lamp 02 lamp02
Jaris' Poetry
Page 5
book 3

i have a prayer
that is the justice of equality
that we are indeed created equal
and we willingly share all that we have
and all that we are
to bring about that equality
our knowledge, our resources, our love
of our brothers and sisters
intimately connected
let us lift one another
and climb to the heights
for the sights of a magnificent vista
that awaits us
at the peak of our humanity
so that we may fulfill
the potential of our godhood
let our prayer be love
in all its glory and fullness
love can transcend all boundaries
love heals all disparities
love sees no separation
to prevent communion
love looks directly into both eyes
and receives the gift of another
two souls recognizing their source
i am in you and you in me
we are God's children
and can still touch
the innocence of unknowing
the place where logic cannot reach
where truth is spoken without speech
an inner wisdom you cannot teach
it is the serenity of acceptance
between beings
that is of greater import
than all of science's wonders
than all the machinations of politics
than all the meanings of language
we are created equal
and this a truth
we hold to be self evident
this is the prayer of our forefathers
that longs to be fulfilled
let us join in that prayer
and lift ourselves
to the heavenly attitude
of one love
of one heart
of the unification
of all beings
as the eyes of God
I honor the God within.

biology meets physics
like the tail and the head
of a serpent called logic
who hands you the magic
on a wild goose chase
for the gander
you hand her the keys
to Rapunzel's tower
and all your dungeons
bludgeoning dreams
like flowers in September
dismembering the powers of true vision
a collision of society and sanity
sending you off to charm school
and summer camp
to induct you into the necktie club
choking off the umbilical connection
to natural living
inviting the inevitable rejection
of intuition's gifts
you can no longer hear
the voice in the wind
or the whispers of trees
that speak to your cells
restructuring genetics
to harmonize with a changing universal vibration
biology meets physics
in our ability to surf the circuits
of hyper-dimensional phone lines
calling home
to hear the voice of universal Mother
to make the choice
of recovering the lover
Eros unleashed
shadow boundaries breached
unmasking layer by layer
personas melting
under the intense heat
of love's catalytic conversion
the analytical surgeon
entertains charmed quarks
in the final dissections
of divisible reality
biology meets physics
and fits like a mated glove
traveling from one end of the universe
to the other and back
in one beat of the cosmic heart pulse

Atom 2

it is upon Terra
where we create ourselves
through the endless challenges and involvements
of earthly bodies meant to break down and die
our actions and reactions
every thought, word, and deed
reveals the true nature of our souls
a vast kaleidoscopic jungle of scenes
of which we are the stars
in a movie watched by angels
guardians of our future
who decide how much interaction
is appropriate for growth
of this or that certain person or group
incremental revelations
designed to enlighten
take away the heaviness of burdens
and bearing the brunt
of bruises in the four bodies
of body, mind, heart, and spirit
a witness to our choices and consequences
the oversoul lifting itself up
by its bootheels
we are but one creation
in the lap of God the Unmanifest
all beings great and small
the legions of light and darkness
one family
the healing of race relations
is the healing of the split
between the labeling of evil and good
we are all of the same cloth
all born of the same womb
of Mother Creatress
children of the cosmos
and siblings forever more
connected through love, acceptance, joy
through peace, abundance, fun
through freedom, gratitude, and respect
we pray for all beings
to come to realize
their sacred connection to all of life
and to join as one
as celebrants of the gift of coming together
as harmonious sisters and brothers
in the cosmic dance of life

The moon is a harsh mistress.

tonight there was a ring around the moon
as bright as could be
that lasted for hours
a beautiful moonbow
glowing and auspicious
staring down upon the Earth
perfectly executed
infinitely exacting
and yet
the simplest display of form
the circle
a symbol of completion, of cycles
of movement and unity
just in merely staring upwards
there was a transformation
in my consciousness
i was filled with awe
and was drawn into
cosmic union
the connection to the universe
that is drawn through one's hara
in the sublime interaction
of the retina receiving
the reflected rays of sunlight
of that frequency
of that particular energy level
of moonlight
thrown to that outer ring
like an atomic energy shell shift
triggering a neurotransmitter
in the brain's chemistry
that shouted to the core
of the reptilian limbic system
echoing through the fissures
of that gelatinous think tank
like a liberty bell
a call to arms
for the legions of neurons
to touch the sacred
and feel a spark
of the vital essence
which animates
all of life

let us be as messengers
to one another
laying down our pieces
to the grand puzzle
we're looking at the big picture
in its enormity, in its complexity
the unfathomable intricacy
of the web of existence
this piece connects to that one
and an unseen bridge
appears in the distance between them
exposing their connections
their commonality
signposts pointing to their source
a higher order comes into focus
thread-like filaments
of the superstrings that weave the fabric
of worlds
these are the vibrational interactions
of interpersonal relationships
bringing us closer to our Gods
the source is revealed to us
through the myriad connections
we feel and experience with one another
we become aware of parts of ourselves
that find expression
in a way we've never seen, felt, or experienced
except through the interaction
of the uniqueness of another individual
evoking from deep within
new landscapes, new connections
new pieces of life's puzzle
the equations of unification
synthesis of our common ancestry
these are the gifts of communing
godliness revealed through love and curiosity
through a million subtleties
of speaking
soul to soul
we are messengers
fairy 5
of a large and colorful truth
helping one another
to fit more of the pieces
into the picture of life

we all know there's lots of things wrong
Utopia is a long way off
and there are no trains
going off in that direction
but i see people walking there
and if you walk long enough and far enough
you're bound to find yourself
and that's what you're really looking for
your home is where your feet touch this earth
on any and every point on the surface of this bubble
we are connected to Gaia's body
nestled within the biospheric nucleus
of Mother Earth
as natural an outgrowth of life
as a blade of grass
it only remains for you to decide
to feel your naturalness
the completeness of who you are
where you are
without any sense of lack
within your core self
desires are much clearer, simpler
and easier to fulfill
awareness of your greater self
brings increased harmony with all of creation
utopia will not be built by the hands of men
but emerge from the body
of realized beings
aware of the unity of all life

if i don't just start
it may never come about
i wait for words
to pop into my head
like listening for secrets
i keep from myself
holding a question
like a candlelight vigil
waiting for the miracle of inspiration
to drive up like the postman
delivering me messages
some valuable package
to unwrap like a birthday gift
the anticipation of having
of getting, of owning
and the moment arrives
i stare blankly, briefly
then the gnawing hunger
of the need for the next fix
starts me growling
nothing ever satisfies wholly
or brings me fulfillment
there is always the next line
that answers my incompleteness
and the next line arrives
only to fall short
so it lies beyond
as i frantically race
toward my finish line

in some future day
we shall open our doors
to a refreshing breeze
that carries a strong prana
to fill our lungs
an air of vital nourishment
the breath of truth and love
will spill forth
from the body of humanity
after we have showered
in the waterfall
of our collective hopes and fears
when all desires have found fulfillment
and we have been washed clean
our slates wiped
at the end of a long and dark stretch
of our karmic path
we will be as the newborn
with eyes wide and innocent
free of the judgement and biases
of thousands of years
of cultures and familial traditions
of political stance
and nationalistic dividing lines
no longer able to decimate forests
and choke the skies with toxins
no longer able to lift a hand
to condemn another life
as inferior to our own
no longer able
to chain another in any way
to work for our gain
a respect will arise
between beings
ones who bore witness
to the lack of it
and its inevitable end result
world wars were not enough
to teach this lesson
in this century
it is yet a harsher one
that we are yet to swallow
the bitterest pill
to purge us of the vomit
that is our current world-view
the stench of our insanity
hangs in the air
like a bloated landfill
we wallow in the muck
of our own soiled diaper
sadly unaware that we need a change
but from far-off voices in the wilderness
come the winds of change
saying it is time to grow up
time for the maturity
of the god-infused individual
to bring a new heaven
to a new earth
a time to proclaim
our nakedness in truth
and our boundlessness in love

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If you enjoyed some of my poetry, please let me know; I'd love to hear from you. And if you have some poetry you'd like to share, feel free to send it to me. I always enjoy reading a person's poetic insights.

Here's some more poetry from a friend I met at the annual national of the Rainbow Gathering this year. His name is "the Bard". Be sure to drop by and visit his Temple while you're there.


�2000 by Jaris Dreaming
[email protected]
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