
Harris Thomas House 4.05 &w 3cd5ch
He 1687-68Joan 1691-66
Thomas 1727-William 1730-64 Samuel 1734-8

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 Z 20 column 2, about 1736 Thomas Harris provided a horse, in a list supporting the Tetbury annual Races
D 566 M3 - 1746 417 members of the Court Leet Page 14 Thomas Harris, Page 9 William Harris
D 566 R 1/22 26-Dec 1749 Widow Harris received 1/- of the annual Langstrom and Maltby Charity money
D 566 M4 - 1754 439 members of the Court Leet Page 7.1 Thomas Harris, Page 5.1 William Harris
D 566 M5 - 1762 507 members of the Court Leet Page 7.2 Thomas Harris, Page 6.2 William Harris

In Overseers Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
Page 407 James Harris to Philip Lacey 06-Apr 1747
1742-3, Ratepayers in Tetbury rate set at two shillings in the Pound, Page 50 Thomas Harris 2-08-00
Page 407 Widow Harris receive an allowance each 4 weeks 06-Apr 1747
Page 385 William Harris funeral costs 17-Nov 1746

In Overseers Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1749-59
On 01-May 1749 Widow Harris received 4/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 04-Feb 1754 James Harris was paid 2/- to go out of the house
On 04-Feb 1754 Widow Harris received 4/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 04-Mar 1754 James Harris was paid 1/-
On 20-May 1754 Widow Harris received 4/- allowance each 4 weeks
Rate set at 4/- in the Pound, listing by streets is new in 1754
8 Charlton Richard Harris 2-10-0 for Sealy's
26 Long Street, downwards Thomas Harris 2-8-0 now occupied by Thomas Terrill
On 23 Jan 1758 Widow Harris received 6/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 11 Dec 1758 Widow Harris received 6/- allowance each 4 weeks

Bigland recorded
In the churchyard, on a headstone
Thomas Harris died 22 Jan 1767 aged 81
Joan his wife died 25 Sept 1768 aged 78

Ann Harris, Widow buried 17320402, is Ann Browning who married Richard 16770814, hence must be aged about 80.

James Harris baptised Elizabeth 17000119, Hannah 17011126 - 17120606 aged 10, Mary 17040126 and James 17060901.
James Harris 17060901, son of James, baptised his son James 17380805.

Richard Harris married 16770814 to Ann Browning. She was buried a Widow, 17320402.

Richard Harris married 17381105 to Margaret Webb, 17110301 - 17620810, daughter of Cornelius aged 52, and baptised Anne 17391019, William 17420401 - 17700227 aged 28, Richard 17460819 died, Margaret 17480320, John 17500401, Thomas 17520720 and Jane 17530923.

Richard Harris was named by Ann Clay as father of her male child born 7 Feb 1778 The Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor records, Reference P328a OV 5/3 dated 15 Apr 1778

Thomas Harris 16871017 - 17680122, son of William and Sarah Harris baptised at Deerhurst aged 81, married 17240426 to Joan Ceacey 1691 - 17660925 aged 75 and baptised Catherine 17250219, Thomas 17270727, Joseph 17290720 lived 6 months, William 17301228, and Samuel 17340221 - 17380122 aged 4.

Will of Thomas Harris 1771/91

Will made 1 Jan 1767 and Proved 25 May 1771 by son William Harris
To my daughter Catherine, 10 shillings and a gold ring
To my daughter in law Sarah Ball one shilling
To my son William Harris all my house, garden and household goods, and appoint him my sole executor after paying all my debts and fumeral expenses.

William Harris 16810207 - 17461101, son of Richard, aged 66, was in the Bishop's Goal London when his son William was baptised at Tetbury 17061029.
He married 17091016 to Jane Washfield and baptised Mary 17100621, Richard 17121121 - 17260606 aged 13, Hester 17150508 lived 15 months, Joan 17170827 - 17410725 aged 23, Ann 17190416 lived 11 months and John 17240524.

William Harris a Tailor, 17301228 - 17640406, son of Thomas, aged 33, married 17550630 to Mary Holt 17280630, daughter of John, and baptised Betty 17560110 - 17610306 aged 5 died of Smallpox. He is described as a Staymaker when baptising James 17620622 and Elizabeth 17630105 - 17641229 , who was buried after her father died, and John 17640323. His wife is not named.


George Harrison baptised his son Randall 17220614.

The Hearth Tax families in nearby places
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
1671, 1672 Avening Thomas Hanson 2 hearths
1671 Horsley Austin Harison Exempt
1671, 1672 Horsley John Harison 2 hearths
1671, 1672 Horsley Thomas Harison 3 hearths
1671, 1672 Horsley Widow Harison 3 hearths
1672 Woodchester Daniel Harison Discharged

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